The Purple tree is terribad IMO. Can someone (Liam?) make something better? A 2x2 large magnolia with colerable leaves would look AWESOME in place of those...
But I loooove everything else actually. The way you did the "M" is very creative, the misters in the line, the op booth, the exit stairs and all are very nice. I love the gift shop and the fountin is great to.
I'd maybe add some additional columns in the station or make the roof flat, the little floating dormers look awkward. I'd also add more seating or details to the patio area, its empty currently.
And maybe finish up the rest. Can't wait to see more from this.
Mistral is a very strong wind, which typically occurs in the south of France. Hold on very tight, because Mistral is taking you up for a wild ride across the beach!
The Purple tree is terribad IMO. Can someone (Liam?) make something better? A 2x2 large magnolia with colerable leaves would look AWESOME in place of those...
But I loooove everything else actually. The way you did the "M" is very creative, the misters in the line, the op booth, the exit stairs and all are very nice. I love the gift shop and the fountin is great to.
I'd maybe add some additional columns in the station or make the roof flat, the little floating dormers look awkward. I'd also add more seating or details to the patio area, its empty currently.
And maybe finish up the rest. Can't wait to see more from this.
Haha Liam, I don't guess you saw my comment.
It is a shame the benches are glitching trough the lines, but overall great screen!
I love the textures on those walls, and i think the purple trees work very well here. Looks great!
Good job man! I would however change the top part of the station roof, the texture as well as the colour. But otherwise a really solid screen.
Personally, I love everything about this shot.....except for one thing, that bank-flat-bank right turn out of the station