the giant batwing is an interesting idea for a dive machine. not sure its the most aesthetically pleasing in rct though. I think we need to see more themes than water and rocks also!
The batwing is certainly novel, although I think it could do with being further away from the land on the far side, by which I mean it might be even more impressive if it was in the centre of a larger lake, with appropriate theming around it (I don't know what the theme is, but maybe crashed ships, a sea monster, some kind of natural disaster etc.). I also think there could be more landscape interaction, particularly near the end where, at the moment, it just sidles past the rocky hills rather than over and through them. There's a lot of potential with this which I think you should explore further into.
the giant batwing is an interesting idea for a dive machine. not sure its the most aesthetically pleasing in rct though. I think we need to see more themes than water and rocks also!
The batwing is certainly novel, although I think it could do with being further away from the land on the far side, by which I mean it might be even more impressive if it was in the centre of a larger lake, with appropriate theming around it (I don't know what the theme is, but maybe crashed ships, a sea monster, some kind of natural disaster etc.). I also think there could be more landscape interaction, particularly near the end where, at the moment, it just sidles past the rocky hills rather than over and through them. There's a lot of potential with this which I think you should explore further into.