Looks like everything has been given a facelift! The reel coaster looks cool, the way it stays tight to the jagged hillside, and it's a great layout for keeping everything compact and allowing for a load more rides to be built (assuming you're going for the scenario goal?)
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Liampie Offline
Chocotopian Offline
Looks like everything has been given a facelift! The reel coaster looks cool, the way it stays tight to the jagged hillside, and it's a great layout for keeping everything compact and allowing for a load more rides to be built (assuming you're going for the scenario goal?)
robbie92 Fan Offline
This is awesome
Angroc Offline
I love campaign related stuff. Especially this one!
GammaZero Fan Offline
Literally sex.
Poke Offline
Looks great.
amblerk Offline
That reel is a great effort. Love it!