Very nice, a bit glitchy though. I'd choose for a different thumbnail than the current one as it shows one of the brown paths and they are kinda ugly and sticking out. Also, did you resize the picture? It looks kinda fuzzy.
very nice, extremely detailed too! i do think you should add more to the paths though, that still feels a bit barren but that's because of the unfinishedness no doubt. i especially love the station. maybe with some more (brown) rockwork this could really spring out and liven up the area
Some really interesting stuff going on here. Dislike the dark paths and the monorail fences. Curvy monorails don't fit in this extremely angular environment. The theming is all spikes and things and the monorails are just too smooth.
The area around the Skyway station is a mess. I'd drop the glitchy monorail idea and clean that area up a little and then this would be a top notch screen.
i had a fail with the format. the brown paths don`t rest. they server as help.
But thanks
very nice, extremely detailed too! i do think you should add more to the paths though, that still feels a bit barren but that's because of the unfinishedness no doubt. i especially love the station. maybe with some more (brown) rockwork this could really spring out and liven up the area
The 2x2 towers seem a little under-supported. I'd almost switch the style of openings you have on the top with the one you have on the bottom.
I like this. not messy for me. I like messy
This is some high-caliber stuff. Very impressive. I'd reconsider the monorail track in the middle if I were you though.
PBJ Offline
great screen!
But maybe to clean for me.
The coasterstation is grey. But the path on the wall is grey as well.. give it some texture!
the brown roof of the coasterstation has a "wrong corner" on the right side of the screen!
The area around the Skyway station is a mess. I'd drop the glitchy monorail idea and clean that area up a little and then this would be a top notch screen.
Nice work!