This is brilliant, excellent custom, I need to learn how to do that stuff as I'm not very au fait with the hacking side of things. Is there a tutorial on it somewhere? Love the detail of the staff service area's as well. Great stuff!
Thanks everyone! Some good name suggestions as well...
Are the colours for the flat okay as is? I just don't want there to be too much brown despite the prehistoric theme, and I know I've gotten a suggestion to make them a bit more unique/interesting.
@Cocoa: Will do haha, I just wanted to showcase the custom flat and probably the best sign I've ever built.
@amblerk: It's not a functioning flat ride. Basically, it's just a combination of a lot of zero-clearance and Map Object Manipulation to try and make it look good. The hardest part is trying to find a flat ride to re-create.
you're doing really great with this, man. the only thing that i feel lacking as of now is that everything is the same shade of brown; vary that, add some much needed deep reds, yellows, pale purples and greens, and this will be pretty much perfect
Prehistoric Pendulum?
That custom flat almost has a LL vibe to it. Very nice.
very excellent work. love it all, especially the vibe of it. I'd love to see some real park bits and not just backlot next screen
I actually love this screen. The custom flat is very clean and the peach is a great accent.
Really nicely done. Impressed by your work yet again.
This is brilliant, excellent custom, I need to learn how to do that stuff as I'm not very au fait with the hacking side of things. Is there a tutorial on it somewhere? Love the detail of the staff service area's as well. Great stuff!
damn this is good
I would change the color of the dinosaur, but otherwise, wow.
One of the best customs I've seen, Tidy, impressive and stylised. Nice work. As for names, maybe: Raptor Revolution, Stegoswing, Dino Duel...
Thanks everyone! Some good name suggestions as well...
Are the colours for the flat okay as is? I just don't want there to be too much brown despite the prehistoric theme, and I know I've gotten a suggestion to make them a bit more unique/interesting.
@Cocoa: Will do haha, I just wanted to showcase the custom flat and probably the best sign I've ever built.
@amblerk: It's not a functioning flat ride. Basically, it's just a combination of a lot of zero-clearance and Map Object Manipulation to try and make it look good. The hardest part is trying to find a flat ride to re-create.
you're doing really great with this, man. the only thing that i feel lacking as of now is that everything is the same shade of brown; vary that, add some much needed deep reds, yellows, pale purples and greens, and this will be pretty much perfect
wow so good.
Its the Sex
I have dreamed of receiving this comment from you ever since I saw it for the first time...RCT life made.
@Shotguns: I was desperately trying to think of alternative colours that I could use, as well as more interesting accent colours. Thank you.