Screenshot / Baron 1898
- 24-December 14
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So, I decided to get some practice on architecture, so I took a concept-art drawing of the new B&M Dive Coaster in the Efteling and tried to make a recreation of it. It came out pretty well for the first try.
I don't know if I continu to build on this project, maybe when the complete lay-out and area are reveiled. - Full-Size
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Super G Offline
Here is the original concept-art:
Ling Offline
I think you have the right idea, but it's too squat/fat for its width.
zxbiohazardzx Offline
man im so waiting for it.
the reason this feels flat is cause you lack depth elements for the font gate and the arch above it. also you dont get the feel of the whole building behind it
zxbiohazardzx Offline
as reference:
the 3d version of the render