very very brown. a lot of grey too. you really need to add in more colour with more foliage and perhaps a different type of path. i'd recommend changing the colour of the paths in the building and changing the type of the footpaths that are around it. also add some more things like wood (in another colour than this sort of brown). some more planters wouldn't hurt either. though i must say, this is really good for a first project! that's pretty impressive
The paths in the building? You can't really see those paths, or do you mean the stairs and the little platform? My inspiration came from a little picture I found on Google, it is really brown actually, but I tried to make it like that picture: http://www.estatepla...ages/estate.jpg
Don't know if I may post a link like that, but otherwise I can't show my inspiration picture.
What do you mean with the wood? Cause with a estate I really don't see any wood used?
But thanks, I'm trying to be as good as some of the parkmakers around here ^^
well that building has some variation in the brown. and not to forget that it still has other colour than brown and grey around, like green. not to forget the huge scale of the building, your building seems to be 10 times as large as the thing you drew inspiration from.
You've certainly done well for a first screenshot.
I'm not sure the roof quite fits, it suggests a metal roof, when this type of building would most likely be tiled. Apart from that it's very nicely done. You've been brave with a large, blank, flat wall, but it works in this instance.
Apart from the roofs this is looking awesome. Have you considered diagonal paths? You can make much more flowing patterns if you use them. I think my 'Catherine Palace' in my profile has diagonal path objects in the texture you used.
i agree with liam, and now that you added in the salmon this looks really good. maybe add some planters on the path? just some patches of grass with a small neatly cut tree
I don't like the change to salmon. I think it was fine as brown/gray. I agree about the roofs, as the other have mentioned, but I didn't notice them until after they were pointed out. The issue I do have is the doors. I'd like to see some grand archway, or at least a covered entryway with larger doors than what you have now. Those ones have always looked like service doors to me.
Apart from the roofs this is looking awesome. Have you considered diagonal paths? You can make much more flowing patterns if you use them. I think my 'Catherine Palace' in my profile has diagonal path objects in the texture you used.
I tried the diagonal paths, but I can't do it with the grass part, I don't know how to make the other half of the tile grass, casue when I raise the land to show up some grass, the path dissapears..
I will check on the roofs.
I don't like the change to salmon. I think it was fine as brown/gray. I agree about the roofs, as the other have mentioned, but I didn't notice them until after they were pointed out. The issue I do have is the doors. I'd like to see some grand archway, or at least a covered entryway with larger doors than what you have now. Those ones have always looked like service doors to me.
I understand that, I am still thinking about it. I can always change it, so I'm just building with the salmon color right now.
For the diagonal paths to work, you need to lower the corner where you want the path, colour that land in a different texture (like the yellow grid or something), place the diagonal path tile above the 'hole', and lower it using Map Object Manipulation in 8cars. I don't know if you'll understand, but it can be done. Cool screen!
You would be better off either using the same stone texture but a salmon colour OR a different texture with the same colour rather than both in my opinion.
As Faas said; diagonal paths can be done with MoM in 8cars but I don't know how experienced/inexperienced you are with it so might be worth just doing some reading about 8cars and how MoM works.
Agree with Louis about the roof; tiles are the way the go here. I do like the off-white path choice though, maybe try to different with a darker colour between the path and brick though - eg use a dark brown/grey 1k deco trim wall and place that between the path and the brick (surrounding the stairs). I think the wall and path blends a little too much at the moment.
For the diagonal paths to work, you need to lower the corner where you want the path, colour that land in a different texture (like the yellow grid or something), place the diagonal path tile above the 'hole', and lower it using Map Object Manipulation in 8cars. I don't know if you'll understand, but it can be done. Cool screen!
Did it, thank you!
You would be better off either using the same stone texture but a salmon colour OR a different texture with the same colour rather than both in my opinion.
As Faas said; diagonal paths can be done with MoM in 8cars but I don't know how experienced/inexperienced you are with it so might be worth just doing some reading about 8cars and how MoM works.
Agree with Louis about the roof; tiles are the way the go here. I do like the off-white path choice though, maybe try to different with a darker colour between the path and brick though - eg use a dark brown/grey 1k deco trim wall and place that between the path and the brick (surrounding the stairs). I think the wall and path blends a little too much at the moment.
Welcome to NE!
I am now trying the samen stone texture with salmon color and it looks better. Still figuring out how to do the roof, but it will come eventually.
I will look into the path! Thank for the feedback!
very very brown. a lot of grey too. you really need to add in more colour with more foliage and perhaps a different type of path. i'd recommend changing the colour of the paths in the building and changing the type of the footpaths that are around it. also add some more things like wood (in another colour than this sort of brown). some more planters wouldn't hurt either. though i must say, this is really good for a first project! that's pretty impressive
The paths in the building? You can't really see those paths, or do you mean the stairs and the little platform? My inspiration came from a little picture I found on Google, it is really brown actually, but I tried to make it like that picture: http://www.estatepla...ages/estate.jpg
Don't know if I may post a link like that, but otherwise I can't show my inspiration picture.
What do you mean with the wood? Cause with a estate I really don't see any wood used?
But thanks, I'm trying to be as good as some of the parkmakers around here ^^
well that building has some variation in the brown. and not to forget that it still has other colour than brown and grey around, like green. not to forget the huge scale of the building, your building seems to be 10 times as large as the thing you drew inspiration from.
That's true, for my story behind the park it has to be a little bit bigger
I will look into it, I already changed the path around it to a white kind of path.
The green will come, but because of the size it will become clear when the whole building is finisched!
Thanks for the feedback to help me improve my rct2 skills
EDIT: Picture added
This is the state of the building right now
Welcome to the site!
You've certainly done well for a first screenshot.
I'm not sure the roof quite fits, it suggests a metal roof, when this type of building would most likely be tiled. Apart from that it's very nicely done. You've been brave with a large, blank, flat wall, but it works in this instance.
Well done!
Thanks, Louis!
I chose this roof because it was the only roof in the pack with 2 different banking. Don't know if I'm saying that right, but I hope you understand.
I changed it a bit, look at my post before this one
More feedback is always welcome!
I understand what you mean, perhaps try a combination of the normal tile roof and the tile roofs in this screen:
But if you don't have them either, then fair enough. It looks good as is, just trying to help you improve it
Apart from the roofs this is looking awesome. Have you considered diagonal paths? You can make much more flowing patterns if you use them. I think my 'Catherine Palace' in my profile has diagonal path objects in the texture you used.
i agree with liam, and now that you added in the salmon this looks really good. maybe add some planters on the path? just some patches of grass with a small neatly cut tree
I don't like the change to salmon. I think it was fine as brown/gray. I agree about the roofs, as the other have mentioned, but I didn't notice them until after they were pointed out. The issue I do have is the doors. I'd like to see some grand archway, or at least a covered entryway with larger doors than what you have now. Those ones have always looked like service doors to me.
I tried the diagonal paths, but I can't do it with the grass part, I don't know how to make the other half of the tile grass, casue when I raise the land to show up some grass, the path dissapears..
I will check on the roofs.
I understand that, I am still thinking about it. I can always change it, so I'm just building with the salmon color right now.
I know about the doors, I will look in to it.
For the diagonal paths to work, you need to lower the corner where you want the path, colour that land in a different texture (like the yellow grid or something), place the diagonal path tile above the 'hole', and lower it using Map Object Manipulation in 8cars. I don't know if you'll understand, but it can be done. Cool screen!
You would be better off either using the same stone texture but a salmon colour OR a different texture with the same colour rather than both in my opinion.
As Faas said; diagonal paths can be done with MoM in 8cars but I don't know how experienced/inexperienced you are with it so might be worth just doing some reading about 8cars and how MoM works.
Agree with Louis about the roof; tiles are the way the go here. I do like the off-white path choice though, maybe try to different with a darker colour between the path and brick though - eg use a dark brown/grey 1k deco trim wall and place that between the path and the brick (surrounding the stairs). I think the wall and path blends a little too much at the moment.
Welcome to NE!
Did it, thank you!
I am now trying the samen stone texture with salmon color and it looks better. Still figuring out how to do the roof, but it will come eventually.
I will look into the path! Thank for the feedback!
I would keep the salmon colour brown, I didn't notice the change at first, but yeah, better brown.
You've put my faith slightly back in the community. It's always nice to see new members that take suggestions on board and learn new things.
You lost your faith in the community?
^It's a long story.
Glad you didn't post it, since I don't read long stories on the internet
But yeah, rofl, really cool that you try to incorporate tips and tricks, it will hopefully make you a really good RCT player someday.
i'd say he's already good, listening to people's advice and tips will make him a great player!