Amazing man, I love this project! Not that I necessarily think that it HAS to be done always, but I think it would look better if you put dirt under the path this time.
I would agree with Faas here, in that differentiating path from the grass would work better on a full-tile than the weird not-quite full-tile that paths work on by default. Either full-tile paths or changing the ground texture to dirt or the dark sand would help I think.
Amazing man, I love this project! Not that I necessarily think that it HAS to be done always, but I think it would look better if you put dirt under the path this time.
You're looking at your first accolade for sure with this project...
Cool shop, I like it. Good use of variety in your buildings, keeps it interesting. Looking forward to more.
Looks a bit Paulish. I like it.
this... this sort of feels haunted to me? idk why.
love it.
Not bad, just a little small.
I would agree with Faas here, in that differentiating path from the grass would work better on a full-tile than the weird not-quite full-tile that paths work on by default. Either full-tile paths or changing the ground texture to dirt or the dark sand would help I think.
I will check out, if the path looks better with the dirt underneath.
Very good. You're proving an eye for negative spaces in that screen.