Screenshot / NCSO --- Theatre


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Fizzix%s's Photo

    An NCSO theater that's not a Grauman's Chinese Theater! I'm looking at you, nin. What's there is great, but what's not really detracts.

  • RCT2day%s's Photo

    Those white dots above the entrance, is that the sign object?  If so then I hate you.  I had just used something just like that in my project.

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    Really glad you extended that path out a tile; looks really great. Although the emptiness does detract a little from the screen, it takes nothing away from how awesome your NCSO work is; based on what you've shown of this it will certainly be up there with my favourite RCT2 parks of all time when finished.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    Really glad you extended that path out a tile; looks really great. Although the emptiness does detract a little from the screen, it takes nothing away from how awesome your NCSO work is; based on what you've shown of this it will certainly be up there with my favourite RCT2 parks of all time when finished.


    I can easily compress the path tiles, and when building it it felt a little bare to me

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Really nicely done.


    Only comment is that the big oak tree would be blocking the view of the theatre and therefore making guests not know what the building is. I think an ornamental tree or smaller bush would work better.

  • TorreSnorre%s's Photo

    sexy asf

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    i love it, i would say that toilet building doesn't really fit the rest though, you might want to give it some more context

  • ida%s's Photo

    Beautiful, you had me wondering how you did those fences in the top section of the screen. I really like them. And obviously everything else in the sreen too. I'd only suggest doing something else with the red fences in front of the building to the right, they seem a little vibrant whilst the building isn't, maybe try changing the colours to black or something.

  • csw%s's Photo
    Good technical work, but what's the theme? Is there one?
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    Alrighty then, I placed the bathrooms in another, more sensible, place, and compressed the pathway by 1-2 tiles


    Thanks for the crit, you guys

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    Ditch the oak for sure. 


    Lights+benches (especially in front of theater) and trash bins would really finish this off. 

  • Pacificoaster%s's Photo

    very nice man!

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    Thanks guys


    If you saw rob's stream, you noticed where I orginally moved the bathrooms to. They are moved yet again to stop the thematic ambiguity in that area, that and that white building.


    I'm planning to pretty much upload a screen a day. Today's was the main street, Tomorrow's is the docks

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