One of my favorite screens from you, ever. I like how your archy is getting bigger and more refined. The only building that sticks out to me, and I don't really care for is the one with the brown awning, although I do the like how you were trying to break up the styles there.
I don't like the red brick path, *here. Not that I would rate you lower or anything, just my tastes, I suppose. I agree with putting more supports, or changing the design under the boardwalk too.
This screen just reminds, and reaffirms to me, why I like you so much as a player. I would say this screen is reaching about 85% of it's potential, as you could add even more details. You are really starting to push out some quality work, well done man.
You've heard some of my comments on stream, but I'll add some more here:
Love the virginia reel, would maybe try to have the purple texture that comes out of that building a little more rounded though. Looks quite jagged at this point though, might just be this particular angle but I'd maybe prefer the more rounded object instead of the triangle on the very edge.
I think that you can quite easily get away with the Lorem's exactly as it is now, IF you change the line of wood underneath the sign to something different [brick maybe]. Then there is a more defined separation between that building and the corner. Even if it's supposed to be part of the other building [spare space that a souvenir stall has been put into] there should be some level of separation. Alternatively, completely combine the corner building and Lorem's by getting rid of the sign and replacing that with continued detailing.
My only problem with the Tropicana building is the extended entrance cover. I think that the flat section of it kind of kills the boardwalk vibe. You may be better off going for a normal flat awning cover [can keep the same objects for it]. Instead of angling it, get rid of the corner pieces and leave it like that. The issue is that by angling the roof you're separating the building too much from the others, which doesn't occur anywhere else and separates where you don't want it to.
Everything else is great though. I'd personally make the purple cover 1/4tile shorter, but I don't think there's too much wrong with it in it's current state.
I agree with Coups that there's maybe room to better support the boardwalk where you've the netting at the moment [you could probably just use the thin rails there]. Also, I'm not entirely sure I get the purpose of the grey stairs that go into the water. Is it just water access? Because if so then I think that there's probably too many. You could even make another, lower, pathway and then have the water access off-shoot from that. At the moment I just feel that there's too many stairs, especially given the rather odd positioning [no access to the path except through a patch of grass].
I feel like the supports will look too square (as tall as they are wide) if I make them any closer, and I don't like how that looks.
That was a side goal. I wanted everything to fit together as a whole, but I didn't want any part of it to feel "the same" as another part, so I tried to avoid that.
Glad you like it. Sorry to hear that you don't like the brick path. It's one of my favorite objects.
I ignorantly replaced the rounded piece, in the bench thinking "I'm not going to have any rounded roofs! I won't need this!" so now it's gone and I'd have to find something else to remove to add it back.
I like the Lorem's ideas. I don't understand what you mean about Tropicana at all, but maybe that's because I'm really tired.
That building's being moved inside the park. I have a space for it, and it makes more sense there I think. The style of building made more sense inside the park, I felt, and it also makes for a good walk-through, which this new spot was asking for.
With the Tropicana roof you've got it rounded at the moment [with the corner pieces]. I'm saying replace the corner pieces with the normal roof and extend the flat portion 1/4tile on either side. So the entire roof is the same as the other awnings, just 1/4tile further out.
i think the boardwalk needs more supports
I love how each building actually has it's own identity - something that most people forget about when building a terrace/facade like this.
One of my favorite screens from you, ever. I like how your archy is getting bigger and more refined. The only building that sticks out to me, and I don't really care for is the one with the brown awning, although I do the like how you were trying to break up the styles there.
I don't like the red brick path, *here. Not that I would rate you lower or anything, just my tastes, I suppose. I agree with putting more supports, or changing the design under the boardwalk too.
This screen just reminds, and reaffirms to me, why I like you so much as a player. I would say this screen is reaching about 85% of it's potential, as you could add even more details. You are really starting to push out some quality work, well done man.
You've heard some of my comments on stream, but I'll add some more here:
Love the virginia reel, would maybe try to have the purple texture that comes out of that building a little more rounded though. Looks quite jagged at this point though, might just be this particular angle but I'd maybe prefer the more rounded object instead of the triangle on the very edge.
I think that you can quite easily get away with the Lorem's exactly as it is now, IF you change the line of wood underneath the sign to something different [brick maybe]. Then there is a more defined separation between that building and the corner. Even if it's supposed to be part of the other building [spare space that a souvenir stall has been put into] there should be some level of separation. Alternatively, completely combine the corner building and Lorem's by getting rid of the sign and replacing that with continued detailing.
My only problem with the Tropicana building is the extended entrance cover. I think that the flat section of it kind of kills the boardwalk vibe. You may be better off going for a normal flat awning cover [can keep the same objects for it]. Instead of angling it, get rid of the corner pieces and leave it like that. The issue is that by angling the roof you're separating the building too much from the others, which doesn't occur anywhere else and separates where you don't want it to.
Everything else is great though. I'd personally make the purple cover 1/4tile shorter, but I don't think there's too much wrong with it in it's current state.
I agree with Coups that there's maybe room to better support the boardwalk where you've the netting at the moment [you could probably just use the thin rails there]. Also, I'm not entirely sure I get the purpose of the grey stairs that go into the water. Is it just water access? Because if so then I think that there's probably too many. You could even make another, lower, pathway and then have the water access off-shoot from that. At the moment I just feel that there's too many stairs, especially given the rather odd positioning [no access to the path except through a patch of grass].
I feel like the supports will look too square (as tall as they are wide) if I make them any closer, and I don't like how that looks.
That was a side goal. I wanted everything to fit together as a whole, but I didn't want any part of it to feel "the same" as another part, so I tried to avoid that.
Glad you like it. Sorry to hear that you don't like the brick path. It's one of my favorite objects.
I ignorantly replaced the rounded piece, in the bench thinking "I'm not going to have any rounded roofs! I won't need this!" so now it's gone and I'd have to find something else to remove to add it back.
I like the Lorem's ideas. I don't understand what you mean about Tropicana at all, but maybe that's because I'm really tired.
Glad you like everything else.
Shame you decided to change that building on the very end. It was really nice before, and whilst it's nice now, its just not as ornate.
Good job on making that building less like hollister too
That building's being moved inside the park. I have a space for it, and it makes more sense there I think. The style of building made more sense inside the park, I felt, and it also makes for a good walk-through, which this new spot was asking for.
Good to hear it hasn't been scrapped!
With the Tropicana roof you've got it rounded at the moment [with the corner pieces]. I'm saying replace the corner pieces with the normal roof and extend the flat portion 1/4tile on either side. So the entire roof is the same as the other awnings, just 1/4tile further out.
I'm saying change it to the one on the right.
Very awesome, i like it
I love this... the concrete steps down to the water are a great touch. I still don't know how you got so good so fast.
Great mix of buildings.
Lovely variation between all the buildings. The very bottom left part looks a little unfinished though.