Turkish architecture = domes. I'm sold. I'll echo what others have said about the triangular awnings though I know how you feel about them. Perhaps if the objects were more screen-like and not 100% opaque they would blend in better. Keep it up
great form. Even though in real life a lot of turkish architecture is grey/beige/white, I would change the gray domes to a brighter color; right now it looks dreary and dull. Besides, if this is a theme park, it doesn't need to be accurate to real life.
Impressive made custom flat ride, but the screen is way too unfinished and I don't get a Turkish feeling at all...
disneylhand Offline
Turkish architecture = domes. I'm sold. I'll echo what others have said about the triangular awnings though I know how you feel about them. Perhaps if the objects were more screen-like and not 100% opaque they would blend in better. Keep it up
Needs to be more ornately coloured for a stereotypical Turkish theme.
This aqua blue doesn't really give the right impression.
The only thing I don't like are the colors. Doesn't really feel Turkish. Form is spot on though. Good job rob.
great form. Even though in real life a lot of turkish architecture is grey/beige/white, I would change the gray domes to a brighter color; right now it looks dreary and dull. Besides, if this is a theme park, it doesn't need to be accurate to real life.
nice way to use those awnings to facilitate path flow, lol
Don't change any color, it looks verry realistic and I'm for sure the overal look will be impressive ! Looking forward to have a look in this park !