I think you've shown this before, I vaguely remember it. Would be cool if you finished it, especially if it's close to completion you should do it, but otherwise maybe it's a good idea to recycle the good bits. Layouts and colour/texture combos mostly.
If you're finishing this, please get rid of the inverted impulse coaster. The green really harms the atmosphere of the entrance plaza.
I think the bizarro logo could be a little better integrated with the surrounding path [at the moment the change from path to logo is too obviously gridded - would look better diagonal either along the purple edge or with thin black strip in between]. The entrance sign looks really great though.
I personally don't mind the impulse too much, more so that the colour isn't very nice to look at [in comparison to the rest]. You really don't want such a bright green to be as prominent in a dark, gotham area.
It's really up to you whether you finish it or not; would obviously be great to see some more work from you! If you like the layout then go for it.
As long as you're having fun, please finish it!
If you're finishing this, please get rid of the inverted impulse coaster. The green really harms the atmosphere of the entrance plaza.
I think the bizarro logo could be a little better integrated with the surrounding path [at the moment the change from path to logo is too obviously gridded - would look better diagonal either along the purple edge or with thin black strip in between]. The entrance sign looks really great though.
I personally don't mind the impulse too much, more so that the colour isn't very nice to look at [in comparison to the rest]. You really don't want such a bright green to be as prominent in a dark, gotham area.
It's really up to you whether you finish it or not; would obviously be great to see some more work from you! If you like the layout then go for it.