Screenshot / Another oldie
- 21-September 14
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As said in the previous screenshot, I recently came across a load of old parks in my e-mails. This one is the start of a Disney park with the entrance actually themed around Pirates of the Caribbean.
This is from around 2009, so still a fair few years old. - Full-Size
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FK+Coastermind Offline
This still looks very good, considering its 5 years old. Love the vibe
ida Offline
I LOVE those entrance gates, they look awesome and fit very well with the wonderfully themed buildings, rockwork and foliage. Awesome detailing and everything, i love it.
Liampie Offline
Xeccah Offline
trav Offline
Thanks FK and Wouter. This was built when the smaller objects first started really appearing so it still looks pretty relevant today.
Liam, I started an Alton Towers recreation but didn't get any further than Towers Street, Old McDonalds Farmyard and air but I couldn't find that in the e-mails. I did then decide to turn air into a separate thing though, and I found an early version of that with just the station and layout complete. I could upload a screen of it but there's really not much.
I also had a Tussauds style park I started which had a couple of areas finished. I've found that but on the whole, the quality of work was pretty low, even compared to Project K.
Shotguns, I'm not sure what you mean when you say something to bind the archy together, but either way it's been 5 years since I built this so I was much worse at composition than I am now. I'd love to do something like this again though, a proper pirate design or something. People always attempt the pirate theme but I can't remember the last time I saw one that really does it justice.
Zenosbleed Offline
This made in 2009? Was it finished?
BelgianGuy Offline
is this what I think it is?