Who DOESN'T open the whole thing? People don't? This definitely doesn't deserve such a low rating just because of a thumbnail right?
It does look a little blocky and repetitive, especially the houses on the top-right screen and the top-left screen... really, i thought gdb did too much white already, but you've definitely shown that it could be much worse. I really suggest adding more variety, more colours or windows or other details would be appreciated. Besides that, everything looks gorgeous!
My point was that people might not open it if all they see in the teaser is a strip of purple grid. Many might assume it's just another unfinished screen, and not even bother checking it out.
Is someone just voting every screen 20~30% as soon as it's posted? Am I the only one noticing this trend?
The detailing is way over the top. The colors don't really mix, and I'm not a huge fan of this style (I'm sure I've seen it before...) but it's interesting. The foliage is lacking and I'm not sure why there are green rocks. Moss or something?
I get that they're the same buildings from a different angle, but i mean the white and the red building. The white one looks like a big rectangled block spammed up with white trims, it looks good but at the same time very bulky and boringly detailed because there's waay too much white and trims on it. The red building is just the same supports over and over again. It lacks variation. Some pillars would look great there, to break up the array of supports.
Thank everyone for comments (and critics). It's always pleasant.
Why did you change the thumbnail ?
Is someone just voting every screen 20~30% as soon as it's posted? Am I the only one noticing this trend?
In french
Je remarque de plus que les autres images que j'ai postées (précédemment), ont également été l'objet d'une attention particulière. Certaines personnes semblent sans vergogne et profitent de l'anonymat (ou pas) des votes (sans doute très relatif) pour descendre les travaux de certains "créateurs". C'est dommage de sanctionner si durement et sans fondement réel le travail réalisé. Pour le coup, ça semblait compulsif. Je ne sais pas si un débat a été ouvert sur ce sujet, peut être pour rendre public le nom des votants ainsi que leur vote. Je ne suis pas tant pour une justification du vote que pour un regard sur des attitudes contre-productives. Chacun en est plus ou moins victime, ce n'est pas bien grave mais ça peut être un motif de mécontentement si ça se transforme en "lynchage" répété ou même par des cas isolés (il n'y a généralement pas un grand nombre de votes non plus).
Seeing this and thinking, yea it looks fantastic but I just can't imagine you finishing anything while building at this level of detail. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
I'd adjust the thumbnails on the screen. You're only showing an ugly purple strip right now, unless people open the whole thing.
Who DOESN'T open the whole thing? People don't? This definitely doesn't deserve such a low rating just because of a thumbnail right?
It does look a little blocky and repetitive, especially the houses on the top-right screen and the top-left screen... really, i thought gdb did too much white already, but you've definitely shown that it could be much worse. I really suggest adding more variety, more colours or windows or other details would be appreciated. Besides that, everything looks gorgeous!
My point was that people might not open it if all they see in the teaser is a strip of purple grid. Many might assume it's just another unfinished screen, and not even bother checking it out.
Is someone just voting every screen 20~30% as soon as it's posted? Am I the only one noticing this trend?
The detailing is way over the top. The colors don't really mix, and I'm not a huge fan of this style (I'm sure I've seen it before...) but it's interesting. The foliage is lacking and I'm not sure why there are green rocks. Moss or something?
I love this so much! It reminds me of when I was little and would build entire cities in RCT because I thought just building theme parks was boring!
i love your work so much, its incredibly fresh. i'd love for you to finish and release something, if thats even possible with your style
those buildings seem repetitive bc theyre the same building.
I get that they're the same buildings from a different angle, but i mean the white and the red building. The white one looks like a big rectangled block spammed up with white trims, it looks good but at the same time very bulky and boringly detailed because there's waay too much white and trims on it. The red building is just the same supports over and over again. It lacks variation. Some pillars would look great there, to break up the array of supports.
I don't like this sort of stuff.
I do! Very artistic, even if it lacks practicality
Ver-co Offline
Thank everyone for comments (and critics). It's always pleasant.
Why did you change the thumbnail ?
In french
No, I can't.
tdub96 Offline
Seeing this and thinking, yea it looks fantastic but I just can't imagine you finishing anything while building at this level of detail. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.