The composition of the bridge arch is stunning; but in my opinion there are too many stairs and not enough flat section. I'd be tempted to get rid of two stairs on either side and making that flat (although I guess the issue there would be having to sacrifice just how beautifully curved that arch is).
I especially like the mushrooms used as the rounded steeples.
How did you get that UFO object into LL?!
The composition of the bridge arch is stunning; but in my opinion there are too many stairs and not enough flat section. I'd be tempted to get rid of two stairs on either side and making that flat (although I guess the issue there would be having to sacrifice just how beautifully curved that arch is).
I especially like the mushrooms used as the rounded steeples.
That bridge... wow, I'm at a loss for words.
PBJ Offline
Bridge... *drool*drool*drool*
the bridge is awesome, the rest however looks like I've seen it done by you better...
seems like photoshop
Integration of the flume is a bit poor but I love it anyway.
Also lol @ zxbiohazardzx
please tell me that this time turkish airlines didn't crash in a dutch field
PBJ Offline
it where UFO's that crashed the plane!
Those pizza stall roofs... this is so good it actually too me awhile to realize it wasn't RCT2.
FullMetal Offline
Everything about this is incredibly amazing!
I am stealing that bridge idea, just saying.
The bridge is great I just wish the center was a little longer. The rest looks a bit like old school x-sector work.