the rockwork is definitely a good idea, it would probably spice things up a bit. as for the coaster tracks, simply because i think they look good together and make this a bit more unique, and afterall it's fantasy so i don't have to apply to too much real life rules
Sure, you haven't really gone 'all out' with it, but I definitely think that this certainly portrays the idea that you were going for. Just put like a space-base/outpost on top of the outcropping instead of simply having landscaping.
decided to try out some fantasy. plus i've always wanted to do a design, but always failed to make a layout i was happy with, now i have that. anyways welcome to (nearly) terraformed mars!
I think you could go a bit more overboard with this, support work is decentbut the rockwork is a little too flat, try having it more extreme in places
Also I don't really get why you'd mix in those tracks without any real purpose...
^I completely agree. You really have to sell the theme, as I learned with Miasma
the rockwork is definitely a good idea, it would probably spice things up a bit. as for the coaster tracks, simply because i think they look good together and make this a bit more unique, and afterall it's fantasy so i don't have to apply to too much real life rules
I don't know; I kind of like it...
Sure, you haven't really gone 'all out' with it, but I definitely think that this certainly portrays the idea that you were going for. Just put like a space-base/outpost on top of the outcropping instead of simply having landscaping.
Terraformed Mars? I'm excited. I'd go for more rockwork and try to go all out on the alien landscape idea.