Those lifthill supports are great as well! Mind if I jack them for Python/De Vliegende Hollander? Wait a minute...
Seriously though, good start.
I still don't get your beef with the supports, I've used supports like these on loads of Arrows :/ 2x2 box supports aren't realistic to me, 2x3 are, which is why I use them and always have in RCT2
Those loop supports are phenomenal!!!
Mind if I jack them for BGA?
Those lifthill supports are great as well! Mind if I jack them for Python/De Vliegende Hollander? Wait a minute...
Seriously though, good start.
This is textbook arrow. I love the supports.
Amazing. Love me some Megalooper.
Such a wonderful ride, I miss it dearly. Great job so far on this re-creation, much better than the crap version that comes with the game
I still don't get your beef with the supports, I've used supports like these on loads of Arrows :/ 2x2 box supports aren't realistic to me, 2x3 are, which is why I use them and always have in RCT2