Screenshot / Top Thrill Area


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Chaotic, but I think it works. It got a unique atmosphere too, which is a great achievement for such a relatively generic area. I got a few suggestions to make it better.

    - Maybe use another texture for the yellow roofs, I assume it's supposed to be a different material than the actual roofs in the area

    - I don't like the soda pop sign as it is. Delete the concrete arches underneath or make the concrete frame the sign complete. It's weird how it just stops.

    - Maybe give the parasols each their own support, this one looks out of balance a bit too much.

    - Black+white/red roofs for the vending machines in the queue is a bit too much. Pick one colour scheme (I'd go with a single colour here, so probably red).

  • tyandor%s's Photo

    This has a lot of potential, but I think you over-patterned this area. You need to find a better balance in this chaos.  

  • JJayMForce%s's Photo

    Why not just make a recreation? 

  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Maybe make the path grid 2x2 ?
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Austin55, on 21 Jul 2014 - 9:45 PM, said:

    Maybe make the path grid 2x2 ?


    This is a good suggestion.

  • FredD%s's Photo
    Thanks for all the suggestions! I'll execute them all except for the parasols. I've seen one of those so I know it is possible without extra support!

    I'm not going for a recreation, I find it way more fun to build freely than getting every detail right so it looks like the real one ;)
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I'm also surprised you hid the queue entrance, tucked away behind the gift shop. That shit should be central!
  • FredD%s's Photo

    Can't move the shop too far to the right or I have way too much path... Maybe I can move it 2 or 3 tiles so at least the entrance statue is more visible.

  • Corkscrewy%s's Photo
    It's not easy to look at. I don't mean that it's bad by any means. Just something about the composition makes it uncomfortable to look at. Haha
  • RCTER2%s's Photo

    lol build a cookie shop and name it oreo 

  • XHess%s's Photo

    the way it looks here is honestly better than the real-life version lol:P good work!

  • JJayMForce%s's Photo

    ^ ha, I completely disagree, no offense to Fredd.  But if Fredd gets more enjoyment out of the game by not wanting to make a recreation, can't really argue with that.

  • FredD%s's Photo

    How it looks like after some retouches:



  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    That made a huge difference. Much better.

  • Lotte%s's Photo
    Much better, would be even better if you put grey roadlines on the sides of each square
  • tdub96%s's Photo

    "FUCK07.jpg" is looking pretty good, I really love the gift shop.

  • Wanted%s's Photo

    Very rough on my eyes. 

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