Project / Six Flags Quest
Started on 05-December 15
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So I began this project about 5 years ago tbh and I was a "summer RCT player"....I love roller coasters to death, and I love architecture, but I am a teacher and I honestly just don't have time to put in anything to the game anymore.....
this park was a huge project for me and I worked really hard on it for about 3 years just building rides and theming the shit out of them well I was completely in the "college summer mode". It has a great Top Thrill Dragster recreation in it (partially seen in the V2 screen) that I think is my best work ever as a player.
I would love a talented builder to take over this park and finish and possibly include me so that I can see the final product if anyone would like to....please comment if you're interested in working on this PROJECT and I will get in contact with you in regards to the park file...I would love nothing more than to see a talented park creator finish this park. -
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Batman is much more themed then the picture shows, as well as Dejavu includes more scenery (landscaping)
I know i will never get back into building mode and finish the park, it's been about 2 years since i've even touched the I'd love to see it finished by someone and see what they can do with what i've started i guess