Park / Livewires
- 03-September 03
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- Comments 27
Really the breaking out point for Mort as a parkmaker at NE. While he already proved that he was worthy of the parkmaker title with his screens of Project Crypto and various other projects, Livewires was the first release of his that really proved just how incredible he can be. Beating the combination of RRP and Gutterflower, two of NE's most established parkmakers is not an easy task, but Mort did it quite easily, and proved to be a key member of the Icons.
- From Ablaze's parkmaker page - No fans of this park
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Hevydevy Offline
First off, it was more creative. The whole flashy colorful old and new powerplant thing was great. I've Indiana more or less a thousand times.
Secoundly, if that's even a word, Livewire was more colorful and flashy than Indiana. All the purple and red next to the brown and green made the purple and red look even better.
Thirdly, I am getting so fucking tired of explosions. Every time i have to pause the game in order to close the box that comes up saying something has exploded, and then un pause just to have something blow up in my face again. I don't like it a bit.
As far as rides go neither of them were that great, so my vote is based more on looks that attractions.
x-sector Offline
Scarface Offline
Hevydevy Offline
Once again hevydevy contradicts himself
Battelfield came in two versions. The version I saw was without explosions, and I based the above comment on that. Battelfield with the explosions though really annoyed me just like the adventure ride in Indiana did. Putting that aside, the adventure ride itself IMO was one of the best I've seen.
Coaster Ed Offline
Now that I've seen Indiana Ridge I have to say that from an unbiased point of view, I like it better than Livewires. That split train coaster was sheer brilliance. I'd noticed how the train speed between the two halves seems linked together but it never occured to me to use that in the ride design. This is a great example of why LL continues to live on. It takes a different kind of thinking to come up with new rides like this but it's just as exciting as innovative theming. The adventure ride was well themed as well and fun to watch. I don't get the point of the cameras. Someone will have to explain that to me. Anyway, excellent job to the makers of this park. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.
Roberto Roboparks Offline
It wasn't overall rather pleasing, and Indiana Ridge is a typical "been done before".
Corkscrewed Offline
Anyway to add to the Explosions Comment, you can also just hold backspace when they come up in anticipation for future explosions. That way, the screens don't really have a chance to pop up before they're closed automatically (by the backspace)
iris Offline
Livewires was created by Mortician
Indiana Ridge was created by RRP & Roomraider.
This marks the end of the regular season.
Playoff's match will start the 21st, as the Icons will take on the Pufferfish and the Sea Serpents will try to turn their momentum around as they face off against the talented Mean Green.