Park / Livewires
- 03-September 03
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- Comments 27
Really the breaking out point for Mort as a parkmaker at NE. While he already proved that he was worthy of the parkmaker title with his screens of Project Crypto and various other projects, Livewires was the first release of his that really proved just how incredible he can be. Beating the combination of RRP and Gutterflower, two of NE's most established parkmakers is not an easy task, but Mort did it quite easily, and proved to be a key member of the Icons.
- From Ablaze's parkmaker page - No fans of this park
- Download Park 598
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iris Offline
- Power Surge (B&M Launched Floorless Coaster)
- Satellite Shot (S&S Freefall)
- Conductor (3D Show)
- Generator (Enterprise)
- Hydroelectric (Ferris Wheel)
- Electric Minefield (Flying Saucers)
Livewires by The Icons
The Sea Serpents (4-2) Present...
Indiana Ridge
- Indiana Jones Studio Tour (Adventure Ride)
- Snake Bite (Floorless Reverse Shuttle Coaster)
- Tower of Terror (Intamin Gyro Drop)
- The Last Crusade (Top Spin)
- Temple of Doom (Carousel)
Indiana Ridge by The Sea Serpents
Turtleman Offline
Indiana Ridge.. Eh I dunno. I didn't like it that much really. Everything was dull and has been seen before. Nothing really special on that one. But the floorless is kinda cool.
Good round once again.
Corkscrewed Offline
(We don't get blowouts that often, do we? As in one awesome park vs one extremely awful park... oh well.)
Corkscrewed Offline
Blitz Offline
Scarface Offline
But livewires takes my vote because it is dery different to what you would usually see for a rct park..Good job.Their were some lovely colours used throughout the park
posix Offline
I hated that first of all, it was done on the damaged official H2H2 RCT1 workbench, which means that after the hacking it got screwed, and secondly it had one of the most horribly pathlayouts I've ever seen.
I liked certain bits very much though but well... just bits.
As for guesses. I think one is very obvious and easy to guess, especially for me, as I adore his style. So my first guess is RRP. Then I'm a little unsure. Roomraider, probably.
Livewires didn't really use colours I like but it was done in a rather traditional style of parkmaking with some typical NE feel. In other words, just what I'm looking for. However, it was a little overdone in places and had some weaknesses like the missing atmosphere or not restored clearances
Anyway, there was obviously more work put into this park compared to the other one so it got my vote.
I think Stargazer and CoasterctNick made it. Or maybe even mantis, I'm not sure.
Prince Offline
~Prince Ashitaka~
mantis Offline
I voted for Livewires.
Indiana Ridge
OK first off that hack is brilliant. People could have some serious fun with that hack. The separate halves seem to be linked - one goes up a hill, the other one slows down? It's like they're pulling on either end of an invisible string! The bit where one of them decelerates up the vertical spike as the other goes over the loop, then accelerates as the other goes down the loop, then stops as it reaches its peak (the other one having juddered to a halt at the bottom of the loop), only to fall back down, dragging the other back round the loop again, is GENIUS. The theming in the park is generic but fun - the adventure ride has some cool explosions and the cameras/humvees/bikes etc are a nice touch. This is a marvellous park that screams Roomie/RRP.
This is also brilliant. The colours are vibrant and the energy-theme flows through the whole park. Glass, tubing, awnings, windows - everything in harmony. The Octi-slide type bit is great, but I like the wind farm and the back-up power ideas the best. The coaster is well done, with the inversions being focal points. The smoke's a nice touch. Height changes in the landscape mean the pathing is interesting and complex, and the way there're the two 'separate themed bit' (old power plant+new power plant) is innovative. Really good park - and I know who made it (duh).
If I was voting from a non-biased point of view, i'd find it VERY hard to separate these parks. On the one hand you've got (IMO) one of the best coasters of its kind vs (IMO) one of the best themes of its kind. I'm surprised the voting is as one sided as it is at the moment.
A round of applause is due to the people involved in this round - it's brought H2H2 back to life for me (Micool, not that you aren't lively enough )
Micool Offline
White America was supposed to be a backup park if we didn't get the park we were planning in. Of course, we never even started.
Livewires was a bit more creative IMO. I liked both and Livewires could have used something more interesting in the architecture shape, but I think the infamous "2x2" is very effective here because the focus is more on the theming then the architecture.
Blitz Offline
but i vote for livewire... i like flashy stuff, and im bored off my ass when it comes to yet another freak adventure ride.
sircursealot Offline
I'm too lazy to review the park...
spiderman Offline
Go Livewire!
BigFoot Offline
Coaster Ed Offline
thorpedo Offline
Indiana Ridge was ok..not the best h2h, true, some amazing hacks..but it really was boring and empty.
My vote DEFINETELY goes to Livewires.
mantis Offline
I'm still completely perplexed, you know.
Blitz - enlighten me! please!
Indiana Ridge deserves a lot of kudos IMO, even if Livewires has this round wrapped up.
Roomie Offline
Mantis wait a few days and i'm told all will be revealed just the tip of the iceberg
Anyway i voted for indiana as its much more style. live wire was very very good but like mantis i think livewire has some strange things going on.
Evil WME Offline
to the parks..
Mortician *cough* cough *cough .. Live wires.. lol. the coaster wasn´t great.. overall it wasn´t THAT great,, but i thought overall it was better than indiana ridge which seemed more messy than WME´s work and just didn´t keep me looking as long.
Blitz Offline