No contest. It blew me away. The atmosphere, and obviously the time put into it, simply blew Isomaniac right out of the water. I definitely felt like I was looking at an elf village, and the subtle hacks (as well as the not so subtle) were incredible.
One of my favourite minis of all time.
Alrite, since this has started into a nice debate, ill put my opinion in.
Isomania: Normal, generic park, with a new theme that was executed extremely well. Jagged rocks, water, the norm. Nice SLC, I enjoyed it.
Erwindale: Easily the victor, no question. The hacks and forest-like look is incredibly done.
Now my opinion on Erwindale? Well plain and simple, it is an incredible mini-park. The Best ever? It has a case for it definately, but there are a few problems I have with it.
A: The station for the Elemental Spirit Dance. bare, underdone, plain ugly. Im sorry, but this building has nothing I like about it. It kinda destroys the foresty look in my mind, and is one area that should have had more attention put into it.
B: Some of the trees. Most of em are awesome, don't get me wrong, but I don't see what is so amazing about the Grandfather Tree (Other then its roots). The actual tree is ugly in my mind, maybe Ed can further explain...
C: The entrance: The little tree like thing over the path is lovely, but the foilage around it is, well, boring. Thats about all i can say. about the entrance, still good tho.
Well there ya have it, great job both teams, but Icons take it with ease.
The Grandfather Tree is old and decrepid! He's been there since god knows when, and to be honest, he's a bit ugly and gnarled. He's grown arms and eyes, though, so he can certainly defend himself against most people! Plus he has a coaster splitting up his middle, but we'll ignore that for the moment.
That foliage around the entrance is possibly the only bit of what the community thinks of as 'forest' in the whole park.
The Grandfather Tree is old and decrepid! He's been there since god knows when, and to be honest, he's a bit ugly and gnarled. He's grown arms and eyes, though, so he can certainly defend himself against most people! Plus he has a coaster splitting up his middle, but we'll ignore that for the moment.
And? I don't care if hes been there since the earth was created, the thing is still uninteresting in the park. The only part of the tree I enjoy is the roots, those are awesome.
Alright once again I probably overreacted as I'm apt to do. It was me who gave away the anonymous thing which I probably shouldn't have done but I felt like I had to say something not because I wanted more votes but because I was confused by the general response to the park. I've been very vocal with my opinion in the past, it's hard to hold back when your own park is involved.
Evil WME, I'm sorry if I offended you by my response. I didn't mean to put down your work in any way, you made a nice looking minipark with the resources you had. You didn't put as much work into it as mantis and I but that doesn't mean you didn't work hard yourself and come up with some new ideas. It was never my intention to step on your toes but I suppose it was inevitable. And while I'm at it, I'd also like to acknowledge that my partner did some great work on the park too, it wasn't just mine. (Not sure if I can say his name or not though you all probably know by now anyway...) Thanks a lot 'anonymous partner' you're the best!
That said, I really appreciate the support from Iris,Toon, Cork, mantis and others. The stuff I make is personal to me so I often take it personally when people don't like it. I probably shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help it. I didn't mean to start a flame war and I'm sorry again for overreacting (yeah I do this a lot ). I don't hate anybody even if we have a difference of opinion. I don't know what else to say really, I'm not feeling very articulate at the moment. Please spend more than 10 seconds looking at the park, that's all I ask. The really good stuff can only be appreciated if you zoom in and look.
Another perfectly good competition messed up by Coaster Ed. Sorry guys, carry on
EDIT: Oh and thanks Grinch, that's feedback that makes sense to me. I really like the entrance myself but I'll just call that personal preference. I can see why you might not like the station building (yes it was done at the last minute and doesn't fit as well) and the grandfather tree (it was really hard to make that and have a coaster go through it without messing up the coaster while hacking the tree so it isn't very detailed). In retrospect the ice theming around the coaster wasn't a very good idea either and didn't fit that well. I also know how I could have fixed the coaster so that the two train halves won't drift apart but that's something I'll just have to do next time I guess. If more people posted comments like that I might not have overreacted in the first place.
You didn't put as much work into it as mantis and I
And while I'm at it, I'd also like to acknowledge that my partner did some great work on the park too, it wasn't just mine. (Not sure if I can say his name or not though you all probably know by now anyway...) Thanks a lot 'anonymous partner' you're the best!
Haha! Ed shoots himself in the foot Aw, poor you.
Fatha' didn't you like the arms or the eyes or anything? I envisage him to be stomping around twirling his spirally head and grumbling to himself, but that's just me
And ed - don't be so doom and gloom. We're winning!
I voted the Icons simply because their park fit my tastes better. The other park was good, but it didn't feel complete. It was lacking some of the creativity that the Icons' park had.
IMO, there is such a thing as over use of the beast. i think RRP draws the line at how much it should be used, but Erwindale, everything looked so fake, and it was just to fantasy for me i guess. Horrible rating on the coaster too, i Can't stand people who don't take the time to get a coaster with good ratings, it shows lazyness.
EDIT: Oh and thanks Grinch, that's feedback that makes sense to me. I really like the entrance myself but I'll just call that personal preference. I can see why you might not like the station building (yes it was done at the last minute and doesn't fit as well) and the grandfather tree (it was really hard to make that and have a coaster go through it without messing up the coaster while hacking the tree so it isn't very detailed). In retrospect the ice theming around the coaster wasn't a very good idea either and didn't fit that well. I also know how I could have fixed the coaster so that the two train halves won't drift apart but that's something I'll just have to do next time I guess. If more people posted comments like that I might not have overreacted in the first place.
I understand how hard it must have been to make the trees and such, and I respect that. However, it must be known that EVERY detail should be taken into account when making a park, because it shows of your skills, and one missed detail can bring down a park (As in this one, but just a bit, not much). Again, good job.
And mantis, the arms and shit was nice, but I stand by my statement in saying that the tree itself did not look good in the park.
Evil WME, I'm not allowed to voice my opinion? Chauncey Gardner, the other captained voiced his opinion for your team, but I'm not allowed to do the same? Stop being so fucking hypocritical. I'm allowed to state whatever I want to. Misuse my power? What fucking power? I'm representing my team here, just like you're captain did. That whole paragraph you stated makes absolutely zero sense, and is probably one of the most unintelligent things I've ever read. I now feel dumber after reading that.
I can do whatever I want in here. So can you. You can literally kiss my ass if you don't like what I post. Nobody here "follows the boss", and if you think they do, you're a moron. Most people here try to be a badass and defy the boss at all chances. Tell me who the fuck 'follows the boss'? And I'm taking an extreme standpoint, you're damn right. To me, this is an absolutely lopsided contest, and I'm free to say that if I want. Chauncey's allowed to say that his was better but I'm not allowed to say my point of view on the situation? Grow up. And I know that we're "WINNING for crissake'. That's not the point.
And how dare you fucking say "lets get back to hearing what THEY think of the parks". Who the fuck said that you can post your comments and Chauncey can post his comments, but I can't post mine? Blow me.
I will rip on Chauncey's post if I want to again, because he obviously contradicts everything he has argued about in his entire tenure here at New Element. I'm flaming here because your post was the stupidest, most hypocritical, and fucking RETARDED post I've ever read at NE. You're telling me where I can and can't post? You're joking right?
a couple of people say they liked my park-- im surprised and happy
then coaster ed and mantis jump them, verbally abuse them, and tell them they are dumb fucks for liking mine better and you agree with them. Now tell me how that is nice, or even fair. And it´s an anonymous competition and jumping on everyone that doesn´t like your park is not being anonymous AT ALL.
Again I admit I overreacted, but Posix is good at making people overreact and I was mostly responding to his comments. I'm arguing more about the principle of park making than the parks themselves. I'm suggesting that maybe the way we've been making parks isn't good enough anymore. Here's an example:
If I have an empty space. I can put a generic building there and surround it with trees. That's the traditional way to fill space, and it looks resonably good if you know what you're doing. I thought what if instead of putting a building and trees I invent something new to put in the space instead. Now it looks a little crowded but it took a whole lot more effort and creativity. When people tell me they'd rather see the buildings and trees there that irks me. It irks me even more when they say that it isn't creative, it's just being excessive. I could have done the building and trees in my sleep but I chose to do something more. The building and trees isn't good enough for me anymore. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised that people aren't all in agreement. Change doesn't come easily.
You are absolutely right WME. I didn't look at it from your point of view and you have a right to be insulted. I did insult people for liking your park when more people voted for mine anyway. All I can tell you is that it wasn't for the votes and it wasn't about the quality of your park either. It was about the nature of the game and my desire to push people further. It was about RCT1 and how I beleive the Beast trainer makes it infinitely more creative and engaging than RCT2 is right now. It was about inventing new themes and making the game conform to fit what I wanted to do instead of conforming to what the game does. Basically everything I feel strongly about in parkmaking is wrapped up in that little mini-park. If you still think I've said all this to get more votes than boy have you missed the point. I guess this wasn't the best time or place to have such a discussion, but I thought the park was something new and to have it dismissed so trivially was and is hard for me to take.
There's a little white lie that everybody uses. When I say things like 'everybody is welcome to their own opinion' what I'm really thinking deep down is that I'll tolerate your opinion even though my opinion is more right than yours. Everybody thinks this whether they admit it or not. If you didn't think that than you wouldn't believe in anything. The more you believe in something the harder it becomes to tolerate adverse opinions. This isn't un-democratic, it's human nature. A lot of things are blamed on human nature I know but this is one that is true. I regret that I can't express my opinion without pissing people off but I can't just turn off my brain either. It's a dangerous situation but I'm willing to fall down on my face every now and then in the process because that's what being human is all about. There's nothing wrong with you if you prefer WME's park. I'll tolerate you if you'll tolerate me and we can get back to being civilized again. We all got pissed off and now we can have a beer and laugh about human idiocy.
And um, stuff.
Don't worry, it's boring over here too.
No contest. It blew me away. The atmosphere, and obviously the time put into it, simply blew Isomaniac right out of the water. I definitely felt like I was looking at an elf village, and the subtle hacks (as well as the not so subtle) were incredible.
One of my favourite minis of all time.
Well done Erwindale!
Fatha' Offline
Isomania: Normal, generic park, with a new theme that was executed extremely well. Jagged rocks, water, the norm. Nice SLC, I enjoyed it.
Erwindale: Easily the victor, no question. The hacks and forest-like look is incredibly done.
Now my opinion on Erwindale? Well plain and simple, it is an incredible mini-park. The Best ever? It has a case for it definately, but there are a few problems I have with it.
A: The station for the Elemental Spirit Dance. bare, underdone, plain ugly. Im sorry, but this building has nothing I like about it. It kinda destroys the foresty look in my mind, and is one area that should have had more attention put into it.
B: Some of the trees. Most of em are awesome, don't get me wrong, but I don't see what is so amazing about the Grandfather Tree (Other then its roots). The actual tree is ugly in my mind, maybe Ed can further explain...
C: The entrance: The little tree like thing over the path is lovely, but the foilage around it is, well, boring. Thats about all i can say. about the entrance, still good tho.
Well there ya have it, great job both teams, but Icons take it with ease.
The Grandfather Tree is old and decrepid! He's been there since god knows when, and to be honest, he's a bit ugly and gnarled. He's grown arms and eyes, though, so he can certainly defend himself against most people! Plus he has a coaster splitting up his middle, but we'll ignore that for the moment.
That foliage around the entrance is possibly the only bit of what the community thinks of as 'forest' in the whole park.
Glad you liked it.
Fatha' Offline
I don't care if hes been there since the earth was created, the thing is still uninteresting in the park. The only part of the tree I enjoy is the roots, those are awesome.
Evil WME, I'm sorry if I offended you by my response. I didn't mean to put down your work in any way, you made a nice looking minipark with the resources you had. You didn't put as much work into it as mantis and I but that doesn't mean you didn't work hard yourself and come up with some new ideas. It was never my intention to step on your toes but I suppose it was inevitable. And while I'm at it, I'd also like to acknowledge that my partner did some great work on the park too, it wasn't just mine. (Not sure if I can say his name or not though you all probably know by now anyway...) Thanks a lot 'anonymous partner'
That said, I really appreciate the support from Iris,Toon, Cork, mantis and others. The stuff I make is personal to me so I often take it personally when people don't like it. I probably shouldn't, but sometimes I can't help it. I didn't mean to start a flame war and I'm sorry again for overreacting (yeah I do this a lot
Another perfectly good competition messed up by Coaster Ed. Sorry guys, carry on
EDIT: Oh and thanks Grinch, that's feedback that makes sense to me. I really like the entrance myself but I'll just call that personal preference. I can see why you might not like the station building (yes it was done at the last minute and doesn't fit as well) and the grandfather tree (it was really hard to make that and have a coaster go through it without messing up the coaster while hacking the tree so it isn't very detailed). In retrospect the ice theming around the coaster wasn't a very good idea either and didn't fit that well. I also know how I could have fixed the coaster so that the two train halves won't drift apart but that's something I'll just have to do next time I guess. If more people posted comments like that I might not have overreacted in the first place.
Fatha' didn't you like the arms or the eyes or anything? I envisage him to be stomping around twirling his spirally head and grumbling to himself, but that's just me
And ed - don't be so doom and gloom. We're winning!
Actually guess he kinda did that himself
Good luck to the both of you!
Fatha' Offline
I understand how hard it must have been to make the trees and such, and I respect that. However, it must be known that EVERY detail should be taken into account when making a park, because it shows of your skills, and one missed detail can bring down a park (As in this one, but just a bit, not much). Again, good job.
And mantis, the arms and shit was nice, but I stand by my statement in saying that the tree itself did not look good in the park.
Chauncey Gardner, the other captained voiced his opinion for your team, but I'm not allowed to do the same? Stop being so fucking hypocritical. I'm allowed to state whatever I want to. Misuse my power? What fucking power? I'm representing my team here, just like you're captain did. That whole paragraph you stated makes absolutely zero sense, and is probably one of the most unintelligent things I've ever read. I now feel dumber after reading that.
I can do whatever I want in here. So can you. You can literally kiss my ass if you don't like what I post. Nobody here "follows the boss", and if you think they do, you're a moron. Most people here try to be a badass and defy the boss at all chances. Tell me who the fuck 'follows the boss'? And I'm taking an extreme standpoint, you're damn right. To me, this is an absolutely lopsided contest, and I'm free to say that if I want. Chauncey's allowed to say that his was better but I'm not allowed to say my point of view on the situation? Grow up. And I know that we're "WINNING for crissake'. That's not the point.
And how dare you fucking say "lets get back to hearing what THEY think of the parks". Who the fuck said that you can post your comments and Chauncey can post his comments, but I can't post mine? Blow me.
I will rip on Chauncey's post if I want to again, because he obviously contradicts everything he has argued about in his entire tenure here at New Element. I'm flaming here because your post was the stupidest, most hypocritical, and fucking RETARDED post I've ever read at NE. You're telling me where I can and can't post? You're joking right?
Ummm, nobody mess with iris tonight.
He's pissed.
a couple of people say they liked my park-- im surprised and happy
then coaster ed and mantis jump them, verbally abuse them, and tell them they are dumb fucks for liking mine better and you agree with them. Now tell me how that is nice, or even fair. And it´s an anonymous competition and jumping on everyone that doesn´t like your park is not being anonymous AT ALL.
now let´s just stop fighting..
So FUCK YOU iris!
No not really, I'm just trying to be a Bad Ass and defy you.
But yea...I voted erwindale.
Yours was good to WME.
The fact is WME, you coulda done much better, and seriously, I woulda loved to see a nice rct1 hacked park of yours up against Erwindale.
Oh well.
If I have an empty space. I can put a generic building there and surround it with trees. That's the traditional way to fill space, and it looks resonably good if you know what you're doing. I thought what if instead of putting a building and trees I invent something new to put in the space instead. Now it looks a little crowded but it took a whole lot more effort and creativity. When people tell me they'd rather see the buildings and trees there that irks me. It irks me even more when they say that it isn't creative, it's just being excessive. I could have done the building and trees in my sleep but I chose to do something more. The building and trees isn't good enough for me anymore. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised that people aren't all in agreement. Change doesn't come easily.
You are absolutely right WME. I didn't look at it from your point of view and you have a right to be insulted. I did insult people for liking your park when more people voted for mine anyway. All I can tell you is that it wasn't for the votes and it wasn't about the quality of your park either. It was about the nature of the game and my desire to push people further. It was about RCT1 and how I beleive the Beast trainer makes it infinitely more creative and engaging than RCT2 is right now. It was about inventing new themes and making the game conform to fit what I wanted to do instead of conforming to what the game does. Basically everything I feel strongly about in parkmaking is wrapped up in that little mini-park. If you still think I've said all this to get more votes than boy have you missed the point. I guess this wasn't the best time or place to have such a discussion, but I thought the park was something new and to have it dismissed so trivially was and is hard for me to take.
There's a little white lie that everybody uses. When I say things like 'everybody is welcome to their own opinion' what I'm really thinking deep down is that I'll tolerate your opinion even though my opinion is more right than yours. Everybody thinks this whether they admit it or not. If you didn't think that than you wouldn't believe in anything. The more you believe in something the harder it becomes to tolerate adverse opinions. This isn't un-democratic, it's human nature. A lot of things are blamed on human nature I know but this is one that is true. I regret that I can't express my opinion without pissing people off but I can't just turn off my brain either. It's a dangerous situation but I'm willing to fall down on my face every now and then in the process because that's what being human is all about. There's nothing wrong with you if you prefer WME's park. I'll tolerate you if you'll tolerate me and we can get back to being civilized again. We all got pissed off and now we can have a beer and laugh about human idiocy.
were winning