Having looked at the details, I did like the thought that went into Bedroom 101. The creature under the bed was a fun idea and the Micro Machine cars were great. Like the other park though, it felt to me like it was missing the one truly great idea that would make it take off. If any of the coasters had been better designed that might have been it, but their layout didn't seem to really emphasize what the theme was. You could have switched where the coasters were and changed their names and it wouldn't have made much difference. So anyway, I did like the park, but I didn't love it. Putting the other room parks out of my mind for a minute, this really was an adventurous idea so nice work there. I've got to remember that skill comes with time, but great ideas can come to anyone who is open to them so don't get discouraged if you don't have the skill yet to really pull this off. It means a lot just to try.
And I was probably a little harder on the Hurricanes park than I should have been, but it's just discouraging that some people work so hard on these parks and other people toss them off like they don't care. Maybe it was a computer crash, that happens. Maybe I'd give up too if I lost half a park. It's not really being eliminated that bothers me though, I have no control over that. And it's not like we didn't try. What bothers me is that stacking blocks in RCT2 is no different than tweaking a landscape in RCT1. Both take time, but not a whole lot of effort other than patience. And yet a really great landscape is something people barely look at because it doesn't jump out at you. I've seen some impressive buildings in RCT2 (Redwood Downs comes to mind) - but it seems like the majority of it is just stacking stuff together in typical ways which is starting to look a lot like 2x2 stuff in RCT1 to me. To a certain extent, the effort required to make something is a part of how impressive it is to look at and a lot of RCT2 parks seem kind of lazy to me for that reason.
Mm. I actually thought the bedrooms were silly. Clever, but silly.
I agree completely. I love the way they looked, and everything like that, but it is so... silly. Why can't people just build "normal" parks this wonderfully?
The score of this match at the time it was called is: Hurricanes 17 MoLLesters 52
The MoLLesters take over first place in the league, improving to 3-2-1. They have clinched the other playoff spot. The Hurricanes drop to 3-2-1 but fall behind the MoLLesters due to the tiebreaker.
The Hurricanes' Suck City was made by Jacko Shanty and RCTNW.
The MoLLesters' Bedroom 101 was a solo venture by Roomraider, who now jumps into the MVP race with two solid parks under his belt. Hope that cheers you up from that bad day the other day, Dave!
I will personally attest to the fact that the unfinished state was due to a combination of some procrastination and lack of time. Not because Kumba wanted us to forfeit, because that was just an idiotic joke on his behalf, but because of normal laziness (for the procrastination part). That said, I did not want us to lose, and I'm disappointed that we did. And especially to see the Vehemences get eliminated without an actual loss, it does kinda suck.
Anyway, Week 9 will be posted after I get back from my break. Hopefully, we get COMPLETED parks this time. *glares at everyone, including my team*
Well the suprise of my first ever RCT 2 park kind of got dampened this week lol. ahh well well done to the IIIcons for doing better than i could ever do in RCT2. and with the lack of comments i Think i better stick to RCT 1
anyway we got the win and we go top. yay.
And well done to the Hurricanes for not getting the worst park of the week even with an unfinnished one
yeah.. WTF at all you people thinking we WANTED to lose or didn't care either way because we're in the playoffs. there was no computer crash, no lack of time, just laziness. we had this park planned out for weeeeks. but hey, I like good grades better than RCT so, fuck you. except for my team, becuase i feel bad that i let them down. i did most of it at 11:00-12:00 pm on sunday or whenever the night before was that it was due
Basically...I didn't really mean to say you wanted to lose. But you sure as hell didn't want to win. Especially now that I see this park was 'built' by two talented parkmakers...that's an even bigger slap in the face. It's also an insult to Gutterflower in my opinion who worked his ass off building Bedroom 101 just to basically waste away his effort by you throwing in the towel. There wasn't even an effort to try and make this park look remotely finished, so why even bother signing up for Head2Head? You can give me any sob story you want, but I gaurentee you it won't matter to the dozens of people that will speak from experience about horrible experiences they've had, but STILL strained themselves to get something respectable in. I know Coaster Ed, Blitz, and Janus all killed themselves last week just to barely make the deadline, and I'd be willing to bet that with Ed's film studies and life in USC and Blitz' art-direction that they had a lot more in their way then you did.
"I like good grades better then RCT". Wow...that was incredibly original. That must only apply to you right? About 95% of this site goes to school right now, you are not the only one who balances RCT and school, so stop using that bullshit excuse. Cork's an architecture major at USC and he's done on time....while RUNNING the site and maintaining very good grades. That in itself blows your whole little whiney excuse to shit.
This isn't so much geared towards RCTNW...who I'm guessing did most of the city area since that looks like his work (could be wrong). At least that part looks like something that was made to win. The rest of the park though is really pathetic...and I'm not even talking about how utterly crappy it is, just the fact that it's like that.
Cork, I know you'll argue that this park wasn't made to lose since you're on their team. But the fact that Kumba pointed out it'd be strategically beneficial to forfeit...I find this a little bit too coincidental that the team enters the equivalent to a forfeit. It's pretty damn convenient if you ask me, and if I were the Vehemences, and Ed in particular (who has already shown his disdain...but is obviously too classy to really go and call someone out) I'd be more then pissed.
Fuck the "too much school work" excuse. That wasn't even my excuse.. in fact, that isn't an excuse. I only said that because I was such a slack-ass that I procrastinated up until the final weekend which just so happened to be mid-term week. I don't have "excuses," nor do I need to make them. Most of this "school work" wasn't even that, it was hanging out with friends, so I don't need example after example of how much more school work other people have than me.
I flat out admitted I was lazy and just didn't give a shit any more. The whole park didn't appeal to me and I wasn't having fun. It was like a chore and I'm sick of trying to build the same fucking theme in all my parks. Don't fucking yell at me like I owe you something. It's so incredibly redundant.. how can you call it a "slap in the face" when a.) you aren't on my team and b.) I'm not a parkmaker or anything so I'm not expected to be productive? I don't get it.. I didn't directly offend or insult you AT ALL, especially considering you don't run the site any more for the time being. Why the fuck do people get mad at me for not having team spirit when I'm not even on their team? Shit, look at all the other unfinished H2H parks. Why does no one yell at them? Maybe you saw potential in me and were disappointed to see this half-assed shit by me, but that's not a reason to call it a "slap in the face," so I'm really finding trouble figuring out where you're getting this. Or maybe you're upset because I'm not more bummed about losing?
If you really want to yell at someone, do it at the seal clubbers. I mean, how can you say WE'RE insulting Gutterflower when the SC's didn't even submit a park! Against your own fucking team!
So why did I sign up for H2H? I don't know, honestly. I didn't think shit like this would happen where so many unrelated people feel genuinely offended and almost/if not HURT about a park. So really, the only person that should be upset is Kumba for picking me, and my team. I feel bad enough as it is for not finishing, and it pisses me off even more when people, especially who aren't on my team, tell me what I already know, so I'm sorry if I got out of hand with this post. I want to quit right now, because I think it's pretty obvious I need a break, but I won't because I CARE ABOUT MY H2H TEAM AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE WE WILL BE THE BEST FUCKING H2H TEAM THAT THERE EVER WAS AND WE WILL WIN!
Um...I don't know why your so surprised I "yelled" at you? I wouldn't have said shit to you if you didn't say "fuck you" to the people who accused the team of losing on purpose...which equals me. Like I won't retaliate?
that fuck you was to no one. like, i was saying it to those people that might have criticized me for choosing other things over rct. see, it's all about context
also, i say fuck you all the time, even to people i like.. you know.. like "hey, whats up, fuck you"...
And I was probably a little harder on the Hurricanes park than I should have been, but it's just discouraging that some people work so hard on these parks and other people toss them off like they don't care. Maybe it was a computer crash, that happens. Maybe I'd give up too if I lost half a park. It's not really being eliminated that bothers me though, I have no control over that. And it's not like we didn't try. What bothers me is that stacking blocks in RCT2 is no different than tweaking a landscape in RCT1. Both take time, but not a whole lot of effort other than patience. And yet a really great landscape is something people barely look at because it doesn't jump out at you. I've seen some impressive buildings in RCT2 (Redwood Downs comes to mind) - but it seems like the majority of it is just stacking stuff together in typical ways which is starting to look a lot like 2x2 stuff in RCT1 to me. To a certain extent, the effort required to make something is a part of how impressive it is to look at and a lot of RCT2 parks seem kind of lazy to me for that reason.
Corkscrewed Offline
Hurricanes 17
MoLLesters 52
The MoLLesters take over first place in the league, improving to 3-2-1. They have clinched the other playoff spot.
The Hurricanes drop to 3-2-1 but fall behind the MoLLesters due to the tiebreaker.
The Hurricanes' Suck City was made by Jacko Shanty and RCTNW.
The MoLLesters' Bedroom 101 was a solo venture by Roomraider, who now jumps into the MVP race with two solid parks under his belt. Hope that cheers you up from that bad day the other day, Dave!
I will personally attest to the fact that the unfinished state was due to a combination of some procrastination and lack of time. Not because Kumba wanted us to forfeit, because that was just an idiotic joke on his behalf, but because of normal laziness (for the procrastination part). That said, I did not want us to lose, and I'm disappointed that we did. And especially to see the Vehemences get eliminated without an actual loss, it does kinda suck.
Anyway, Week 9 will be posted after I get back from my break. Hopefully, we get COMPLETED parks this time. *glares at everyone, including my team*
anyway we got the win and we go top. yay.
And well done to the Hurricanes for not getting the worst park of the week even with an unfinnished one
Keep with it.
"I like good grades better then RCT". Wow...that was incredibly original. That must only apply to you right? About 95% of this site goes to school right now, you are not the only one who balances RCT and school, so stop using that bullshit excuse. Cork's an architecture major at USC and he's done on time....while RUNNING the site and maintaining very good grades. That in itself blows your whole little whiney excuse to shit.
This isn't so much geared towards RCTNW...who I'm guessing did most of the city area since that looks like his work (could be wrong). At least that part looks like something that was made to win. The rest of the park though is really pathetic...and I'm not even talking about how utterly crappy it is, just the fact that it's like that.
Cork, I know you'll argue that this park wasn't made to lose since you're on their team. But the fact that Kumba pointed out it'd be strategically beneficial to forfeit...I find this a little bit too coincidental that the team enters the equivalent to a forfeit. It's pretty damn convenient if you ask me, and if I were the Vehemences, and Ed in particular (who has already shown his disdain...but is obviously too classy to really go and call someone out) I'd be more then pissed.
I flat out admitted I was lazy and just didn't give a shit any more. The whole park didn't appeal to me and I wasn't having fun. It was like a chore and I'm sick of trying to build the same fucking theme in all my parks. Don't fucking yell at me like I owe you something. It's so incredibly redundant.. how can you call it a "slap in the face" when a.) you aren't on my team and b.) I'm not a parkmaker or anything so I'm not expected to be productive? I don't get it.. I didn't directly offend or insult you AT ALL, especially considering you don't run the site any more for the time being. Why the fuck do people get mad at me for not having team spirit when I'm not even on their team? Shit, look at all the other unfinished H2H parks. Why does no one yell at them? Maybe you saw potential in me and were disappointed to see this half-assed shit by me, but that's not a reason to call it a "slap in the face," so I'm really finding trouble figuring out where you're getting this. Or maybe you're upset because I'm not more bummed about losing?
If you really want to yell at someone, do it at the seal clubbers. I mean, how can you say WE'RE insulting Gutterflower when the SC's didn't even submit a park! Against your own fucking team!
So why did I sign up for H2H? I don't know, honestly. I didn't think shit like this would happen where so many unrelated people feel genuinely offended and almost/if not HURT about a park. So really, the only person that should be upset is Kumba for picking me, and my team. I feel bad enough as it is for not finishing, and it pisses me off even more when people, especially who aren't on my team, tell me what I already know, so I'm sorry if I got out of hand with this post. I want to quit right now, because I think it's pretty obvious I need a break, but I won't because I CARE ABOUT MY H2H TEAM AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE WE WILL BE THE BEST FUCKING H2H TEAM THAT THERE EVER WAS AND WE WILL WIN!
also, i say fuck you all the time, even to people i like.. you know.. like "hey, whats up, fuck you"...
True, but we didn't make a blanket "fuck you" statement to everyone who posted something about us not submitting a park...