The overview got me really interested, but once the park was opened it looked really unfinished in all areas. Apart from that I think it has a lot of logical errors, which really bothered me. Just to name on here: The ice. Fits in really good there, but as far as I know they only have ice under the surface of mars. The Coaster looks pretty good, though the stop there seems like you didn't want that. Not really sure what happened there, but nice to see a shoestring coaster again. There were some pretty good ideas there, but maybe not enough ideas. I am not really sure if you just ran out of time with this one or if you wanted it to be like this.
The park is really only half done. And the coaster, well I explained that already. That's not done either. I have to figure out why chainlifts aren't working on the ride first.
But as for the logical errors, well that I can address. Firstly, it's part fictional. I did a lot of research to find out what a Mars colony would actually be like, and I stretched the truth a little bit to suit our purposes. The other thing is that there's a whole backstory to explain it that I also didn't finish writing in time. It was hard enough just trying to get the park submitted in time. The reason for the ice formations is that a nuclear warhead was detonated underground which raised the surface temperature by about 15 degrees, vented greenhouse gases to cede a developing atmosphere, and kicked up dust which covered the surface ice and made it melt faster. That's actually one of the theories on how to terraform the surface. You can read more about it here if you want. -- Mars Terraforming
As far as I know there are surface ice caps in the north and south pole (Mars Geography) but the "ice" is primarily CO2 based, not H20 so some extensive refining would be necessary to convert it into water. That's one of the map features which hasn't been built yet. But I did fudge the facts deliberately a bit because I wanted there to be a caldera where the Olympus Mons volcano is now, presumably ground zero for the detonation, and there is no ice cap there.
There's a lot more to be explained -- like why there are plants underground and why there's a species living there. Niether of those existed before the nuclear detonation. And the whole "apocalypse in three acts" description really doesn't make sense until you read the backstory and see how the coaster is supposed to end. But it's probably not worth posting the whole fictional backstory to the park until the park itself is actually finished. If you're annoyed by the inconsistencies, well, I'm sorry. I did a lot of research and put a lot of thought into creating a plausible fictional world most of which you haven't seen/read yet. Some of those inconsistencies may eventually be explained. And the others? Meh. It's fiction.
The park is really only half done. And the coaster, well I explained that already. That's not done either. I have to figure out why chainlifts aren't working on the ride first.
But as for the logical errors, well that I can address. Firstly, it's part fictional. I did a lot of research to find out what a Mars colony would actually be like, and I stretched the truth a little bit to suit our purposes. The other thing is that there's a whole backstory to explain it that I also didn't finish writing in time. It was hard enough just trying to get the park submitted in time. The reason for the ice formations is that a nuclear warhead was detonated underground which raised the surface temperature by about 15 degrees, vented greenhouse gases to cede a developing atmosphere, and kicked up dust which covered the surface ice and made it melt faster. That's actually one of the theories on how to terraform the surface. You can read more about it here if you want. -- Mars Terraforming
As far as I know there are surface ice caps in the north and south pole (Mars Geography) but the "ice" is primarily CO2 based, not H20 so some extensive refining would be necessary to convert it into water. That's one of the map features which hasn't been built yet. But I did fudge the facts deliberately a bit because I wanted there to be a caldera where the Olympus Mons volcano is now, presumably ground zero for the detonation, and there is no ice cap there.
There's a lot more to be explained -- like why there are plants underground and why there's a species living there. Niether of those existed before the nuclear detonation. And the whole "apocalypse in three acts" description really doesn't make sense until you read the backstory and see how the coaster is supposed to end. But it's probably not worth posting the whole fictional backstory to the park until the park itself is actually finished. If you're annoyed by the inconsistencies, well, I'm sorry. I did a lot of research and put a lot of thought into creating a plausible fictional world most of which you haven't seen/read yet. Some of those inconsistencies may eventually be explained. And the others? Meh. It's fiction.