especially when Strangelove is a manipulative team to begin with.
There's this thing called respect, and that statement is the kind of thing you wouldn't say if you had any.
Esspecially with without any justification (what do you know that I don't?).
Is it just because I and some of my fellow team mates stake claims about our park being superior? If we weren't on the team those comments couldn't be taken as manipulative though... If there really is something disasterus that you know that I don't please PM me or post it right now and Iris, Cork and I will see that it's taken care of. As far as I know we've violated no rules or done anything even remotely illegal in the context of New Element, RCT or H2h.
I think that's a pretty sensible suggestion.
Then, if someone with no posts (or very few) wishes to vote then they can PM someone, or they could even (shock!) post their (proper) reasons, just to demonstrate they're not some fake account.
They're both great parks, but to me I like "Kayte Ridge".
Yes, "Internet City" is cool, and has a great theme but I like the 'realness' of Kayte Ridge.
I just like the feel of Kayte. Simple, but well done.
lol this guy has 1 post and registered today.
Yea, I was one of the ones that was accused of being a fake account.
But, i've been visiting the boards for a while now and finally decided to join. I've been watching the head to head competitions in aww of what these people can do, and I finally decided to vote for one.
As I said, their both good but I like Kayte better. Just a personal opinion.
But, yes I have few posts, and yes it is 'suspicious' but, why delete votes just becouse they're 'new.' If a kid goes to a new school, he can still 'vote' with the class for what they want to do, why can't new kids at a forum? Yes, we do need to keep this as honest as possible but it comes at a demise to the new members.
I think you should require all members to post reasons why they choose who they did, and if its good enough they get to keep their vote in. But, before the moderators go on a vote deleting spree they need to make sure they have probable cause in their deletion besides "O they're new Deleted." Its not fair to us, and can greatly skew the votes to what the administration wants to see happen.
Well it's not in the rules so it won't happen, but when it's this tight, or maybe keeps being within like 3 votes or less I think it should just be deemed a tie. That only becomes a problem when you have a playoff or finals with a huge robot vs. a shitty pirymid and... fuck I hate you alllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so we should just vote with a post instead of a poll and If I'm right admins can remove the permissions of editing a post in a subforum so that would remove the possibility of someone changing his vote after someone else said something.
Thats quite right man but that is a very long way to vote, seeing as the voteing system was designed for a reason why not use it ey. We can work out who is a fake account mainly anyway just requires sometime which majority of admins have, hehe.
What I said previously was out of line, and to Iris, and anyone else it was directed at, I apologize. The last thing I want to do right now is to make enemies here, as I am new to these boards and this competition. I respect anyone who is high up at this site greatly as this is the only RCT site worth participating in.
My team, the Tigers, for the most part have stayed out of this thread while Strangelove has posted countless posts from different team members mainly promoting their own park. I'm not saying it's wrong or against the rules, I'm just stating the fact.
I think it's really low to basically call both the Tigers and Strangelove "cheaters" on no grounds whatsoever. Out of all the members of the Tigers, the active ones I have gotten to know throughout this competition aren't the types of people to ask someone to vote for them, or to ask somebody not in the community to sign up and vote for our team.
The only people I know that voted for my team are me, and anyone else who said they did in this thread. That's it. To be honest, I thought after viewing both parks, that we would have been blown out of the water by Internet City. I'm amazed at how close this vote has been. But how can you penalize either team for something on which you have no proof. Also, when it has been stated that a "vote is a vote" and that "there will be no recounts" how can you jump up and change the rules during the middle of the round?
All I am saying is, at the end of all this, you cannot just delete a bunch of votes with no explanation and declare a winner, because certain people are bound to think that it was botched.
You might say "If you know your team didn't cheat, then why are you so worried?" To that, I answer that I am not worried at all. Hence why I am bringing up this concern before anyone on either team gets "screwed" by the admins deleting votes at their discretion.
In the end, this is just a game, and people should play it to have fun and enjoy themselves. But, when you bring in a competitive edge to this game such as H2H, you cannot just change the rules or go “fixing” a vote when you have no grounds to do so. It is ethically wrong and unfair to everyone in this competition.
Well, my inclination is just to stay out of this all together and accept what the decision is. It really is a shame that this whole voting issue has gotten so out of hand that it's completely overshadowing the parks themselves. Everyone (I think) wants this to be a fair competition. There's really no thrill in winning when you've got to cheat to do it.
It seems to me though that throwing out votes runs the risk of ultimately being more controversial than just letting the vote stand as is. If you are going to go through everyone's votes and find the members with few posts, the least you can do is to read those posts (it obviously wouldn't be a ton) and determine if they are genuine members or people who registered just to vote. If there are a lot of people with no posts who voted though, I don't know what you can do and that does sound pretty suspicious.
But I'm not going to worry about it too much. It's one match. If people are cheating, I hope you can find a solution to stop it but I don't know what that solution would be short of making everyone post their vote in the topic -- which is bound to skew the results anyway, but maybe that's better than allowing cheating to go on. iris and Cork are capable of coming up with an impartial solution. As I said before, I'm just going to accept the final decision whatever it happens to be. Let's just settle this thing and move on, yes? Then we can get back to looking at the cool parks people have made, which is what this is all about anyway.
That only becomes a problem when you have a playoff or finals with a huge robot vs. a shitty pirymid and... fuck I hate you alllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that made my day
As I said before, I'm just going to accept the final decision whatever it happens to be. Let's just settle this thing and move on, yes? Then we can get back to looking at the cool parks people have made, which is what this is all about anyway.
Yeah. Everyone knows the Tycoon Bandits are going to dominate everyone else anyway.
What I said previously was out of line, and to Iris, and anyone else it was directed at, I apologize. The last thing I want to do right now is to make enemies here, as I am new to these boards and this competition. I respect anyone who is high up at this site greatly as this is the only RCT site worth participating in.
My team, the Tigers, for the most part have stayed out of this thread while Strangelove has posted countless posts from different team members mainly promoting their own park. I'm not saying it's wrong or against the rules, I'm just stating the fact.
I think it's really low to basically call both the Tigers and Strangelove "cheaters" on no grounds whatsoever. Out of all the members of the Tigers, the active ones I have gotten to know throughout this competition aren't the types of people to ask someone to vote for them, or to ask somebody not in the community to sign up and vote for our team.
The only people I know that voted for my team are me, and anyone else who said they did in this thread. That's it. To be honest, I thought after viewing both parks, that we would have been blown out of the water by Internet City. I'm amazed at how close this vote has been. But how can you penalize either team for something on which you have no proof. Also, when it has been stated that a "vote is a vote" and that "there will be no recounts" how can you jump up and change the rules during the middle of the round?
All I am saying is, at the end of all this, you cannot just delete a bunch of votes with no explanation and declare a winner, because certain people are bound to think that it was botched.
You might say "If you know your team didn't cheat, then why are you so worried?" To that, I answer that I am not worried at all. Hence why I am bringing up this concern before anyone on either team gets "screwed" by the admins deleting votes at their discretion.
In the end, this is just a game, and people should play it to have fun and enjoy themselves. But, when you bring in a competitive edge to this game such as H2H, you cannot just change the rules or go “fixing” a vote when you have no grounds to do so. It is ethically wrong and unfair to everyone in this competition.
Oh please. Ya'll had WME coming in here calling Kayte Ridge the greatest realistic park ever. If thats not promotion, I don't know what is.
Yeah. Everyone knows the Tycoon Bandits are going to dominate everyone else anyway.
^ of course... ( )
To all others: no use to make such a fuss when you are so sure there are no cheaters in your own team, when you are so sure that after all this "is just a game" (....are you...?) and most of all: seems silly to "trust" anyone in their behaviour and then to "distrust" the "head-admins" of this site (Iris and Cork) so much...aren't they the ones who have the ultimate interest in this site staying one with very good quality why exactly would they "cheat", like suggested by the possibility that Iris could make stats to influence the winning park etc....of course he could do so, but why would he.....what would be his interest to do so while his main interest will be the (proven) longer-than-a-season goal of this site and not of just one of the contests.... Not only rather disrespectful (imo) to someone who is leading this site for so many years with such great success ad involvement, but also quite silly if in the same post any new/unknown member is defended as being thrustworthy aforehand, etc.
If you don't agree with the rules on this site and how they are made, that's fine (I don't always agree with them myself as far as I can understand them, probably just because many I don't understand ), but if it bothers you now you feel personally affected, I suggest to start a topic for that to see if you can change them, but don't let it interfere with this matchup and let's try to keep it as clean as possible, meaning for now that we'll just wait for the deadline and for any decisions of Iris and Cork when they have found cheating or anything irregular...
Succes for both teams though for 2 great parks, thanks! I enjoyed them..
Well it's not in the rules so it won't happen, but when it's this tight, or maybe keeps being within like 3 votes or less I think it should just be deemed a tie. That only becomes a problem when you have a playoff or finals with a huge robot vs. a shitty pirymid and... fuck I hate you alllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeez man I though you were finally over that. Makes my day too though I must admit. Brings back lots of fond memories of last year and being the biggest underdog team in the whole competition and really feeling like we had a lot to proove.
As I said before, I'm just going to accept the final decision whatever it happens to be. Let's just settle this thing and move on, yes? Then we can get back to looking at the cool parks people have made, which is what this is all about anyway.
Yes, er, No I might WIN. Er, yes, it's for the best of H2h and NE, even if not for team Strangelove.
Alright, I'm calling this thing. The vote hasn't moved once all day lol. And as for the deleting votes thing, I was going to...but there were more suspicious Strangelove votes then Tigers it obviously wouldn't have mattered much, the Tigers win either way.
So congratulations to the Ferocious Tigers for showing everyone that realistic can still beat fantasy, when done right.
Kayte Ridge was built by geewhzz and CedarPoint6.
Internet City was built by X250 and Leighx.
Final score, 52-50.
Really shakes up the division now though, especially at the top. While my damn team still sucks it up in last.
I guess first off, sorry if I was all anal about the voting... I was really getting into this.
Anyway, the park. Thanks to those who voted for us.
Some things to mention:
-Kayte Ridge is just some random name we made up before sending it in.
-The 2 rides at the bottom of the park aren't running because we couldn't sink the stations. We sacrificed motion for looks.
-Renegade was based off of Storm Runner (Renegade was another choice for SR's name) and uses the same inversions in a different order. We tried to stay away from B&Ms since they seem all too common these days. I wanted the small park feel with that one big coaster.
-If I would've finished the readme, I would've been able to clear up how a small park got such a big coaster. It's sort of along the lines of a park like Holiday Park which ended up with EGF.
-Someone mentioned how the transfer track wasn't realistic... I know the actual support pieces were sort of thrown together, but the sliding track deal is completely realistic.
-To Fatha, yes the queues are rather short, but it is a small park and it just came down to space. As for the rest, I'd call it pretty realistic. Or more realistic then most things. Some Allen's have banking... I did it because of the speed the ride took the corner. It would be shallower in real life, but that's an RCT thing.
Anyway, who built what:
I did all the custom rides. GW did most of the treeing, and most all the buildings. He also did supports for Renegade and most of the monorail. Credit to him for Renegade's station and finishing off the other two coaster stations.
Hm, I think that's all.
Anyway, thanks to all who voted for us- really close round. It had me refreshing the page ever 5 minutes sometimes!
wow, didn't realize who made what, actually. that's quite an upset, from a names standpoint.
now that we've determined that Internet City lost, I do have one thing to say about it.
I think the "disorganization" of it hurt this park the most. From the start, it was obvious that X250 had a hand in this, because this was so similar in aesthetic style to his PT2 park. You had a giant icon, several very creative sections, lots of details, but it comes off as being messy. There's a complete lack of global organization that, to a lot of people, comes off as "ugly" or "trying too hard" or "superficial." And it's not even a conscious feeling sometimes. But especially when you consider how this site is divided between fantasy and reality, you're gonna bring out the stylistic passions in people.
If you take a park like Slime Meridian, it has a sense of synergy, where the whole is more than the sum of its parts. It has a certain order, even though it's blatantly fantasy.
I think that small aspect was ultimately what "cost" Internet City the win. Because on paper, this should have demolished Kayte Ridge. While KR was a good park, it was the safe park, and H2H tends to be dominated by the bolder risk takers. But in this case, the safe park was executed pretty well, and the bold park may have lost a little too much control, to speak figuratively.
Still, it was one helluva park (I voted for it), and one great matchup. We have these every year, and it's part of what makes H2H so interesting.
There's this thing called respect, and that statement is the kind of thing you wouldn't say if you had any.
Esspecially with without any justification (what do you know that I don't?).
Is it just because I and some of my fellow team mates stake claims about our park being superior? If we weren't on the team those comments couldn't be taken as manipulative though... If there really is something disasterus that you know that I don't please PM me or post it right now and Iris, Cork and I will see that it's taken care of. As far as I know we've violated no rules or done anything even remotely illegal in the context of New Element, RCT or H2h.
Then, if someone with no posts (or very few) wishes to vote then they can PM someone, or they could even (shock!) post their (proper) reasons, just to demonstrate they're not some fake account.
But, i've been visiting the boards for a while now and finally decided to join.
I've been watching the head to head competitions in aww of what these people can do, and I finally decided to vote for one.
As I said, their both good but I like Kayte better. Just a personal opinion.
But, yes I have few posts, and yes it is 'suspicious' but, why delete votes just becouse they're 'new.'
If a kid goes to a new school, he can still 'vote' with the class for what they want to do, why can't new kids at a forum?
Yes, we do need to keep this as honest as possible but it comes at a demise to the new members.
I think you should require all members to post reasons why they choose who they did, and if its good enough they get to keep their vote in.
But, before the moderators go on a vote deleting spree they need to make sure they have probable cause in their deletion besides "O they're new Deleted."
Its not fair to us, and can greatly skew the votes to what the administration wants to see happen.
My team, the Tigers, for the most part have stayed out of this thread while Strangelove has posted countless posts from different team members mainly promoting their own park. I'm not saying it's wrong or against the rules, I'm just stating the fact.
I think it's really low to basically call both the Tigers and Strangelove "cheaters" on no grounds whatsoever. Out of all the members of the Tigers, the active ones I have gotten to know throughout this competition aren't the types of people to ask someone to vote for them, or to ask somebody not in the community to sign up and vote for our team.
The only people I know that voted for my team are me, and anyone else who said they did in this thread. That's it. To be honest, I thought after viewing both parks, that we would have been blown out of the water by Internet City. I'm amazed at how close this vote has been. But how can you penalize either team for something on which you have no proof. Also, when it has been stated that a "vote is a vote" and that "there will be no recounts" how can you jump up and change the rules during the middle of the round?
All I am saying is, at the end of all this, you cannot just delete a bunch of votes with no explanation and declare a winner, because certain people are bound to think that it was botched.
You might say "If you know your team didn't cheat, then why are you so worried?" To that, I answer that I am not worried at all. Hence why I am bringing up this concern before anyone on either team gets "screwed" by the admins deleting votes at their discretion.
In the end, this is just a game, and people should play it to have fun and enjoy themselves. But, when you bring in a competitive edge to this game such as H2H, you cannot just change the rules or go “fixing” a vote when you have no grounds to do so. It is ethically wrong and unfair to everyone in this competition.
Edited by geewhzz, 25 July 2006 - 03:32 PM.
It seems to me though that throwing out votes runs the risk of ultimately being more controversial than just letting the vote stand as is. If you are going to go through everyone's votes and find the members with few posts, the least you can do is to read those posts (it obviously wouldn't be a ton) and determine if they are genuine members or people who registered just to vote. If there are a lot of people with no posts who voted though, I don't know what you can do and that does sound pretty suspicious.
But I'm not going to worry about it too much. It's one match. If people are cheating, I hope you can find a solution to stop it but I don't know what that solution would be short of making everyone post their vote in the topic -- which is bound to skew the results anyway, but maybe that's better than allowing cheating to go on. iris and Cork are capable of coming up with an impartial solution. As I said before, I'm just going to accept the final decision whatever it happens to be. Let's just settle this thing and move on, yes? Then we can get back to looking at the cool parks people have made, which is what this is all about anyway.
Corkscrewed Offline
that made my day
Yeah. Everyone knows the Tycoon Bandits are going to dominate everyone else anyway.
Fatha' Offline
Oh please.
Ya'll had WME coming in here calling Kayte Ridge the greatest realistic park ever.
If thats not promotion, I don't know what is.
[font="Arial Black"]e-fight!
Edited by chapelz, 25 July 2006 - 06:23 PM.
Stop fighting people, its a game. Lets keep it clean, yeah?
^ of course...
To all others: no use to make such a fuss when you are so sure there are no cheaters in your own team, when you are so sure that after all this "is just a game" (....are you...?) and most of all: seems silly to "trust" anyone in their behaviour and then to "distrust" the "head-admins" of this site (Iris and Cork) so much...aren't they the ones who have the ultimate interest in this site staying one with very good quality why exactly would they "cheat", like suggested by the possibility that Iris could make stats to influence the winning park etc....of course he could do so, but why would he.....what would be his interest to do so while his main interest will be the (proven) longer-than-a-season goal of this site and not of just one of the contests....
Not only rather disrespectful (imo) to someone who is leading this site for so many years with such great success ad involvement, but also quite silly if in the same post any new/unknown member is defended as being thrustworthy aforehand, etc.
If you don't agree with the rules on this site and how they are made, that's fine (I don't always agree with them myself as far as I can understand them, probably just because many I don't understand ), but if it bothers you now you feel personally affected, I suggest to start a topic for that to see if you can change them, but don't let it interfere with this matchup and let's try to keep it as clean as possible,
meaning for now that we'll just wait for the deadline and for any decisions of Iris and Cork when they have found cheating or anything irregular...
Succes for both teams though for 2 great parks, thanks! I enjoyed them..
Edited by Emergo, 25 July 2006 - 07:14 PM.
Jeez man I though you were finally over that. Makes my day too though I must admit. Brings back lots of fond memories of last year and being the biggest underdog team in the whole competition and really feeling like we had a lot to proove.
Yes, er, No I might WIN. Er, yes, it's for the best of H2h and NE, even if not for team Strangelove.
So congratulations to the Ferocious Tigers for showing everyone that realistic can still beat fantasy, when done right.
Kayte Ridge was built by geewhzz and CedarPoint6.
Internet City was built by X250 and Leighx.
Final score, 52-50.
Really shakes up the division now though, especially at the top. While my damn team still sucks it up in last.
Good ass round though.
I'm not going to spazz this time. The parks were polar opposites, neither one clearly out-did the other.
But don't think we're not learning from this.
I guess first off, sorry if I was all anal about the voting... I was really getting into this.
Anyway, the park. Thanks to those who voted for us.
Some things to mention:
-Kayte Ridge is just some random name we made up before sending it in.
-The 2 rides at the bottom of the park aren't running because we couldn't sink the stations. We sacrificed motion for looks.
-Renegade was based off of Storm Runner (Renegade was another choice for SR's name) and uses the same inversions in a different order. We tried to stay away from B&Ms since they seem all too common these days. I wanted the small park feel with that one big coaster.
-If I would've finished the readme, I would've been able to clear up how a small park got such a big coaster. It's sort of along the lines of a park like Holiday Park which ended up with EGF.
-Someone mentioned how the transfer track wasn't realistic... I know the actual support pieces were sort of thrown together, but the sliding track deal is completely realistic.
-To Fatha, yes the queues are rather short, but it is a small park and it just came down to space. As for the rest, I'd call it pretty realistic. Or more realistic then most things. Some Allen's have banking... I did it because of the speed the ride took the corner. It would be shallower in real life, but that's an RCT thing.
Anyway, who built what:
I did all the custom rides. GW did most of the treeing, and most all the buildings. He also did supports for Renegade and most of the monorail. Credit to him for Renegade's station and finishing off the other two coaster stations.
Hm, I think that's all.
Anyway, thanks to all who voted for us- really close round. It had me refreshing the page ever 5 minutes sometimes!
Edited by CedarPoint6, 25 July 2006 - 09:31 PM.
Corkscrewed Offline
now that we've determined that Internet City lost, I do have one thing to say about it.
I think the "disorganization" of it hurt this park the most. From the start, it was obvious that X250 had a hand in this, because this was so similar in aesthetic style to his PT2 park. You had a giant icon, several very creative sections, lots of details, but it comes off as being messy. There's a complete lack of global organization that, to a lot of people, comes off as "ugly" or "trying too hard" or "superficial." And it's not even a conscious feeling sometimes. But especially when you consider how this site is divided between fantasy and reality, you're gonna bring out the stylistic passions in people.
If you take a park like Slime Meridian, it has a sense of synergy, where the whole is more than the sum of its parts. It has a certain order, even though it's blatantly fantasy.
I think that small aspect was ultimately what "cost" Internet City the win. Because on paper, this should have demolished Kayte Ridge. While KR was a good park, it was the safe park, and H2H tends to be dominated by the bolder risk takers. But in this case, the safe park was executed pretty well, and the bold park may have lost a little too much control, to speak figuratively.
Still, it was one helluva park (I voted for it), and one great matchup. We have these every year, and it's part of what makes H2H so interesting.
Onward to week 4!!