i think everyone from both teams is calling for a tie so cant we just bend the rules?
Because that's not how it works. We went through all of this at the end of last season. I'm now past caring about who wins, everyone's being so silly about it.
What's a H2H season without a fair amount of voting controversy right? I think you've just got to accept it as part of the game at this point. Just like I do with the Kings every year...
So July 25, 2006. 10:00 PM PDT. aka July 26, 1:00 AM EDT. And I don't wanna figure out what it is on British and German times cuz I can't remember if it's 8 or 9 hours ahead of me.
Whoa, I come back from my trip to a neck-in-neck match. Internet City was crazy, perhaps a bit too crazy for me though. Those types of parks just aren't my style. There were too many things running around everywhere; it was really hard for me to focus.
I really enjoyed the Tigers' park though. Everything was really nice, especially the rocket. Great landscaping throughout as well. The only thing I was looking for was a bit more of a defined entrance area. Nonetheless, one of my favorite parks this year and I'm sure I'll look at it a few more times.
IC- As many have said, it was too cluttered. But still, there were so many nice details, and so much to look at. The porn area could have been done better, but it was a nice shift from the norm. I loved the Amazon area with the shopping carts, and the 56k modem coaster was intereesting if nothing else.
KR- Beatiful. A really nice park, and very realistic, but it was missing the level of detail that IC had. The coasters were excellent, and the atmosphere was great, but there just wasn't much to see.
In the end, I chose IC, just because there is so much more to be seen. KR was nice, but not one that will be interesting to look at the fifth time, whereas I think IC will reveal new little details each and every time I look at it.
Letting everyone know here...that I will be going into the database and deleting votes from anyone that has less then a certain number of posts. There have been a good number of 'fishy' votes going on...and they'll be deleted. From accounts that have never been used before, from ones that were created this week conveniently, etc.
I haven't really looked too far into it, so I have absolutely no idea which, if any, team it will help. Hopefully neither.
I'm in agreement with WME, just call it a tie *please*. heh, I know you won't though, it's not in the rules that way.
5 day rule it is then...
Because that's not how it works. We went through all of this at the end of last season.
I'm now past caring about who wins, everyone's being so silly about it.
Corkscrewed Offline
Do it.
I dare you.
Silenced Offline
Germany 9 hours
GB 8 hours
Edited by Leighx, 24 July 2006 - 05:28 AM.
I really enjoyed the Tigers' park though. Everything was really nice, especially the rocket. Great landscaping throughout as well. The only thing I was looking for was a bit more of a defined entrance area. Nonetheless, one of my favorite parks this year and I'm sure I'll look at it a few more times.
Kayte Ridge.
IC- As many have said, it was too cluttered. But still, there were so many nice details, and so much to look at. The porn area could have been done better, but it was a nice shift from the norm. I loved the Amazon area with the shopping carts, and the 56k modem coaster was intereesting if nothing else.
KR- Beatiful. A really nice park, and very realistic, but it was missing the level of detail that IC had. The coasters were excellent, and the atmosphere was great, but there just wasn't much to see.
In the end, I chose IC, just because there is so much more to be seen. KR was nice, but not one that will be interesting to look at the fifth time, whereas I think IC will reveal new little details each and every time I look at it.
Even though it probably wouldn't help us anyway...
I haven't really looked too far into it, so I have absolutely no idea which, if any, team it will help. Hopefully neither.
Or cheaters.