Park / Internet City
20-July 06
- Views 38,031
- Downloads 1,022
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- Comments 211

74.50%(required: 70%)
RWE 90% Kumba 85% Ling 80% Scoop 80% Cocoa 75% G Force 75% robbie92 75% saxman1089 75% Liampie 70% csw 65% posix 65% Xeccah 55% 74.50% -
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So I hope those of you who haven't voted will look at it this way. I voted for the Tigers.
Edited by geewhzz, 21 July 2006 - 12:47 PM.
Corkscrewed Offline
JJ - I wub your sig
and RCTFan...hmmm...wonder where you got yours???
Fatha' Offline
More later on my thoughts.
inVersed Offline
I never said that internet city was "so much better" just that I think it's obvious as to which park took more time. I should probably quit making an ass of myself here though and congradulate my opponent on delivering such a pleasent park. It's actually kinda refreshing in h2h times... but still...
Other park was alright, nice ideas, nice concepts. Just not appealing to me.
Tigers got my vote.
Corkscrewed Offline
You're right, as soon as I saw that one thing, it made it quite obvious.
My vote went for Internet City. I'm a sucker for those huge amazing-idea wow factor fantasy parks. As nice as Kayte Ridge was, I just dont think it compares to the awesomenes of Internet City.
Xcoaster Offline
Ferocious Tigers - Kayte Ridge
Edited by chapelz, 21 July 2006 - 08:24 PM.