Park / Mel Brooks Battle


This park shares comments with 16 other parks(View Parks)
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Dirk Pitt, on Dec 19 2002, 09:38 PM, said:

    PleasantVille had many problem The coaster stalled 2 times. I had to add lift to those 2 hills. Next time plz check the coaster and make sure it WORKS.

    Micool already explained that up there somewhere ^^^^

    Read posts first.

    Butterfinger, you may have been close points-wise, but I think if i'd been able to give 6 or 7 to X-Sector I would have.
  • natelox%s's Photo

    Stargazer, on Dec 19 2002, 10:40 AM, said:

    Natelox's entry sucked, best parkmaker?

    i was, or alteast felt pressured to enter, i really didn't feel like entering in the first place. I must admit, it lacks in almost every category. hopefully [censored] will regain NE members like in my work. I also have a christmas present comming for all of you...Dec. 24!
  • The Drizzle%s's Photo

    Natelox, on Dec 19 2002, 08:38 PM, said:

    I also have a christmas present comming for all of you...Dec. 24!

    Thats christmas eve...not christmas ;)

    just thought i'd point that out

    sounds cool

  • natelox%s's Photo
    yes, i have realized that much bio, but one, its pretty damn close to christmas, and two, some people like to open presents early on christmas eve.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    what present???? dont wait till Christmas Eve, give it to me now!.well i guess i can wait, but im checken back here Christmas eve, and there better be a present for me.
  • TheGuardian%s's Photo
    and to think i was about to pull out of the rct2 and rct1 crave has died down sharply, as had many other ppl. but i do still like seeing the coasters.

    i am though planning on building a park with Nitrous soon.. and get back on track with Minnesota Adventure's plans.

    and thanx for the votes guys.
  • Drew%s's Photo
    Congratulations to X for an amazing, creative ride. I really liked I and I loved the movie. ;)

    ^Great job too! Very nice... :) :D :bandit: :devil:
  • bokti%s's Photo
    I liked Reindeer games.

    Charlize Theron is my stalkee.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Well here I am off from school for 3 weeks away from my computer and I forgot to bring my RCT cd. I have LL but I can't install it without RCT. The coasters sure look good from the screens anyway.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    Coaster Ed, on Dec 22 2002, 07:32 PM, said:

    Well here I am off from school for 3 weeks away from my computer and I forgot to bring my RCT cd. I have LL but I can't install it without RCT. The coasters sure look good from the screens anyway.

    Go back and get it, even if it involves breaking into various places and hitch-hiking across the Galaxy.

    Ok, maybe not, but damn!