Park / Micool's Islands of Adventure Washington DC

Park_787 Micool's Islands of Adventure Washington DC


This park shares comments with 19 other parks(View Parks)
  • Corkscrewed%s's Photo
    Okay... I guess PYRO gave him a 1. I could have sworn that 1 was by your name yesterday, Ed.
  • John%s's Photo

    gymkid dude, on Sep 19 2003, 06:30 PM, said:

    didnt someone say something about the top 2 non-ne parkmakers get parkmaker spots, and adam is one?

    I think iris mentioned two parkmakers would be chosen based on their Hi-Rollers, but not specifically the top two. God fucking damn it!!! I should have entered this. So mad... :@
  • Micool%s's Photo

    Corkscrewed, on Sep 19 2003, 05:42 PM, said:

    Okay... I guess PYRO gave him a 1.  I could have sworn that 1 was by your name yesterday, Ed.

    I think it was... :yup:
  • ECC%s's Photo
    He also said that parkmaker spots are not guaranteed.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    :lol: The lowest score I gave was 5.0 if you must know. I liked all of the entries, I just liked some more than others. But really, this isn't the place for this discussion. I'd be happy to explain any of my ratings to you if you'd like but not here. I kinda thought the judges were supposed to be secret actually. :kane: (<-- camouflage) Actually I guess I've already mentioned elsewhere that I've seen the hi-rollers entries so nevermind about that. I don't want to say too much about it though.
  • Kumba%s's Photo

    John, on Sep 19 2003, 06:47 PM, said:

    I think iris mentioned two parkmakers would be chosen based on their Hi-Rollers, but not specifically the top two. God fucking damn it!!! I should have entered this. So mad... :@

    Shit! :@

    same here. i did not do one, coz i was about 100% sure i would not win, and it could not have got, runner up, Pinnacle or any type of spotlight.... but a full pic on the main page and a chance for Parkmaker...oh man :'(

    next time im entering
  • Micool%s's Photo
    I demand #19, thanks. :@ :devil:
  • iris%s's Photo
    #19 has been posted.
    Congrats to deanosrs for the hard work.

    For a list of all released entries...visit here:
    Hi-Rollers Standings
  • Micool%s's Photo
    Hey, that really isn't too bad. Obviously people are going to go on about "2x2ism" and what not, but I think the colors were the best part. Nice use of colors, but not so wild that you turn your eyes away.
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    if all of it was like the aztec he'd be near top 10.

    The flamey area and the other area werent as good.

    Decent vertical coaster though, but poor steel hyper.
  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Yeh Iris got it, I couldn't be bothered with it after the aztec area... although I thought the valley part wasn't bad the volcano bit was awful....
  • guljam%s's Photo
    it seems that the park is very 'geomanytical'!!
    so, I think A person who make this park, RCT2 Master

    I Give him score/ Theme(ing):10 Ride:9 All Rated:10
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Oh, my mistake again. I didn't see that the ratings were posted before. Nevermind Cork, just ignore my comments about secrecy. I was obviously just confused. It looks like you've got mine and Pyro's ratings crossed again. I gave it a 7 not a 2. I guess I was a lot more generous than everyone else. Then again, like I said, the lowest score I gave was a 5 so perhaps it all balances out anyway.
  • Raven-SDI%s's Photo

    I absolutely hated this park...

    Sorry dean...

  • deanosrs%s's Photo
    Yeh thanks Raven. That's like the most constructive comment I've ever heard. Any ideas on how it could have been better? Not bad for 3 days IRL for me..... So yes, it was very rushed as I said before. Better rushed than nothing though, and it's only a taster of what's to come.

    And with the 2x2 thing... It's the quickest way to build. Most of my stuff is 3x2, 4x3 etc...
  • Corkscrew%s's Photo
    Deanosrs entry for Hi-Rollers was pretty good (especially the Aztec-part, wonderful theming... :) ) butt the B&M Speed Coaster i didn't really liked. The layout looked a bit strange and the theming of the coaster's area looked a bit unfinished. Butt still, it has some pretty fine theming in there :yup:

    The Nightmare Lake of Mystery Mod i also really liked (nice archy and theming), however that lifthill of the woodie and the banked curve befor entering the station of the mine train looks weird :rolleyes: .
  • posix%s's Photo
    Are you sure you want to have only one thread for all the entries?
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    one thread for every 4 parks would work good.

    Um, judges. Are you allowed to give decimals? If you started with a 5, then next gave a 7, that meant that 18 people got 7's, 8's, 9's, or 10's.

    I woulda given the first person 10, and the last 2 1's. Then ranked from there.

    Oh well.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    Umm, if that was number 19, my name is definitely gonna be next on the list. I'm pretty sure I won't break 15, since my entry was really terrible.

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • mantis%s's Photo
    Nightmare Lake

    This was a cool park! The devil was damn scary if I say so myself, and the hotel at the back was well made. I think the coasters were a bit of a let down (the mine train especially)...but you can't say no to a groovy name like 'sinister minister'! And that cross on the station was totally soupy trousers. Good work, Bigfoot.

    I'm gonna look at deano's park when a few of the rct2 parks have come out, cos I only load rct2 for batches :D