Park / Li'ampolis 500 BC


  • geewhzz%s's Photo

    Li'ampolis 500 BC Logo

    In the past couple of months, an influx of Liampie’s parks have been released in the Honorary Mentions category, a few being old, dated projects not showcasing his true talents and abilities. Some members mentioned that they wanted to see what he is truly capable of, and Liampie’s first RCTLL accolade shows just that! Welcome to New Element’s newest Bronze winner, Li’ampolis 500 BC! | Read On...

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    it all felt like a repeat of itself over and over. thats very, very common in LL and tbh, i get annoyed with it. :/ it had enough nice ideas to get it a decent score, and only one thing that COULD have been codexed, although it probably wasn't. very respectable indeed, as codex seems to be taking over these days.

    well done liam
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Sorry, quote followed by quote :p

    I liked it, but I felt the coaster needed to be much much stronger. It didnt last very long and wasn't very strong either.

    It didn't feel like a park, which obviously isn't a major problem, but it would have been much nicer if it was more like one.

    Also I hated all the immature naming, but that's just me being petty. But yeah, definately worthy of a bronze.

    Congrats on Bronze, some more LL from you would be nice to see.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    I agree with Louis. The coaster wasn't really good, especially the cutback, sorry.
    But the theming was really great, I love your LL-style.

    Hope to see more LL of you in the future. :)

    Congrats! :p
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Yey, as I said half the park is bronze quality and over half silver :p
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Very nice park here. That atmosphere was pleasant and worked in some really neat details. Loved those dinosaurs, lol. My only real issue was it was small and had just one ride. IMO it was a design more than a mini park.

    Now please get back to the new stuff like Dolphin Bay :p
  • Cena%s's Photo

    Very nice park here. That atmosphere was pleasant and worked in some really neat details. Loved those dinosaurs, lol. My only real issue was it was small and had just one ride. IMO it was a design more than a mini park.

    Now please get back to the new stuff like Dolphin Bay :p

    I think he did smart then with sending this in for spotlight instead of design, now he has a bronze, otherwise he wouldn't have anything. 

    Congrats Liam :) 
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Thanks all!

    @Cena & Kumba: The main reason I submitted it for Spotlight is that the sole ride is not the centerpiece or the highlight. I made some scenery and there happens to be a coaster in it! This park is just a quick sketch to test my LL skills that got out of hand. :) Consider this a concept creation, although it probably wouldn't win. ;) What Cena says is also true, but not the main reason I did it.
  • posix%s's Photo
    you know, i thought it was okay. it felt like "a little bit of nothing". i hope your future submissions have more concept and meaningfulness.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    The LL project I'm currently focus on is not as serious as my RCT2 work too, but better than this concept-wise. Hopefully the project after that will be more serious. It depends on my LL hacking skills too... Currently I really suck.
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    It didn't really feel like there was that much going on, but I like seeing quality work and I think this was some quality LL work - I look forward to seeing more in the future!
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    I pretty much agree with everyone else, there's really not a lot going on but it has a nice atmosphere and is on the whole well executed. I hope you take Posix's advice because a more focussed LL park would probably be pretty good.

    I think you could have been more adventurous with the coaster though. Extending the lift hill over the outer walls and making it interact with the rivers before returning back inside could have added a lot to the park and if this was the case it could have elevated it from a solid, if uninspiring, bronze to a nice LL design.

    Didn't quite get the crashed space capsule and astronaut but it made me smile nevertheless.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Didn't quite get the crashed space capsule and astronaut but it made me smile nevertheless.

    Me neither. :lol: Perhaps it's Timothy Cross.
  • 59.17%(required: 50%)  Bronze
    Percentage of vote: 59.17%
    K0NG 80%
    Kumba 70%
    inVersed 65%
    Ozone 65%
    turbin3 65%
    ][ntamin22 65%
    chapelz 60%
    Roomie 60%
    geewhzz 55%
    robbie92 55%
    5dave 50%
    Nokia 50%
    SSSammy 50%
    posix 40%
  • Description

    I've owned LL since it came out, but I didn't play it for years because my disc disappeared... I borrowed Harm's (a RCT-Guide dude) disc and started to play around a little, this time knowing what LL's possibilities actually are. I made 0,5 of this map. Theming wasn't really a problem, but I was struggling with the rides. After more than a year of doing nothing on this map, I decided to finish it. Although I don't play LL often I discovered I did improve a little, and progress went really fast. However, I still couldn't add rides in a good way. Eventually the park ended up having only one ride, Balkenend Enormos... I could submit it for design, but I didn't because I thought the ride wasn't the centerpiece of the park. It's a landscape that happens to include a coaster, not the other way around. Moreover, I knew it couldn't win design and it had a chance at Bronze. Actually it barely missed Silver, but I'm glad that didn't happen. It's too small in my opinion...

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