Park / Hutchinson Amusement Park
19-November 09
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New Element has always been about RollerCoaster Tycoon, RollerCoaster Tycoon has always been about roller coasters, and JDP is all about roller coasters. Most of us have been criticized by this Nazi of coaster realism, whether it be an improper inversion or a “cookie-cutter” B&M layout. But despite all of his nagging, he has earned his place among the long list of accolade winners with two Silver wins: Superior Amusement Park and Korsareian Valley. He also helped push the Hurricanes to victory in Head-2-Head 5. Now he graces the front-page once again with his latest Silver, Hutchinson Amusement Park! Read On...
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The Dinn/Summers woodie has to be my favorite. The layout, the color choice, the location... Pure bliss!
I personally think it should've gotten Gold, but that's just me.
While the park as a whole would have been more attractive if you had added more details to things, I think everything works great as it is and fits well with the overal setting.
congrats jdp
seriously, the layouts were most delicious. reminded me why you have the reputation of one of the best layout makers of all time for me.
Obviously more jazzy than a normal review but that's because it was written as a front page write-up. The park was superb JDP. A step up from your previous parks but still keeping that same charm and definitive realsim.
Looking forward to the next one
I really liked the woodies, so don't take this the wrong way, they were excellent from a design, pacing, and theming standpoint. I have always felt that the wooden coasters are the "highlight" of the park if you will, combining old school rough rides with that great "air time" rush we all love so much. Steel coasters are the "filler" coasters, and though many steel coasters are more popular than their woodie counterparts, the woodie to me has always been the "grand finale" so to speak. At any park I ever go to the woodie is always the last ride I ride because it gives the roughest ride, and the most airtime. Maybe it's just me, but too many woodies takes away from the greatness of the other woodies because there are so many of them in this park....
Again this is just my opinion. I loved the park, I just think 3 woodies and 3 steel coasters should have been at least the other way around. Not to mention two of the steel coasters were small, generic coasters......
Edited by MisnersRCT, 20 November 2009 - 03:06 PM.
Overall, I'll echo what other's have said and agree that layouts seem to be your strong point. The Three woodies, mainly, were very believable and fun to watch. The Dinn woody was by far the highlight of the park for me. It really reminded me of Predator at Darien Lake, which was one of my personal favorites when I was little. I just love the whole beginning of the ride, going over the water right before the lift. It just looked really cool. The GCI was good, too. I loved that first turn around element. It really screamed GCI. The rest of the layout was good, too. The Schmeck woody was, in my opinion, the weakest of the three, but still really damn good. I still love that pre-lift segment, which I remember liking way back when you first showed us a screen of that. Other things that I really enjoyed throughout the park were of course, the peeps, the atmospher, and the foliage (you've really improved here).
Then to go on to the parts I didn't like as much. I didn't like seeing the mirrored Boomerang. You know your shit when it comes to coasters, but I felt like I missed something. Has Vekoma ever done this? I can't be arsed to look it up. Also, people seem to be making their Boomerangs really damn small lately. The front of the train is practically still in the station when the catch car lets go. I wasn't too much of a fan of High Anxiety either, as I remember feeling the same back when you first showed it. I loved the first few seconds, up until about the MCBR, then it kind of lost me. I couldn't figure out that transfer either. Your architecture has improved a hell of a lot since your last parks, but I feel like this is one of the main things keeping you from the gold/spotlight level. Everything kind of has that generic realism look I feel we see too much. The park layout was a little undefined, too. Kind of Cedar-Fair-ish, with concrete everywhere and rides and coasters plopped down.
But really man, you've improved so much over the years. Your landscaping this time around was really good. The little waterfalls here and there were really sick. Your ride selection has gotten better also (the log flume was really good--reminded me of Dorney's). And of course, your layouts have started to gain a fan-base around here. I still see room for improvement, but there's not too many who can do it better at the moment.
Overall nice park man. It was good fun to look around just as I had hoped. And hell, I would have even given it a gold if it makes you feel any better.
Nice park.
The layouts were definately the strong points of this park. All woody layouts were amazing.
Zierer-Layout was good too, just a little bit too short in my opinion.
The theming was good aswell, but in some parts i didnt really like it.
On the "boardwalk" near the lake the theming was executed good,
but e.g. on the Gaming Arcade it was boring and too small.
What destroyed the atmosphere for me were all the entrance huts.
They are just looking ugly in some places, e.g. on the frisbee.
You could have made them invisible or hide them better.
Moreover I am missing some little details like plants under water or splash tiles
near the fountains.
The foliage on the park was okay, but I wasnt a big fan of it.
All in all it was a nice park, with fantastic layouts and a average theming.
I'd have scored: 13
Looking forward to your next projects,
Only thing I didn't like was the way you cut it off and i wanted the park to be bigger for more coasters and archy.
You deserve this mate
Overall, I am extremely happy with my 3rd Silver even though I wanted a Gold. However, this will make me a stronger parkmaker and make me push harder toward my first Gold or even Spotlight.
Thanks to all and HUGE THANKS to Brian (CedarPoint6) and Curtis (Geewhzz) for all the tips and guidance when building this park. Also a large thanks to my Canes for helping me get motivated to finish this park and become a lot better!
Thanks everyone and I would like to hear what a lot of other people have to say
Edited by JDP, 22 November 2009 - 11:44 PM.
You can have your spotlight one day, but I think you need a different concept for that. Remember why Faceman's Paradise Island won Blockbuster instead of Spotlight?
Looking forward to your next project.
Generally, most people don't mind seeing the same thing over and over, if it's done well, and slightly different.