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GREAT GREAT design, wow. Best LL I've seen in a while. What a surprise!
This reminds me why I love to play rctll.
RMM Offline
this is probably the sole project i've ever had fun building. i had the idea of a peepable design while designing the ride and that kept it more interesting. i worked and tweaked the supports throughout the entire design. i kept going back to them to improve them. the supports took more time than anything and that really kept me motivated to finish it. there were multiple spots where i didn't want supports to show, not only on the coaster. and that's why i had people hit '5'. i figured it was there, why not take advantage of it? idk if i ever would've finished it if i cleared ALL the supports with a chairlift. so i took that route.
but i'm glad everyone liked it. really does make me feel good to finish something and to see that people enjoyed it. i'd like to make an entire peepable park. having peeps really holds my interest in rct. thanks again everybody and i'm glad you liked it.
Wish I could see the coaster run in game. Congrats on the Design spot.
Anyway well done RMM this is an excellent design and its great to see a peepable LL design again. It's been a long time. The whole composition of this ride is brilliant and the supports are extremely well done.
But, yeah RMM, this looks fabulous and congradulations
RMM Offline
and haha i knew somebody would say something about the double corkscrews. i know it's not realistic but they always look so good on B&Ms. single corkscrews are so hard to place on a ride in rct while still looking good so i give props to rides that do it well. but the double corkscrews worked perfectly here though, kept the ride fluid.
Edited by RMM, 16 November 2009 - 01:26 PM.
Btw, huge props on the supports. I give anyone credit who does custom supports in LL. It's bad enough they're time consuming with rct2, but i can only imagine how long it actually took you to support this thing.
RMM Offline
same here.
Edited by RCTCA, 16 November 2009 - 05:49 PM.
RMM Offline
and MA, which h2h park? i checked seasons 3, 4, and 5. don't see the rest.