Park / Desalniettemin

Park_722 Desalniettemin


  • geewhzz%s's Photo


    NE Honorary Mention

    Game  RCT2        Submission Type  Spotlight        Creator  Liampie        Score  3.92       

    (Fast Aerial)

    Attached File (4.65MB)
    downloads: 350
  • Cena%s's Photo
    I hope Blykak will score better ...

    Liampie, waarom heb uberhaupt deze naam gekozen? Was je verveeld ofzo :p? Wel grappig 3 dingen van jou gereleased zien. 
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I hope Blykak will score better ...

    In vain I guess... :(

    Liampie, waarom heb uberhaupt deze naam gekozen? Was je verveeld ofzo :p ?

    Because "Liam City Amusement Park III" is an even shittier name. Moreover, non-Dutch speakers will think this is a beautiful name.
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    My quote from the release prep:

    Is Liampie cleaning out his RCT-closet?



  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Obviously! :p My RCT-closet is huge btw, I'm only halfway through.

    Some close-ups:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Edited by Liampie, 22 January 2010 - 12:17 PM.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    godwins law *closes topic*
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Was there any point of sending this in? I'm not being nasty here, I was just wondering. I know that if I had something old to release or finish up quickly that isn't the same quality I produce now I would just release it in the release section.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    This park was important for me five years ago and it changed my parkmaking. This is one the parks that changed it all for me, the second one with custom objects and the first park that made me think "Did I just build that? :o ". I would've submitted it five years ago if I knew New Element.

    Moreover, it's just fun to see how the panelists rated this.

    Why not sending it in? :)

    godwins law *closes topic*

    Sorry, I don't understand. :bunny:

    Edited by Liampie, 22 January 2010 - 02:34 PM.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Thanks a lot, now I totally understand! [/sarcasm] This topic hasn't got anything to do with Nazis. :p

    The last screen says "Heil Hitler" but the ride is about Anne Frank and not about nazis.

    Edited by Liampie, 22 January 2010 - 03:52 PM.

  • RCTNW%s's Photo

    Moreover, it's just fun to see how the panelists rated this.

    Why not sending it in? :)

    I could see someone new to the site sending in something of this quality in hopes of getting a bronze however you had to know that 1) this was way below your current standards and 2) knew that this would get an HM an nothing higher. The problem sending in something of this quality (especially by you) is the waste of time by the staff to prep it, vote on it and then create the release topic. It takes long enough to get a submitted entry that actually wins something without waiting for these HM's to be released.

    I fully understand your sentamental value t the park and I can respect that but I think it was a waste to submit it. I just hope we don't see a rash of these being submitted.

    Just my $.02
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Dude I used to make dueling wooden coasters like that all the time. High five.
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I could see someone new to the site sending in something of this quality in hopes of getting a bronze however you had to know that 1) this was way below your current standards and 2) knew that this would get an HM an nothing higher. The problem sending in something of this quality (especially by you) is the waste of time by the staff to prep it, vote on it and then create the release topic. It takes long enough to get a submitted entry that actually wins something without waiting for these HM's to be released.

    I fully understand your sentamental value t the park and I can respect that but I think it was a waste to submit it. I just hope we don't see a rash of these being submitted.

    Just my $.02

    That was kinda my point. Thanks for the back up that actually makes more sense :p
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I've thought about that when I submitted these old parks, but posix/geewhzz said on several occasions that every submission is appreciated. This is the best possible way for the parks to get released so I just submitted them.

    If anyone from the panel thinks I shouldn't submit more stuff that's certain to not win, feel free to tell me. I don't want to feel guilty in the end...

    The second batch is not far from being submitted otherwise.
  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Somehow I think "every submission is appreciated" is a way to sound nice...

    After looking through this, something tells me you were high as hell when making this. :SA:
  • 19.62%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 19.62%
    SSSammy 35%
    Kumba 25%
    robbie92 25%
    Roomie 25%
    ][ntamin22 25%
    CedarPoint6 20%
    geewhzz 20%
    Ozone 20%
    posix 20%
    Six Frags 20%
    chapelz 15%
    inVersed 15%
    Nokia 15%
    5dave 10%
    Fr3ak 10%
  • Description

    This park was a breakthrough in my RCT-career. It was the last stream-of-consciousness park, and the first that I built stuff in that I thought was pretty good. When you view the park you'll immediately recognize the rides I'm referring to, as they're seriously not bad! The naming was really poor, so when I submitted this to NE I replaced the stupid names by even more stupid names, this time absurd names though. To emphasize the newly applied theme 'randomnity', I added even more stupid stuff to the park and one of the ugliest coaster I've ever made.

    If you want to see my roots, download this park. Maybe you think it's funny as well, maybe you think it's not. Just try it.

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