Park / Barkwood Amusement Park
24-January 10
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What's the first thing you think of when someone says "Nokia"? It was a popular phone in the ninety's, and still remains in this age of iPhones and Blackberries. But today, the word "Nokia" takes on a whole new meaning. Nokia can do a lot more than the phone that shares his name, as is evident by his Accolade Panel status. He made his debut at the now defunct RCTAvenged, and later served as one of the Minutemen in Head-2-Head 5. Now, Nokia can add his name to the long list of accolade winners with his first NE release, Barkwood Amusement Park! Read On...
as for the park, i had fun making it.
wasn't really trying to impress anyone, and yeah.
I respect that, and it was pretty enjoyable
On a critical side I think the accelerator could have been swapped with some more flats and buildings to make for a more well rounded park, not really too big of a deal though
Lets start with the peeps:
It took me 5 seconds to make a path for them and you can't even see it
Most of these supports are horrible, they can easily be fixed in a matter of seconds, and also no footers?
Took me 1 second to remove this ghost object
Again, its not hard to delete them:
I take it this is an Intamin, these supports are no where near what Intamin build, if you take an extra 10 minutes they would look much better (except for 1 tiny one), no cross beams or supports angled down.
Wheres the support?
Surely you could build a better finish then this, it looks horrible as it is now!
OK now this is just stupid:
After 41 minutes this ride was still not fixed, surely you could hire more mechanics as none could even reach this spot
This train never moved, nor did the one in the station for that matter:
Why is there no railing?
Plain black, the art deco was not complete, red, pieces are placed oddly and do not match up, yellow, a piece is missing:
Whats up with the floating bush and the ridiculously high footer? Take 10 seconds and lower the angle piece down and you can have 1 footer:
Theres much more in there, for example can someone at least try to take proper care of the peeps for once? Its not hard for God's sake!
Honestly the park is meh, nothing exciting happens, all the coasters are supported, fairly badly for that matter and all they do is travel through a couple of trees.
The architecture was good, there was only 1 shop which i didn't like so props for that too.
The layout was horrible, seriously its just a big circle of path, whats so hard about making a more easy to navigate park, add a few more main paths in and it would be good, but it is not.
So for me this park would have gotten a 6. Nothing amazing, clearly rushed, laziness all over the park and there was nothing that even held my attention for more then 5 minutes.
Edited by Goliath123, 24 January 2010 - 10:49 PM.
congrats nokia.
nice job
Edited by Goliath123, 24 January 2010 - 10:52 PM.
i liked it, nokia. can't wait to see more of your stuff.
thats a dick-ish thing to do.
at least congratulate him or something.
if you didnt like it, you didnt like it.
no need to go through all the effort to bring him down
its all up to the builder's discretion.
I wanna work with you again
Either way Nokia, we all know you can do a lot more better then this so lets hope your next accolade makes this one look like a waste of time.
The Hypers drop and the flat section over the station on the woodie were prime examples. however for me it did scrape a Bronze and does show promise for the future.
If you're gonna lay into a park at least make sure you have one decent comment so that you don't look like you just hate the builder and wont like anything the builder creates.
Some of those things you circled though, like the no footers, are ridiculous. And with the wooden train, it just happens sometimes, all you needed to do was close and re-open the ride, not have a massive bitch about it.
Anyway, Jason. I know you can do better but I also know that you just wanted to have something finished. The layouts were nice. The accelerator's was a bit crappy but I really liked the Intamin, reminded me of Kodiac (which you need to take and finish cause that layout it awesomes).
Nice Bronze
the supports are supposed to be like that. i didn't get lazy or anything. yeah, there was a few errors, but who gives a fuck.
guess you didn't read when i said i wasn't trying to impress anyone with this park.