Park / Myst
11-February 10
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Overall it looks SOOOOOO amazing and that logo is very kickass
Wicksteed Offline
Custom supports are overrated.
BTW why did you support some things and not bother with the rest? e.g you did the monorail at the entrance and parts of the wooden supports over paths. If you were choosing to do no custom supporting why support them?
The entrance-area was well done, had a nice atmosphere, but was a bit detail-less. What wasnt so good, was the foliage, but it still was okay. The grey bridge looked out-of-place in my opinion and didnt fit. (the colour of it, not the setting)
Using no custom supports on your coasters worked really good here. Moreover your coaster layouts were pretty good.
What I loved so much was the waterfall, everything just fit so great there!
All in all it was a lower-gold park imo.
my vote would have been:
Hope to see some new work of you soon!
Wicksteed Offline
People do these things because the rct standard version look like crap to them. Others might actually like the look of the original supports, even though they are not realistic or anything. Obviously the default supports create a different atmosphere than custom ones, but its up to everyone to decide what he likes, and why shouldn't you use both types in one park - gives you a wider palette.
Anyway, I liked this and didn't like this. There were parts that were brilliant, but there were rides lacking etc. It didnt hold my attention all that long. Which is a shame cause I love your style and your work.
I agree with rrp though, that a non-Toon-support system for the coasters would really add a lot to this park and could've created an awesome atmosphere..
Like for example how I did it in MSM or for example how metro supported voodoo's dueling 4D's in Soul Calibur (scroll down to middle)..
I think these support systems are great though, and add a lot to the atmosphere and theming of a park.. I also think they are not that unrealistic.. Just because we didn't see them yet in real life doesn't mean they can't exist..
Anyway, I enjoyed the park turtle, really nice to see some more work of you! Too bad I haven't played the games, so I didn't get all of the details you put in (such as those air balloons)
Exactly. I’ll always prefer realism but feasible realism is just as good imo
Just thought this was interesting... Those air balloons have nothing to do with the games, I just thought they were quite cool!
Edited by Liampie, 15 February 2010 - 05:35 PM.