Park / Alpelynia
18-December 08
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- Comments 14
70.38%(required: 65%)
Evil WME 80% nin 80% RCTFAN 80% Xcoaster 80% CedarPoint6 75% chapelz 75% geewhzz 75% Magnus 70% 5dave 65% Milo 65% posix 65% zodiac 65% Fr3ak 60% FullMetal 60% Steve 50% 70.38% -
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Since joining New Element in early 2007, DelLagos has proven to be quite the parkmaking force. With his unique style that is a hit-or-miss with most people, he has managed to earn two NE Designs with Toxicity and Yggadrasil. DelLagos also boasts quite a few "Honorable Mentions" as well as what seems to be an innumerable amount of projects in the Ad District. He has been advertising one project in particular over the past few months, one that has finally culminated as DelLagos’ third NE Design Alpelynia.
i must say, though, that this is the first work from you i've really liked. i haven't downloaded it yet, but i'll be sure to.
Edited by ][ntamin22, 18 December 2008 - 07:21 PM.
Props to the logo-maker, it's fantastic. About the ride itself, well, i thought it was great. I thought that the theme was pulled off very well, nice surroundings, etc. I'm still waiting for a solo from you, I adore your style, it'd look great if it was applied to an entire park.
But the coasters were fun (to look at.... meh)
Edited by Fisch, 18 December 2008 - 09:39 PM.
"Definition: A spotlight submission roughly follows a park creation concept, no matter what style of building is applied."
This submission is only one themed area and does not have any park entrance/exit area. I think it can be assumed and argued that this is one chunk of a larger park.
"Definition: A design submission follows the concept of a coaster design. Or, it's a coaster cut out of a full park with its surroundings (those may include flat rides, restaurants, shops, etc...)"
Looks like this definition fits quite a bit better to me.
Congrats on the Design and I hope to see another project from you soon.
Xcoaster Offline
I think something that really detracted from the Design was the fact that there were 2 main coasters on the map. There's been a bit of discussion about this already - Milo touched on it. Ok, it's clear that the Bobsled/Alpine Slide is meant to be THE design, but I think the Eurofighter is actually the much better, more prominent and better executed ride. I loved the Eurofighter; thought it had a nice layout and other than being a bit slow at the end, had perfect pacing. However, the fact that it was good actually took something away from the Bobsled, which wasn't as well executed IMO.
I'm trying to put my thoughts into words here (and struggling): the fact that the smaller coaster (the Eurofighter) is actually the better coaster, detracts from the appeal of the main coaster (the Bobsled) - the one you are actually submitting as THE design. Get me?
The Bobsled was just... I dunno if you could have pulled it off much better in RCT - I'm not sure - but there were just some things I didn't dig with it. The lift-hill, with the kink (the random steep bit).. I really hated. It just seems to show a lack of care with planning the design/layout. (I think the chairlift had a similar kink too.) I thought the cars picked up way too much speed by the end of the ride - I imagined the ride to be quite dangerous for the rider. Glitches were an issue - again, perhaps tricky to avoid and not your fault, but they didn't help things.
I liked the archy and atmosphere - it never entered my mind that it was over-detailed. Thought it conveyed the theme quite nicely, without ever being too imposing.
I'm a big fan of parks/designs having 'write-ups' - some context to the park/ride and the designer's thoughts when they built the thing in RCT (that's why I included a massive brochure with my Magic Realms park - it hopefully explains why I made some of my design choices when I built the park). Often, it's not needed. Here, I actually would have really liked some sort of 'context' to the park - some background - is this part of a bigger theme park? Or is this meant to be like the traditional, generally stand-alone Alpine Slides? etc. etc.
So yeh - all in all - I thought it was good, but maybe not great. Really nice to see a very different map, with great landscaping, and as mentioned, some unique coaster choices... but for one reason or another, it didn't quite capture me as I hoped it would.
The landscaping was nice though and so was the architecture although it was a little similar and boring. The main problem was that it didn't hold my attention for very long.