Park / Crocodilopolis

Park_672 Crocodilopolis


  • turbin3%s's Photo

    Hey, this is my failed design. :p

    It's score was: 11.26

    Attached File (385.55KB)
    downloads: 297

    Comments are welcome, hope you like it. ;)

  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    ahh man it sucks you didnt get it:/

    but then again, i've been looking forward to this lol.
    downloading now:D
  • misterthom%s's Photo
    dude i liked this.
    but at the last drop of the water coaster, it stops too fast.
    the piramids are a bit boring. but the town and the lay out of the coaster were very good.
    too bad it didnt made it to design.
    but be proud of it ;)
  • Lowenaldo%s's Photo
    interesting. i actually really enjoyed this and am suprised that it didnt get design. the layout was a little weak, but your level of detail was amazing. i actually enjoyed looking at the surroundings more then the coaster itself.
  • Cena%s's Photo
    Yannik, I already said you on msn, that you should take more time for your things. You do have the skill and the heart for the game, but because you are not taking your time and rushing, your quality stays a bit behind. I know that you build this in about 7 days ... And that is really not that long if you get what I mean.

    Take for time to do things, and you can become really, really good at this game :) 
  • reflex%s's Photo
    I really enjoyed this, however, the one thing I didn't like was the coaster itself. It didn't seem that outstanding to me, plus the last drop right before the station wasn't so great :p. (the station was neat though ;) )
  • Tezee%s's Photo
    jear yannik!
    Good work.
    missing here and there a few eye-catcher.
    I find the houses for some, unfortunately, a bit boring.
    this are a few really good.
    The station of watercoasters I do not find as good.
    The trains are too fast into the station.
    the watery part of the Coast, I think not so beautiful because of the accruals.
    which would have to delete you or replaced by an underwater rail.

    weiter so!

    If you did not understand what I mean, I write to you again in icq.
    my English is not so good ^ ^

  • turbin3%s's Photo
    @mistherthom: I dont know a way how to make the pyramides doesnt look "that boring", sorry.
    Of course am I proud :p

    @Lowenaldo: Thanks.

    @Cena: I know you told me, but I had such a "idea-flood", that I builded 3 hours every day and that was the reason it got so fast :p

    @reflex: Thanks.

    @Tezee: I understand parts of it...thanks. ;)
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    Yannik, you know I really really liked it!

    I thought the theming was great! And the water coaster was alright maybe could have been slightly longer but it worked well and looked nice. It also suited the theme.

    I think the dark ride building was a funny shape. I think it would have been better if it was more squarish and wasnt so close to the dark ride inside, it could have been a little bigger if it wasn't kind of hugging the ride so much. And "Twister" could have been named better, loads better, to suit the theme. lol. :p Finally to the last thing I've said before, I think your buildings are too small they all seam to kinda 3x2 or something similar.

    Apart from that I really liked the design. Real shame you didn't get it. Next time you surely will? lol. :kumbasgreen:
  • Maverix%s's Photo
    I actually thought that the buildings were very nice, but the coaster kept it back. The water coasters layout was to short, slow, and had no flow. I thought the score was fair. Had the coaster had a better layout, I think it would have one.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo
    ^ What he said.

    The theming, archy and such was a big improvement, and definitely worthy of supporting a design, but the coaster layout itself held it back. I think I gave it a 13 or 14.
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    From the accolade topic...

    I really was not a huge fan of the layout for many of the same reason Six Frags mentioned. The architecture did not wow me either. Certainly he put a lot of detail in to each structure, but it felt overly 2x2 or 2x3 to me. The crocodile piece was a very nice touch on to rooftops.