Park / Ivalice
12-October 09
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a big thank you to whoever wrote the write-up for this !
(i think it was ][? )
nicely done:]
FullMetal I think you should make a park themed to Kingdom Hearts 2 =]
I remember Elby made a really good FF park but then he disappeared
I also made a kingdom hearts park for the pro tour 3 but I lost it when my computer went. Pretty annoying.
Looking at the park again In:cities and its just a pretty dam good piece of work. Even looking at the overview impress' me as I just love the style of your work.
FullMetal Offline
I could take a crack at it, but his park was bitchin' and I don't think I'd be able to top it. And besides, if I did make a KH park, I'd want JK involved.
no problem. I really liked a lot of this park despite never having played FFXII- but that's because I've played several FF Tactics games. The fact that they all use an isometric view makes the transition to RCT really all the more effective. I can't claim to have any idea what's going on with the floating island, but some of the Viera stuff especially made me want to dig out FFTA and make sure you hadn't just lifted level designs and dropped them into RCT.
the floating island was supposed to be the skycity of Bhujerba, found in final fantasy 12.
it sucks that it blocked part of the map, but the parts it blocked werent any good anyways;]
Cant wait for the next one
i loved having you do a guest spot.
its great !
i might message you at some point about any other future plans i might have in mind;]
This park was so refreshing. Get your coaster layouts up to scratch and you could easily grab hold of the higher acolades. Your architecture is so beautiful and your style is completely unique compared to what is generally seen around here today. My main concern is that each area looks so similar except for colour. I think you just need to be careful when building that you're not building the same structures throughout the park.
I really enjoyed this though and am really looking forward to your next release