Park / Silverwood Bullet
07-October 09
- Views 2,981
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- Comments 12

62.50%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Nokia 75% posix 75% SSSammy 75% zodiac 75% CedarPoint6 70% chapelz 70% Evil WME 70% geewhzz 70% Kumba 65% nin 65% Xcoaster 65% Fr3ak 60% Ride6 60% 5dave 50% inVersed 50% Casimir 40% Six Frags 40% Katapultable 30% 62.50% -
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Too bad it was on the lower end, really close though
Xcoaster Offline
I viewed this a while ago already, when he asked me to do a hack in it
I did however, feel that the coaster lacked a little love, the layout was GREAT, don't get me wrong, but some of the themeing around the rest of the layout was scarce. Maybe it needed some more trees, or even the odd building, I don't know.
Awesome coaster BTW, would love to have one like in a REAL theme park.
Airtime, I really hope to see more from you since you're the only player these days going for my favourite RCT style.
But yeah, the park looked empty. A few nice structures, although I thought the coloring was a bit odd. Terraforming & landscaping looked good. I liked the RR crossing gates.
Aren't these projects supposed to look like someone took a slice right outta a park to feature the track design? This didn't give me that sort of feeling.
Airtime Offline
I don't know what you mean, wolfie and robbie, about designs being a slice out of a park? I thought I did that, this was though just the back of a park or a cornor of a park.
Thanks for the mention though, I was just glad to get this finished.
Airtime Offline
But yeh, I love it, as I always do with your stuff, there is something about your style that is just plain brilliant. It's so clean and atmospheric and seems so simple and always has the right amount detail.
I love you <3 <3 <3 Can't wait to work with you on all the projects we have planned together