Park / The hidden Pond
29-July 09
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I agree it broke no boundaries but the giant mushrooms, the adventure ride and the coaster were all nice highlights for a good piece of work.
Coaster. Visually, for the most part, it looks great. It all seems nice and flowing - really liked the opening segment of ride - steep lift hill, twisting drop, then twist the other way - really good. BUT - I go on about this all the time, and I'm beginning to think it's just me - the pacing is IMO waaaaay off. This thing continues to pick up speed; faster and faster - gradually taking each element more and more quickly, until it literally ends up screaming into the brakes. Look at real coasters and in general, the average speed of the train will gradually decrease as the ride progresses.
Now, I'm not saying that this is '100% correct' - indeed, a ride like Nemesis does pick up speed as the ride goes on, hitting top speed around two-thirds of the way through... But in this design, it just didn't work for me... Good pacing is well-judged segments of CHANGE of speed, where the speed is appropriate for the element the train negotiates. With this ride, it just seemed to go faster and faster, regardless of element. It kinda felt like you built a nice-looking layout - which it is - but then tested it, and left it, unedited. Screaming into the final brakes at almost 50mph - which is near enough top speed is pretty mad.
So yeh... all good... and strong -- but again, I just didn't dig the pacing. I can't imagine that ride existing in real life, and thus it immediately loses points for me, as I instantly can't then imagine if this would be fun to ride or not.