Park / The hidden Pond
29-July 09
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Not too long ago German wonderboy egg_head was best bet for best non-parkmaker of the year. In early 2009 he showed us what he could do with help from RCT Majesty with his solid Gold Accolade Indigo Hills. In Round 1 of H2H5 he recently won over the Flying Germans with his trio-park Land of Wonders and this surely won't be the last time we've seen something from him. This time, he pops up with his third Design Accolade at New Element The hidden Pond. Read On...
inVersed Offline
more of a review later.
No offense Egg I missing something here?
The mushrooms looks really good & the layout is well shaped.
What I don't like is the landscaping in some parts.
What'd have been cool, if you had added a mushroom-roto drop
Nice design.
That's the biggest cliche possible with this theme.
One thing though, am I the only person who really doesn't enjoy peeps at all. They're so distracting, especially in a small area like this. I don't mind a park being dead as much as everything getting all glitchy and colorful. The major area here that I'm talking about is the queue.
Anyway, I'll just view invisible peeps or remove them from now on when looking at parks I guess.
Not a big problem, just wondering if I'm alone, haha.
It also adds to the replay value because you can follow the peeps around, it adds more realism, and there are a lot more animations to enjoy..
I agree that if some parks pretend to be peep-friendly, and in reality are not, the peeps get really annoying..
Nice park egg_head, but I have to agree with the others about the unfinishedness.. Did you get tired of the park? Because there is really no excuse with a design that has no deadline..
The coaster flows well, and there seems to be quite some atmosphere.. The architecture gets a little repetitive to me to be honest.. It doesn't really add to the theming, which architecture should imo..
Congrats on the design though, keep building!
Also can we make egg an NE Parkmaker already? I think the egg timer has gone off by now with Indigo Hills coming not to long ago
Well done, egg head!
The design itself seemed half assed and it seemed like Egg put no effort into making nice surroundings. There were some bushes here and there, trees (that had green trunks!?), random choppy landscaped tunnels, and big blue random mushrooms. I feel that some smoother landscaping, more buildings around the layout, and more of that fantasy style look could have helped me like this more. The designs pacing was okay, but the transitions between elements was too jagged and way sloppy. It looks as if you kept trying to keep every element and hill at least one unit under the last, so it was easy to get good pacing. Then you got put in a predicament where you had no choice but to have that last massive drop smash right into a swooping up left hill turn into the brakes, which in my opinion was way to fast and left even more of a sour taste in my mouth. Also I was bothered that you didn't even bother to add B&M style track to the pretzel loop.
Now as for everything else; I thought it was awesome. Architecture was great along with the monorail and the touring ride. I was hoping for maybe another flat but it was fine with out it. Just keep in mind though that when you do a peep friendly park you want to have a lot of trains for your rides so you don't have pissed off peeps (talking about the tour ride generally).
To be completely honest Egg, I think your architecture and parks atmosphere blinded the judges from the actual design and that's what one you another NE Design.
Sorry for the harsh words, but regardless, congratulations.
Edited by JDP, 29 July 2009 - 02:45 PM.
And that kind of brings up the thought that for those of you who thought the quality here lacked, egg isn't the one to be blamed. He built a coaster and added some surroundings (a typical design map), and then sent it in. Whether he got tired of it or not, I don't know, but either way it won design because enough people thought it was good.
anyway this owns and if you don't think so, welp, i'm sorry you can't appreciate higher art like the rest of us
I ask "really...?" because almost a quarter of the area show in the over view is unlandscaped, unadorned land. There's quite a bit of effort put into the themed part, and then just complete lazyness on the rest. One single tile away from coaster track you have unlandscaped land? Just shows a lack of effort, and the long ridges that it creates distract me from looking at the rest, especially when I can see it through the coaster.
I also really like the bugbite-tours (correct?), that one was fun to watch.
Despite all these positive things, I'd give this design a 15/20. Why? Because you didn't spend just another ten minutes on finishing the landscape. Really, it's no effort. Still, congrats on this design!
Make this guy a parkmaker please. He has been on a lot of radars for a long time now, and even after his long expected solo, Land of Wonders, Lenox Mall and this design, all quality stuff, he's still no parkmaker!
Edited by Liampie, 31 July 2009 - 06:28 PM.
It looks like an attempt at some 'step-landscaping' and even if it doesn't look great it is what it is...
Wicksteed Offline
Of course you should have finished it - and i'm not talking about the edgy landscaping, but about supports missing, about empty tiles in the middle of the park or about wodden supports under floating bushes. And I think it would have really added to the atmosphere to build some surroundings - I mean it's called "the hidden pond", but its not hidden from anything. That disappointed me a little.
But as I said, what is there is very good, great detail, great atmosphere.