If the unfinished bits are done with the same thought and care as the rest of the park has, this just might be right up there above parks like Canthose Valley and Rivers of Babylon in my opinion. Coasters need a bit of work, but some of the details, forms, ideas, whatever, are just executed with precision I've only seen from 5Dave and geewhzz. I hope this one doesn't get lost, egg, because I think you are certainly on to something special.
If the unfinished bits are done with the same thought and care as the rest of the park has, this just might be right up there above parks like Canthose Valley and Rivers of Babylon in my opinion. Coasters need a bit of work, but some of the details, forms, ideas, whatever, are just executed with precision I've only seen from 5Dave and geewhzz. I hope this one doesn't get lost, egg, because I think you are certainly on to something special.
Wow, thanks! I started plannings for a full scale solo, though H2H is my main priority atm. After that i will start again. Just got to get this old bitch here from my HD because I haven't touched it for about half a year and probably never would have again. Thought it would be better for you to see it unfinished, then never see it at all.
this is just awesome. hate to see this one go unfinished. please finish a full park egg!
Shame it's unfinished...
Maybe Majesty can finish it up
please finish this.
i would hate to see this die.
my only complaint is that the pacing on every rollercoaster is waaay too quick.
why egg, why!?!?!
Can expect some new parks from you, outside H2H?
anyway, Hawk is amazing. your layouts are always really good.
inVersed Offline
Wow, thanks! I started plannings for a full scale solo, though H2H is my main priority atm. After that i will start again.
Just got to get this old bitch here from my HD because I haven't touched it for about half a year and probably never would have again.
Thought it would be better for you to see it unfinished, then never see it at all.
I'll try :-)
i love the way you integrate the buildings with the path,land and rides.
FullMetal Offline
But overall, I liked it. Would've been better finished.