Park / Hakugei


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Babar Tapie%s's Photo

    I'm usually not a big fan of dkso and ncso parks, but I have to admit that over the last few months the quality has really improved. I'm not an expert on that style but I love your work here. It's full of great ideas, the level of detail is top notch and the care you've put into the whole thing is really cool. I really like the backstage area for exemple. I don't have any negative criticism to say, just that I'd love to see a bigger park from you! I was already a big fan of Serpentine, keep it up man!

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    haha I liked the swing around, very good, different. Your park is charming. The Mini Merry is very cute.
    The foliage is just right, not too much, not too little, this helps a lot because you can see things in the park, you know.
    The curves really give a special touch to the scenery in general, very good. The roller coaster support that you adapted was nice.
    Well overall I thought it was a great job, congratulations. :)
  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    what a great submission! full of excellent tricks, which is to be expected from you at this point. the part that held this back for me was the overall flow of the coaster. there is always a push and pull between being faithful and being aesthetic in RCT, and i think perhaps being faithful came at the expense of the latter.


    for how notable the huge lovely turns were, especially that support structure shown off in one of your screens, there are quite a few very awkward small turns, especially the small turn that would probably knock riders out cold after the tall barrel roll. i'll hold off on the wider macro criticisms as it is a recreation


    thank you for sharing this great project with us. the splash boats are so awesome and i loved finding all the cool details around the map. very much looking forward to the next one!

  • Turtle%s's Photo

    i think this is a step up from the last map i saw from you, good stuff! the overall cohesiveness of the park as a whole is definitely an improvement, but is still my main sticking point. on a micro level there are so many excellent little details, perspective tricks, very high skill level stuff. the supports are excellent, and the catwalk etc.. just really smart and clean execution. 


    i also very much liked the flume, and the queue line for both the flume and the coaster. my favorite little clever details (of which there are many) - the kitchen with frozen peeps cooking, the raft/support awnings, train vehicle transport backstage (lovely layering) and the Hakugei entrance tower. 

  • posix%s's Photo
    This was nice.
    But as with most DKMP stuff, it's just so hot and cold for me. Everything inside the paths or where rides are is on, the rest of negative space is almost entirely off. Those monorail railings in some cases are like a delineator to where life begins and ends, and beyond you sometimes find the most basic foliage or terraforming. It's a shame because it really brings it down for me. And some of the design and object intricacies here are great of course. But there needs to be a whole, a balance between all things on the map.
    I thought the layout was good, but the pacing just a bit too slow for this type of coaster. Feels like it would've wanted to be speedier.
    I liked how you did this type of swinger though. And some of the architecture shows great things, as we've seen with your past work also.
  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Pleasant, and feels quite standard at first glance in terms of the coaster layout and the supporting cast of rides. But, once you actually get down to the micro level there's quite a lot here to like. Personally I'm absolutely baffled on how you did the coaster supports.. would be curious to learn how you did that. 


    Layout seems like a faithful recreation which is important to me if that's what you intended to do. Pacing seemed a bit slow though. Didn't get the frantic breakneck pacing that an RMC tends to have.


    In terms of other comments thus far, I tend to agree with Turtle and Posix. Outside of the amazing supports, tricks, peep scenes, etc the park surroundings seems a bit plain and simple. But again, the micro detailing here is stellar. Would also love to learn how to do all these cool custom vehicles and peep scenes. 


    I'm not sure when the contest was for this.. a month ago, a year ago, 3 years ago.. so I'm sure you've already heard these critiques and comments.. and have continued to grow as a builder. Excited to see what you got cooking next.

  • TimmyTuner%s's Photo

    @Babar Tapie Thank you so much, im a big fan of your work so it means a lot to me! A bigger park is something I definitely want to do in the future, but is still a bit scary currently, especially solo.



    @MrTycoonCoaster My man! Thank you im glad you enjoyed it, appreciate the nice words! :D



    @Sammy Very interesting to think about the tradeoff between precise recreation and actually good rct coaster. In the end I decided on this layout, because of the overall relation of major elements, their positions and the shape of the layout – which I think came out super close to the original, especially with the diagonal station tying it together. The only things I had to add were 2 large curves to connect it all and beat the “squareness” of rct for a lack of better words. And I think exactly these curves are the ones you’re mentioning in your comment, which is a bit unfortunate haha. You certainly have a point though and I will consider that more in future recreations for sure! Thank you for the comment Sammy!



    @Turtle Thank you Turtle! Cohesion is still one of the things that’s somewhat hard for me to grasp and implement, ill have to work on that for sure! This park was also a bit difficult in that regard, because this corner I replicated is mostly a sea of path with some pretty standard rides plopped down haha. I tried to spice it up a little in lots of spots, which probably ended up hurting in that aspect.



    @posix “almost entirely off” ouch hahaha. I see your point about DKMP entries – I think the 1 month deadlines are pretty damn rough and there are things that need to be prioritized after all. Frankly, in this case I didn’t have a lot of time left for foliage and landscaping outside the park boundaries for example. Still I would prefer to not generalize DKMP as a whole like this and I certainly don’t want to make any excuses. I think its more a skill issue on my side and just one of the things I will have to work on for future creations – so thank you for the insightful comment posix!



    @otter Thank you so much for the comment otter! Youre right, in hindsight I think the layout would have benefited from a bit more height in general. That would put it more in scale (this thing is a beast in real life) and also alleviate some of the pacing issues.


    Now the diagonal supports, breaking down the big highlight curve from the screenshot (it is a lot of track pieces):

    -For the horizontal lines there is single rail and steeple chase track, both with the 2nd color invisible, sloped for the curves part.

    -For the verticals its again steeple on top of single rail – this is important to give it a nice texture that matches the support structure scenery items on the non diag part better.

    -For the cross-beams inside it is steep single rail track, again partly invisible.

    -For the footers, it is front facing single rail steep 60 to 25 up transition piece.


    Since all of these are made with diagonal track pieces, you have to construct the supports from all 4 different angles. Also, i think the mix of many tracks is important, or else it can become very flat and uninteresting.


    For the non diagonals, I replaced the regular drawn wooden supports with a custom DKSO mix of items, because I wanted to match the real life supports more (they look like they are made out of millions of small beams while the normal wooden support look like thousands of medium beams).


    In general, it was a ton of trial and error, to get the shape down as best as possible with the limitations of the game and took me over 30hrs to do haha.


    The vehicle and peep scenes are made with the ride vehicle editor and the peep editor plugin respectively. I implore you to try them out, they are pretty easy to use and very fun to play around with!

  • Scoop%s's Photo

    Such a sweet little design. I think the obvious standout is the coaster itself. Those supports are mind-blowing and honestly rival anything that can be done in full on cso.  Not only that but there are some sweet architectural moments too like the Diagonal station and the building next to the splash boats with the diagonal off-shoot.  There are some nice moments of foliage as well like the lagoon in the corner opposite of the coaster, but I would try and tone it down on the color usage. In this case specifically I don't think the Bordeaux red was needed and there are better options for creating the desired affect imo. All in all, super glad to see new (to me) builders coming out of the gate swinging! keep it up. 


    edit: You're not new to me. I'm embarresed. I forgot you did two of my favorite recent DKMP RCC entries! I'm now hiding in shame.


    second edit:

    This was nice.
    But as with most DKMP stuff, it's just so hot and cold for me. Everything inside the paths or where rides are is on, the rest of negative space is almost entirely off. Those monorail railings in some cases are like a delineator to where life begins and ends, and beyond you sometimes find the most basic foliage or terraforming. It's a shame because it really brings it down for me. And some of the design and object intricacies here are great of course. But there needs to be a whole, a balance between all things on the map.
      Sometimes I don't understand what you mean. Firstly it's a recreation, so it makes sense that the landscaping may not be the most dynamic assuming the real life counterpart is in sync. Secondly What do you mean by on and off?  There's more movement and life where guests traverse?  Well of course there is, that's natural.  Maybe I'm misconstruing what you're saying or just flat out not understanding, but it just doesn't make much sense to me. 
  • posix%s's Photo

    It seemed to make sense to Timmy and a few others. That's good enough for me.

  • Therty%s's Photo
    Popped in to say these splash boats rocked my world.
  • Therty%s's Photo
  • TimmyTuner%s's Photo

    Popped in to say these splash boats rocked my world.


    Hell yeah, big thanks again on the input there my guy!