Park / Tekkno City


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Scoop%s's Photo

    What a sweet vibe! That color palette is really nice and sells the intended vibe well. I also loved the stage. Even though we've so many different attempts of crowds that actually feel alive, this one stacks up quite nicely. I was initially going to comment on the foliage being too sparse and kind of bland, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it feels very vaporwave, which whether or not that's the intention, it works fairly well!

  • TimmyTuner%s's Photo

    You have been on an absolute tear lately in DKMP and this one might be your best park yet!


    I love the aesthetic and overall vibe here so much! The amount of nice details, like all the light effects and elaborate peep work help greatly to make this cityscape feel alive and vibrant. The buildings are all great and the concert stage is just perfection!


    For the contest it was in i wished the coaster had a bit more going on, though it is framed nicely in the center of the map with the buildings as a great backdrop and i recognize this is probably a bit more realistic, im personally just a sucker for very high ride interaction.


    Incredible map and my god am i scared to go against you in future DKMP contests!

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    Really love this, cool vibes and fun aesthetic. Babymetal is a +1 too. Coaster layout is very nice.

  • Lurker%s's Photo

    Big fan of the theme and atmosphere here, the lighting effect is an extra cool touch and I like how consistent it is through the whole park. And that stage scene is awesome, must have been painfully tedious to do but the animated peeps really added to it.

  • J K%s's Photo

    Yeah theme and atmosphere was killer. Palette itself is very strong and does a lot of the heavy-lifting to sell the theme. Architecture on the boardwalk was hawt! Kee'mon UK!

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    great to see another park from you! this one had loads of cool little moments like the circle pits. the "park" elements however felt a little underwhelming. i wasn't particularly enraptured by the flagship ride. i perhaps would have preferred more integration rather than the path you went with the more "six flags parking lot" style.


    extremely vibey, and i look forward to seeing more!

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    double post :(

  • Turtle%s's Photo

    super interesting map, a theme that isn't always my cup of tea but there is so much to look at and little details that i thought you really sold it. the ride itself is very nice but kinda "plopped" there, not a ton of interaction with the map itself. i guess that's kinda the theme though so can't judge it too harshly. great supports, and good work making a potentially very garish palette look cohesive and not too busy on the eyes. 

  • Hex%s's Photo

    I have the utmost respect for you for taking the time to make such a large peep scene with no custom objects.


    Love the vibe, love the colors, love the band(s).

  • Gustav Goblin%s's Photo

    Huge fan of how vibrant and unique this is. I've raved about the lighting effects everywhere but in this comments thread but they are done so well given the objects you had. Also a huge fan of the hotel in the corner. I can't imagine how tedious freezing all those peeps by the concert stage was.

  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Regardless of my score, congrats on the design. Unique aesthetic for sure, but once I got over the palette, the architecture felt pretty plain and simple and the coaster layout was a simple out and back. There's a lot of cool touches around the map, namely the concert, but given that this was a design submission, the coaster layout felt secondary to me. 

  • Mahdezalg%s's Photo

    Thanks for all the great feedback and I'm very happy to see it get the design! I understand the comments about the coaster, interaction is something I want to focus on more in the future. Glad you all enjoyed this one though :)

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    Hooo I loved this work, good imagination using several objects and combining them with others, I loved that. Electric CallBoy was nice. The revolving door in the building is really good. I liked the bow and arrow. :)

    I saw things in your park that will help me a lot :D - congratulations

  • 68.00%(required: 65%)  Design
    Percentage of vote: 68%
    Milo 75%
    SSSammy 75%
    Terry Inferno 75%
    bigshootergill 70%
    deanosrs 70%
    Mulpje 70%
    Turtle 70%
    Recurious 65%
    Scoop 65%
    chorkiel 60%
    RWE 60%
    ottersalad 55%
  • Description

    Welcome to Tekkno City, my winning entry for the DKMP Hyper Twister Coaster contest 2024.

    This map was heavily inspired by GTA Vice City, featuring a city beachfront with clubs, hotels and lots of neon lights. The lights here are a key feature of what I tried to experiment with, using various objects to simulate the different coloured lights casting onto the ground and walls and this can be seen throughout the map.

    The layout of the main coaster was based on Orion at Kings Island, and it as well as the other rides and some buildings are themed to or named after the music of Electric Callboy. There is also an EC show featuring custom music and a large peep scene made using the peep editor plugin.

    Please enjoy the lights and sounds of Tekkno City!

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