Park / Das Schloss Des Gehängten


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • TimmyTuner%s's Photo

    I adore the atmosphere here and the amount of detail and little scenes is awesome! Leaves me wishing for more honestly, great work!

  • Babar Tapie%s's Photo

    I've just realised that there was a glitch on the screen, normally the 2 towers on the side are made of "Building Block-Quarter-Brick", and not this graveyard block. I'd already had this visual bug during H2H


  • Therty%s's Photo

    This thing is quite the vibe and very nice to explore. Thanks for sharing, I quite like seeing your work Babar. I love a good half diagonal....

  • slimcrusty%s's Photo

    You have one of the best styles imo. Very inspirational and intimating at the same time, very powerful stuff.

  • In:Cities%s's Photo

    You just don't stop do you.


    Very much a fan of this dirty industrial Hogwarts vibe you've got going on. Your interiors are impeccable as always. There's so much movement on this map, it really works well to push this beyond a simple diorama. 

  • Turtle%s's Photo

    this is really great, love more stuff from you! gritty, super interesting... beautiful interiors on the backside. crazy angles on all the architecture, with really good results. i would have potentially liked the surroundings to have a little more contrast color-wise; when everything is that same kinda yellowy green, it kinda meshes into one mass. maybe that was the point though. possibly it's just a personal dislike of that color!

  • FredD%s's Photo

    Ha I wondered when we'd get new Babar stuff :)



    Crazy atmospheric, sucked in right immediately. I love everything on this map, from the great rockwork, the music, grim looking foliage and of course the interior which is just phenomenal!


    Never stop playing this game Babar, you are a wonderkid.

  • Lurker%s's Photo

    Packed full of lively and fun details as I'd expect from your style, was a lot of fun to look through. Nice atmosphere too.

  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Props to taking one of my least favorite colors (vomit yellow) and creating something quite beautiful with it.

    This is super atmospheric and I love how many of the little details tell a story, like the bones in the lake or the greenhouse leading to what appears to be a potions lab. I'm a huge fan of the interiors, especially the planetarium. Also, the small, minor details, such as water dripping from the rocks really make this place much easier to imagine and immerse oneself in.


    Also, props for not only creating such a detailed structure, but creating a detailed structure in mostly half-diagonal. That is very impressive.

  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Beautiful work, unfortunately I couldn't open the park (invalid data), but through the screen I can see the incredible details and colors. I loved the waterfall and the interior that you can see through the windows, it was charming. I loved the staircase on the right side and the corridor on the left side, it gave it a special touch and the fact that the castle is under the mountain/rocks was nice. The wheel/rope at the top was really cool.
    It is a shame I couldn't see behind it, but that is ok, np.
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    Beautiful work, unfortunately I couldn't open the park (invalid data), but through the screen I can see the incredible details and colors. I loved the waterfall and the interior that you can see through the windows, it was charming. I loved the staircase on the right side and the corridor on the left side, it gave it a special touch and the fact that the castle is under the mountain/rocks was nice. The wheel/rope at the top was really cool.
    It is a shame I couldn't see behind it, but that is ok, np.


    I managed to open the park, it was just a matter of updating it.
    haha it's wonderful, now I can see it, the elevator is great.
    I liked the open floors so we can see what's there, excellent details. I loved the chef, it was really good.
    The dragon coming out of the water is a great idea. I liked the pendulum clock. The cloud with the lightning coming out, the perforated pipe haha, I loved that. Congratulations, I loved the colors, everything, I really enjoyed it. :)