Park / Spore Spreader
02-February 25
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Recurious 75% SSSammy 75% Milo 70% posix 70% Mulpje 65% ottersalad 65% pants 65% RobDedede 65% CoasterCreator9 60% RWE 60% Scoop 60% Turtle 60% 65.50% -
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I'm going to start this review with the list of things I dont like:
The log flume right on the edge of the map, seemingly cutting off the mountain is a bit jarring compared to how nicely the rest of the map is integrated - I think the covering/tunnel looks really good, but it's location is a bit strange. /list
Now that that is out of the way, WHAT A VIBE. I love the meadow-y grass paths, the beautiful hillside / mountainside whimsy of this mushroom land is just a joy. The sus coaster layout is fun, really nice tunnels and the way it weaves through the landscape is great.
Obviously the giant mushrooms are very fun, and the spiral lift is a nice oddity that seems fitting for the park.
The Mine train shuttle adds to the whimsy and the 4 way intersection is pretty cool, though I think perhaps a splash of color could have helped - I feel a bit over saturated with the all red (white tracks or white wood slats might have looked nice?).
The macro is great here the foliage is wonderful and it all just works so well together.
Landscaping wise its beautiful, I wonder if you could have done a bit more to break up the vertical faces and the mountain land textures, but it's not a big detractor for me - this is good, clean rct fun. Nice release.
Totally lovely little design. I thought the layout was quite good, it certainly made a lot of itself by having a couple of nice little features added: the spiral lifthill, a helix over water, the interaction with the minetrain, hugging the main path a few times, and short but sweet indoor sections. I think you could see nicely how you deliberately worked out and designed these things, and they create great effect. I also love the attention and love given to all the other rides. Maybe the flume was a little less accessible in comparison, or maybe that was just me.
Also the macro challenge of composing the park onto a large elevation was successfully done. It's still a pretty difficult thing to do that can quickly feel like it goes against you as you build. I thought you handled it very well.
The only thing that held it back for me was that in some places it looked a bit basic. Some of the foliage was perhaps a bit too sparse sometimes, and aesthetically the naturalistic look came through completely and looked nice, but perhaps wasn't quite as impressive as I feel higher scores demand.
Such a good style, this uses and plays into the style of those mushroom objects so well. It captures a bit of that classic scenario charm and combines it with modern NCSO.
Love the grass paths and the landscaping, main coaster has nice interaction and the mine train is wild and fun to watch.
This is some of my favorite work from you. Such a great vibe throughout the whole map. Colors are pleasant, and the foliage is uniquely done. Huge fan of the grass paths combined with wooden bridges. The suspended layout is flowing and beautiful, but I think i'm even more of a fan of the mine train. The crossroad intersection is just so cool. Always a huge fan of how you integrate your rides with one another, and the log flume weaving about really helps set the tone. This feels like such a stream of consciousness type build, but with the AJ aesthetic that we all love. Beautiful work as always
Lovely map that highlights your strengths: landscaping and foliaging. These were absolute great here, loved the grassy meadows.
Spore spreader has a good and fun looking layout. The mine train was a clever idea but lay-out wise it didn't really convince me. I did like the log flume so close to the edge, showing the tunnel was a fun idea.
The highlights were the ride design, both the swinger and the switchback ride. In fact, I found myself watching the switchback ride even more than the swinger! The landscaping was cool, especially the main grassy valley where you've forgone traditional paths, which gave everything a cool look. In terms of architecture and general forms, including the mountains, it was more basic, which isn't bad per se (it's a specific style), but it might not have me coming back over and over again. Solid work for sure, and happy to see more content from you.
I agree with RobDedede in that while Spore Spreader is a good coaster, I found Mycelia Mine Train to be a lot more interesting because of the switchbacks. Both had excellent interactions though.
As far as the scenery goes, the composition of this park is great at the front, though the back needs work. The foliage and its distribution, however, is very deliberate and near-perfect, it'd be harder to find a park with better underbrush than this. Overall this is some beautiful NCSO and I hope to see it get design (if eligible).
full of lovely AJisms despite the different approach from your more well known style. i wouldnt mind more simplistic takes like this from you! i think you have an eye for it
haha I loved the whirlwind, very cool. The foliage looks nice in my opinion well distributed. I super loved the ghost house, you adapted it, it looks brilliant. The Spore Spreader tower looks nice. Congratulations on the design, I enjoyed it.
So Cute, So SPORadic (not really, I just wanted to use a pun.) So Macro.
Love the interaction of the two main coasters. Always love a good wacky switch track ride. The colors were also really great here. I do wish that the mushrooms weren't as boxy and flat as they are here. I'm not sure what you would've used given the object limitations, but giving them more of a dome would have elevated those set pieces a bit more.