Park / South Pole Reindeer
24-December 24
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In Darkest Antarctica, researchers are hard at work investigating the mystery of the South Pole Reindeer.
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Door 21
Frost Village
We remain on the old-school path we have entered yesterday as we enter a small village with an even smaller coaster. As our little Advent Calendar draws towards its grand finale, let's take an opportunity to look at this LL creation and take a last short rest before the final sprint is upon us.
Door 22
Gorgeous Gorge
As we head towards the finish line we open Door #22 and try our best to heal some traume. I know that all our American users have spent the last couple of weeks exclusively crying over the closure of Kingda Ka. At least, that is what I imagined. This entry will heal all the hurts as it presents an epic Stratas coaster but in a somewhat more interesting location than a field in New Jersey. Experience the thrills and amusements of this truly gorgeous gorge.
Door 23
Navigator @ Ports of Call
Christmas is almost upon us, but before we open gifts and argue with our relatives, we get to see what lurks behind door #23. As we had a fairly big and nature-base entry yesterday it makes only sense to go in the opposite direction. This little scene might be small but is also highly detailed and was built with great care and effort. It depicts a beautiful scene of a waveswinger and some nice buildings at sunset. Make sure to check out the penultimate entry of the 2024 Advent Calendar!
Door 24
Cone + South Pole Reindeer
It is done! 23 days and 23 lovely entries lay behind us! At this point I want to thank everyone who contributed to this event. No matter if you submitted an entry or just commented as it was going on, we all managed to create something special this Christmas.
Sadly, all good things come to an end but I hope I chose the right park to end it on. We had micros, macros, potential designs and small dioramas. However, we will end the event with a very classical design that, as I hope, managed best to capture the spirit of this event while still being wintery enough to fit on Christmas Eve.
As a bonus we have a last minute LL submission. South Pole Reindeer features some pandas on ice. What's not to love?
I will be back tomorrow at the usual time to post the official overview of parks and makers, so get your GTB guesses in before then!
NE Advent Calendar 2024 official Wrap-Up
It has been 24 great days and it's time to put a bow on our little event. We have gotten 25 entries by 21 contributors. Special thanks to Gustav and Lurker who have both built more than one entry. I hope everyone enjoyed it and I am definitely looking forward to running this event again next year!
@Scoop: Warden was awesome. Very good ride design and layout, nice exposure to the ride overall in how you did the terraforming, and the general integration with the park. Nice theming too, albeit aesthetically a little weak for me. Perhaps a few supplementary rides other than the coaster wouldn't have hurt either.
Sam I love The Big Little so much. You used all of the new tools at our disposal so well to literally paint a world on what seems to be the first 999x999 release here on NE. It truly looks like a painting from afar. What a joy to see and to watch your youtube videos on building this one.
I had two days haha. I would've if I had more time though!
Some great maps here. Now that I've had time to poke around all of them, some general thoughts:
- Lonely Signalman is a lovely melancholy vibe
- LEGO Hogwarts is ridiculous-- such creativity in object making
- The Dragon made me nostalgic for that ride and sad since it's now closed. Even though the real thing was not great. Excellent recreation!
- White Christmas does so much with just the architecture. Music and the cutaway really added to the storytelling.
- Warden has a great layout! Fun to wastch.
- Book Nook is so incredibly atmospheric.
- The Lighthouse is probably the closest I feel like we've gotten to a proper horror map in RCT. Genuinely unsettling and I loved it.
- Drachen Fire for Christmas is a fun overlay. Love seeing holiday themes overlaid onto maps.
- Navigator is an incredible atmosphere and a lovely use of objects on the swing.
Really nice work to everyone! I very much enjoyed my travels through these maps. Good work everyone!
great job to everyone who submitted and thanks v1 and the admin team for organizing such a fun event
I understand, but I'm viewing your park in light of a panel vote of course.
Shockingly I am not looking forward to re-yapping so I'll do some micro reviews for some micro parks.
Palace of Minos: LL never gets old. I almost wish there were more moments where the maze peeks out from the temple.
The Big Little: Such a funny concept but also so groundbreaking and historic, Beautiful landscaping, archi, and verticality in the micro area, some banger coaster layouts in the bigger theme park, and a lot of fun areas to explore.
A Merry Christmech Story: What a cool take on a traditional scene. Love seeing you keep at it with CSO after your amazing work in H2HX. The magnet picking up the train is such a cool touch.
Bru Galleria 2: Hard to top the original but this is still a great self-contained scene for the holidays. I almost wish you gave each store a proper interior instead of Julowing it but it's not a tryhard sweaty contest and time is a thing so I'll give you that. Btw PLEASE upload Bru Galleria here I know you're not a NE guy but it's some of the best DKMP work ever made.
Wicked Blizzard: LL archi with just the right amount of CSO on top is so much more satisfying than it needs to be. Great atmosphere and Wicked Blizzard is a great showcase for the new B&M elements despite only being partial. You should really do more LL Steve! Being able to create big beige walls just by raising land should have sealed the deal decades ago.
Op Art Residence: My perfect GTB streak shattered by the Ge-Ride bluff! This is probably my favorite attempt at the quad painting movement so far. I love how it does enough to look like the interior of a hotel or apartment while still maintaining a simple and abstract look. It also looks like a quilt or a tile pattern from far away. Observation tower gave it some nice movement too, and I almost wish the windows for it were bigger to break up those big orange spaces.
Christmas Dreams: Love the use of the glass squares for paths and how the presents are made.
The New Millennium Club: My first genuine "hell yeah" moment of the contest. I'm such a big fan of the way you find a crazy aesthetic and go all in on it. Y2K and Frutiger Aero especially hit home with me as I grew up alongside translucent iMacs and text with way too much embossing. The New Millennium Force is surprisingly easy to follow despite the chaos around it and the number of supporting rides is staggering for a micro.
The Lonely Signalman: A quiet and plaintive take on the season, almost like a European Norman Rockwell scene. Love the contrast of warm yellow windows on dull white snow. Using Sandcrawlers for the snowplows was really smart and I imagine the second backwards engine is something they do in real life. Landscaping and archi do just enough to sell the scene, but I almost wish you could find the signalman somewhere!
Lego Hogwarts Castle: Congrats on finishing your Lego set dad! But seriously, it's been so cool seeing what you've been doing with object creation considering how often you focus on pushing the envelope. I almost wish the pieces were 1/4 tile instead of full-tile though; I'd imagine they'd be a little easier to use in other settings that way.
The Dragon at Ocean Park: A quintessential Alex build that does everything it needs to; nothing more, nothing less. I actually wasn't aware this was a recreation until earlier today! From what I can gather it's pretty bang on.
Santa's Workshop 2135: One detail I really like about this build is the dedication to peep perspective. They're not going to see the gritty underbelly of Santa's Workshop, just the inviting entrance and the big smokestacks in the distance. Good to see you trying out crunch as well! I like how the grass trims create leading lines to where the trucks have been.
Advent Railway: Wouldn't be Christmas without a train going in a circle. I like how you've forewent the typical Christmas tree approach in favor of a more decorated model railway complete with control table.
Irving Berlin's White Christmas: Parker you big ol' sweat this is incredible. Landscaping looks so natural with the curvy frozen river and the snowdrifts. I can see myself getting a lot of use out of that pile of stuff object you made. Beat me to interiors too, albeit yours are way way better. The rafters?! I thought this was Otter before finding your custom objects which is a really good sign for you. Keep building!
Warden: Hot layout Scoopy! Insane you built this in two days. I like the restricted color palette with the grays and deep greens and the light blue lines in the path breaking it up. So mystical. The path feature with the immelmann is so cool too, as is that crazy custom sign on the rock.
Drachen Fire For Christmas: Looking at this the first time made me realize I hadn't reviewed the original Drachen Fire, which as I can tell is a rock solid recreation with your signature blend of clean macro and very subtle details. You're one of the players I'm really looking towards as I try to focus more on the former myself. Layout looks a lot like the real thing if not a pinch dark. The holiday overlay gives it a lot of added zing and pop with the flashing lights and the way you've blended the snow into the paths is very convincing. Ethan Flat Roof Crunch is the real MVP.
The Book Nook: What a cozy and British scene. Archi is beautiful and very diverse. Having every store themed to a different author is a really nice touch. The little cutaways are nice, but the angle where the compass faces left needed them the most. Kind of an awkward angle with a lot of blank walls otherwise.
Dinky Castle: Shocked at how much detail made it in after watching you frantically speedrunning this on stream. Everywhere from the ground to the top floor feels very lived in, even if there's some obvious SM here and there. The peep scenes and hanging rides on the higher levels of the castle steal the show for me, as does that great rainbow sign. It was also a nice surprise hearing My Castle Town show up in another park after using it in Endswell two and a half years ago. Funny enough there's a lot here that I wish I was able to channel in that park.
The Lighthouse: From what little I know about this movie, I think you nailed it. Make that OpenRCT2 window almost square to really hammer it in. Landscaping and archi are really nice, but considering this is inspired by a movie I would've liked to see more interactivity. Frozen staff scenes and clickable details from the film could have put this over the top. I thought this was RWE's entry for a good while which I'd say is a testament to your growth as you continue to experiment.
The Lily Temple: My sleeper top 3 entry. I LOVE this. Even outside of its symmetrical shape it's a very balanced park. I love the juxtaposition of clean LL influence versus granular NCSO detail and cluttered, peep-heavy areas versus open space. You don't casually stumble upon a 4x5 area of mostly open grass in the middle of a micro unless it's unfinished and I think it works so well here. I also love how the rides are nestled into the maze and how the aqueduct splits the park and the temple in half. Such a nice scene.
Frost Village: He won't do it a third time! So nice seeing another LL entry, and this one almost feels like a wintry Glassware Glen. I love the balcony on the far edge of the map; its position really gives it the impression that the peeps are getting a nice panoramic view.
Gorgeous Gorge: It put a big dumb grin on my face realizing this is inspired by Colorado's Royal Gorge, a place I've personally been. I love the archi which blends modernistic with clear Western and Mexican influence. The supporting rides are very nice, but the monorail and the chairlift tucked into the coaster's supports steal the show for me. And then there's YEET, which would ascend from zoomer slang to a thoosie rallying call if it really were the last remaining stratacoaster. Honestly its implausibility is what makes it so cool and notable in my eyes. I also love the classic Tolsimir trick where you used half of the steep-to-flat pieces to make the airtime hill look a little more natural.
Cone: This almost feels like an evolution of that one holiday village scene you did for that one building challenge. Don't ask me how I remember that. I love how the verticality increases from the front of the one good angle to the back. Archi is very colorful and detailed and I love the merry-go-round using the half diagonal pieces.
Favorite doors are The New Millenium Club, Irving Berlin's White Christmas, and The Lily Temple in no particular order. BTS for Navigator and South Pole Reindeer coming very soon or else I will completely forget how they were made.
Navigator @ Ports of Call:
My Advent Calendar entry started out as a micro design depicting a fantastical take on a classic Disney what-could-have-been. I had a good head of steam for the first week or so before fizzling out, but when I came back to finish it I realized I kinda hated working on this thing! RCT is frustrating when your one goal is Be Leon, even if it's six letters long. I made a gutsy move to scrap it and speed-build a backup design, but even though I tried enough ideas to count on two hands none of them worked. Everyone around me was begging me to scrap the coaster and just do a diorama, so I pivoted to an aesthetic I had wanted to try for a good while and began Navigator!
Navigator was supposed to be a two-day speedbuild, but finding out I'd be going after December 15th inspired me to take my first serious shot at detailed architecture and realism. Bad move considering I was busy with other time-sensitive priorities though. It was going to be a normal daytime build, but I eventually got the idea to tie in a sunset theme and some dialogue that didn't make it into the map but you can read in the park's description. I ended up needing an extra day to finish a facade which V1 graciously let me take. I feel like it's a little disproportionate and the wave swinger is way too big compared to the buildings around it, but I'm proud of it overall.
Ports of Call is essentially Gustav Goblin's DisneySea, but there's quite a bit of Magic Kingdom and IoA in there and a lot of the archi was inspired by what used to be Bollywood Parks Dubai. It's also a near direct trace of this AI-generated Venetian Magic Kingdom Josh did a while ago. I've been considering turning this into a full-size park and the recent Solo Surgery was a huge motivator. I'd probably end up doing most of it from scratch save Navigator as I'm not happy with how small everything else is.
Since I'm pretty new to realism, I looked at a ton of other parks by a laundry list of builders. Shoutout to these guys for helping me embrace gray and grunge.
- Pants
- Leon
- Andrew
- RaunchyRussell
- Ottersalad
- Jene
- MrBrightside
- ACEfanatic02
- Babar Tapie
- And many others I've probably forgotten by now.
Check out those peep scenes! I got my feet wet with the new peep editor and made a scene for every player who signed up or entered! I wish I knew how to make frozen staff look like peeps like Bru did, but you can find all of them at the top of the peep list or in the staff menu.
I'm kinda flabberghasted at the reception on this one. Not gonna get too into the melodrama for an advent calendar build, but just find my frozen peep and that's all you need to know. I had a lot of doubt over whether I was making something actually good or just abusing detail while not knowing how buildings worked. To see you all guessing Ethan and architecture major AVC instantly squashed that. I really don't want to be that kind of player that only does it for the external validation, but at the very least it makes me very confident in expanding this park. Very excited to give it a shot this year!
South Pole Reindeer:
I got the idea for South Pole Reindeer about halfway through Navigator and was mad for not doing that instead. Then I realized, what was stopping me from doing two entries? Lurker did three after all. I decided to base it on an Antarctic research center and quickly realized it would look really good in LL trackitecture. I then challenged myself to do a NSO build, and the only scenery on the map is the paths that hold the staff members in place.
I squeaked it out in three sessions; the evening after submitting Navigator where I prototyped the layout, the evening before it was due where I finalized the layout and did almost everything but staff and a few buildings, and the morning after where I finished it off. Good thing it was due earlier than I expected, as that night my desktop decided to pull a K0NG and nuke my hard drive out of nowhere. I'd post progress screens for each day if my computer would even let me.
Huge props to V1 for organizing an event like this at the drop of a hat and getting enough community interest to fill every door plus one. This has been one of my favorite NE events in a while. It's nice to not be at each other's throats and instead come together to make twenty-five new maps that all get their time in the spotlight. You already know what's up next time December rolls around.
I just voted on Warden, and I really liked it. The best part was certainly the layout, which was quite flowy and seemed to last longer than I was expecting for such a tight footprint. The coolest part of the park was the crossover bridge with the curved stairs, and just overall this park was quite inspiring to me. It felt really accessible and makes me want to pick up the game and play again. I'm sadly probably too busy, but it was a really nice viewing experience.
Door 1 - Good job on the detailing of a palace that could fall flat with te similar textures. Really enjoyed this!
Door 2 - First of all it was hilarious. Really enjoyed the search for the dinosaurs as well. Was at home with a fever and that made my day. The park wasn't al that and the map could have done without, if it were the same quality as the Island that would have elevated the map. Now I feel like it brought it down a bit.
Door 3 - Such a cool mech! The hanging train was a cool detail. You're such an exciting builder right now.
Door 4 - Really gave that macy's vibe and I didn't even notice it was NCSO at first, so well done on both aspects!
Door 5 - Wicked good, immediately makes you envision the whole coaster. It's cool that you're able to do that with only a slice of a mpa. Also eally dig this LL in RCT2 vibe. Would love to see more of that.
Door 6 - I'm not sure I get it, but looks pretty cool.
Door 7 - A bit random but it all comes together pretty nicely.
Door 8 - I immediately dug this. It's like Christmas from the future. Coaster is dope.
Door 9 - Nice scene with great storytelling. Hope these folks had a nice Christmas.
Door 10 - So nice of you to gift NE a lego set for Christmas. Great use of these pieces as well
Door 11 - Very modern era Alex. Always nice! Could go for design but maybe a bit small/empty.
Door 12 - I liked this idea a lot! Good crunch too.
Door 13 - Very cute! Gave a nice Christmas town vibe. The control panel worked well.
Door 14 - Opening shot of a movie. You know immediately there's gonna be a jolly Christmas here. And then you also built it!
Door 15 - Solid design! Both the map layout and coaster were really nice. It's a bit empty but given that you built this in three days I wouldn't say that's bad. The viewing platform through the loop looks very good and would be so cool irl.
Door 16 - Clever entry! Nice overlay.
Door 17 - This was one of my favorites. Architecture is just great and the whole scene just feels very lived in with all the details. Those cutaways were a nice addition to make those backsides work
Door 18 - Clever idea! Would've killed in Micro Madness.
Door 19 - Made me laugh out loud when you posted this. Completely captured the vibe of the movie, which I didn't really expect to see in RCT.
Door 20 - So atmospheric! Mentally I was immediately there. All the colors come together so well.
Door 21 - Nice addition to your entries. Just that classic fun lurker style.
Door 22 - Cool setting for this coaster! Would be so cool to ride. Really enjoyed the landscaping and how you added the mingolf in there.
Door 23 - With less peeps it would immediately give that end of day walking to the exit of a theme park vibe. Still very vibey, reminded me a lot of AVC.
Door 24 - Clever map shape and also a nice Christmas town kind of vibe.
Door 24 bonus - concept was bit lost on me but the layout and logo were quite nice
Why is Warden's topic linked to the NE advent topic? As I only wanted to react on Warden, here goes:
Great job Scoop! I especially like the mossy atmosphere the design has. The foliage combined with the grey Fisch rocks give it a great vibe. The coaster itself also flows nicely through the landscape and the bright train colors really make it pop. Also really like how the queue line is meandering underneath the coaster layout and all the sightlines it provides for all the peeps waiting.
The Big Little
This is obviously impressive in a way, and more fun to explore than I thought. Even after having inspected the overview earlier, now in game I came across some surprises. Some things made me laugh, such as the Thot sign or the Marriott hotel. The initial micro island is pretty cute, and I liked the vibe you achieved with minimal effort in the larger theme park.
However, is it accolade worthy? What does it offer beyond the map size gimmick? The actual parkmaking quality (not quantity) is not very high and below your usual skill level. The landscape itself is largely computer generated. The more scenery manager heavy stuff I did a few years ago with Six Flags Challenge Woods and that didn't win either. The things you spent more effort on, are incoherent (the realistic-ish town and park environment in combination with that random island... It's a collection of conceptually random stuff).
So again, I like the map a lot and I very much appreciate the fact that you made and shared this, but I don't think it's a good product nor accolade worthy. Nonetheless, congratulations on another bronze!
Because it's an advent calendar release.
Re Big Little, seeing as I voted similarly to Liam, I agree with him entirely. I like this map, it was a fun little showcase what the worldpainter plugin can do, but I didn't agree with this initially being submitted competitively because I saw the actual creation as the bit that was added for the calendar, and it's too small to be eligible for competitive submission. I had suggested to the team to cut that out for the aerial of the map, but when confirming with Sammy he mentioned he wanted to submit competitively, meaning the whole map would have to count. That's fair and possible of course, and I decided to respect his will.
But the contribution of RCT here is small and extremely basic. If you don't use size, size doesn't really matter, and indeed becomes a technical gimmick. A very welcome one, and I'm proud of the Open devs to have made that possible. But this was not an application of size, it was a test run with a plugin. And while we shouldn't factor the amount of effort into it, and instead focus only on the resulting quality at hand, I felt you could see clearly that the rock formations were automatically generated and lacked human touch, and the creative intent was therefore very paralysed.
That's mainly where my low vote stems from.
I'm very much hoping for RCTNW's Aries, which, although still a re-hash of old releases, will still render a first and actual application of creative intent onto a large map size, only possible _due_ to the large map size.