Park / Baymax Healthcare City


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • J K%s's Photo

    First release from Immortal Cactus and Supranormaal on NE! Welcome guys, what a release to kick off your NE journey. More feedback to come but can't wait to dig into this.

  • Therty%s's Photo
    This is super fun, congrats on the release from a good crew!
  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Congrats on the first release, Immortal Cactus and Supranormaal. Nice little entry here.. best rendition of San Fransokyo we've seen in RCT.. is quite a step up compared to what we saw from the Rat Pack in H2H7 (but this is also almost a decade newer!)


    Solid layout, solid detailing, solid textures. Love the indoor cutouts of various buildings - adds a lot more character and detail to the small map. One thing that was sorely missing was music!


    Great work squad

  • TimmyTuner%s's Photo

    So much fun to explore this plot and all the details that you all managed to fit into such a tight space!

  • J K%s's Photo

    Ok this was sick, weirdly elements of screameasy and Meccha here with the bot arena in the back and that sick bridge, I sense that was Bux's influence.


    So much energy and movement. Sometimes I felt the buildings (which were great) were so close together it became a texture soup, a little bit more space and things to break up some of the more intense textures, would've been great but I understand the size of the map was already set.


    Great work on the San-Fran slopes with the cars on them, on the face of it, super simple but technically proficient to execute in that way.


    Coaster was great as expected with someone like Scoop on the map (was it Scoop?) and I really got the Baymax theme. I'll be dumping a few sections that I love on Discord.

  • 94SupremePosse%s's Photo

    I was meaning to comment on this sooner so I hope some of you guys are still checking in on this post. This would be awesome to see on a larger scale, even something as small as say a 50x50 would do this wonders. Given the space limitations I think this was one of the best coaster layouts of the round, still jealous you guys pulled a B&M out of the hat haha. The large writing and trees in the sky were annoying for the rest of us to build with, but they do make for a neat added bit of context in a screenshot. Favorite bits were the archi in the middle with the sloped road and cars out front, as well as the drop tower with the active floor hack. There were a few sections that left me scratching my head, such as the half dome thing with the spinny ride on top in the frontmost corner, but I've also never seen Big Hero 6 so that may have provided extra context.


    Lots of cool things to see and a solid layout were the reasons this was ultimately the round winner.

  • Lurker%s's Photo

    A great urban build on an MP server in a small space, makes the 30x30 look way larger than it is. Quite a lot to explore, tons of action and some nice scenes. Also, really like how the sloped street was done. 

  • Description

    This is Baymax Healtcare City, a reinvention of the city of San Fransokyo from the Big Hero 6 movie.

    Here, we took heavy inspiration from the movie itself, including the iconic bridge and the university building. You can also find a few references from the movie, including a scene with Yokai.

    We also went through countless references of both San Fransisco and Tokyo, blending them together to obtain the architecture you see throughout the plot.

    Contest background:

    This plot was submitted for the DKMP Multiplayer round 70. Each team was given a 30x30 plot to complete within a month. Teams consisted of four people led by the captain.This team was 'Pesto Penguins', led by Monsterbux.

    The Pesto Penguins were given the assignments of:

    Mixing two themes: 'Asian' and 'Any movie'

    Adding a Twister / Floorless Coaster

    A secret assignment (Unknown by other teams) to build the ride with the biggest drop height on the map. We completed this with Superhero Landing created by Immortal_Cactus.

    The surrounding path was part of the multiplayer server. We were not allowed to build on the outside tile of the plot (the brown path tiles) other than walls and signs, though we added a few things for the NE version to make it look nicer.

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