Park / Nigloland Revisited


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • G Force%s's Photo
    Not personally super familiar with Nigloland, but it definitely feel like a very believable recreation. The scaling is very real and believable for a real park, so that is a big positive. Detail level could have been a little higher I think but overall this is a solid submission, thanks for sharing!
  • Lurker%s's Photo

    Had to look online to get an idea of the park, but this seems pretty accurate overall. Some nice building facades, foliage is a bit spammy/repeating in some areas but overall pleasant and seems to capture the woodland feel of the park well.  It could use more detail overall (Like around the dark ride, one of the highlights for me) but it's got some nice moments. 

  • Babar Tapie%s's Photo

    I've never been to Nigloland but I've seen a lot of coverage of the Gelis brothers. So this is one of the first times I've been able to recognise the attractions, and it's really cool to see them transposed into rct2. It's a very cool park to discover, with a slightly retro style that's pleasant and coherent. I see you've even included their latest water coaster, that's great !! 


    If you want to improve a bit, I'd advise you to go into a bit more detail and choose more objects, but I have to say it's really great to see a recreation of Nigloland on Rct2, well done!

  • RobDedede%s's Photo

    A really solid park here. Sure, it's not the most detailed thing in the world, but it doesn't have to be. The entrance area and initial path was a highlight for me. It demonstrated some very charming landscaping and atmosphere.

  • posix%s's Photo

    Sweet and charming park. In places just a bit too bare which made it feel undercooked. Your strength lies more in the gentler and tracked rides. Was nice to see as typically people concentrate on big coasters.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I apologise for my extremely slow response to this park, been in touch with you months ago but it's just H2H, work and traveling that took over my life. I did check it out a few times, and I just give it a final proper look before casting my accolade vote.


    On the one hand, I think you did a pretty good job here, and completing a map this big is an impressive feat! I have fond memories of Nigloland and I can recognise many things in your map, even small moments like specific pieces of path or elements of a building. At the same time, I think you made a fundamental mistake with the planning here. I feel like the entire map is at least twice as big as it needed to be, and as a result everything is way too spaced out and feels more empty than the real park. Noisette Express is a small coaster, but I could build a B&M in the same space the way you set it up :lol: But again, I think you did pay attention to details and I can imagine that people who haven't been to Nigloland won't recognize the accuracy here, simply because of all the extra empty space you ended up with.


    Stylistically I think the park is also a bit inconsistent. Some parts have that nice Crousibapt charm, other parts really are too unrefined/rushed looking. And the foliage is too muddy for me. I remember Nigloland being very nicely landscaped, but I don't see much of that here.


    All in all: very good recreation with stretch marks. I've thought about doing Nigloland in RCT, but I'm stuck in daydreaming while you actually did it. You deserve credit for that! And I'm glad that it has been rewarded with a bronze accolade :)

  • Croustibapt%s's Photo

    Oh wow, my very first accolade in… what, 15 years?!

    To be honest I wasn’t expecting that. Even though my RCT skills improved while building this park, I noticed that the general New Element level went to new heights with OpenRCT2 and all the plugins during the last 5 years or so. So, it’s a nice surprise and I’m really glad you enjoyed this map!


    Thank you all for your nice comments. I do agree that it’s not the most detailed map ever (that’s an understatement lol), so I do hope I’ll find time to work on this particular « issue » at some point. I’m quite happy with how my parkmaking evolved during the last few months, but it still has room for improvement of course. :-)


    @Liampie: Yeah in retrospect, I also think this map is way too big compared to the real life park. As I previously stated, I’m also quite bad at foliage and I find that making a forest-like / muddy landscaping is easier for now. I’d love to master the art of neat landscaping / foliage « à la disney ». Someday, hopefully.

    I’d love to see your take on Nigloland though!