Park / The Sailor
02-June 24
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chorkiel 85% Babar Tapie 80% Cocoa 80% G Force 80% Mulpje 80% ottersalad 80% RWE 80% bigshootergill 75% Camcorder22 75% pants 75% Scoop 75% Terry Inferno 75% 78.00% -
A young sailor goes on an odyssean pubcrawl before leaving for war
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Did I come off too negatively? Quite liked the park actually haha
No you didn't just messing with you haha. Always appreciate your thoughtful reviews!
Yucca Desert Park
Really cool vibes here, even before the space ships arrive. I think the music and colors really set a great tone for viewing the park. The ground textures are excellent throughout and this feels like a proper roadside attraction. Perhaps the coaster is a bit too high budget for a place like this, but I do appreciate the coaster a lot. Simple layout, but really good interaction with the landscape. Albeit, a bit sectioned off from the rest of the park. The roof being interacted with by the flying saucer was a neat touch. All the custom vehicles/busses/train cars were all wonderful.
The Sailor
This is perhaps a hot take, but this feels like La Reve, but better? Newer? Modernized? There's so many creative flourishes where realism transitions into fantasy. Bright colors bleed over grounded buildings and structures. There is so much detail to explore here, little scenes to explore, and a narrative that wants to be told. But that's where this park falls a bit flat for me. Is this the story of one sailor drunkenly going through town and having the time of his life before going off to war? Or is this a lot of sailors having a bender? I'm sure it's up to us as the viewer to decide and you aren't holding our hands narratively. Some highlights for me was how well the waterfalls were framed and the blue/green archy near Ahab's Fish Fingers. Lowlights would probably include the wave swinger platform being a circle of wooden coaster track and the usage of RMC track on a wooden coaster for a few turns. They don't transition well at all!
I wasn't able to vote on these park because I was out of town for work at the time, and I probably would've gone with The Sailor. Really beautiful, full of life and detail. And that's not to discredit Yucca whatsoever. That park achieved exactly what it was set out to do. Strong landscape with a believable and highly detailed attraction/park.
The Sailor
It took me some time to figure out what was going on here and I'm still not sure that I completely got it, but I have to say that it is an incredibly creative idea! So it seems focused on the story of a sailor going on a bar trip, having different adventures, falling asleep and dreaming, getting a hangover and then going back to his ship to go on open sea? At least that's my take.
Love all the depictions of the different pieces of the narrative here and that ship is immaculate. My main criticism is that it is too dense and packed in some places, making it difficult to read sadly.
Yucca Desert Park
This park gets weirder and weirder by the minute. Loving the overall vibe and the addition of the space ships is really funny. At first glance it seems to be quite empty but on closer inspection there's actually quite a lot to see here in different scenes and especially staff. My main complaint, and that's perhaps a strange one, is that once the UFOs arrive, some parts seem to be difficult to see due to them dangling in the way. Also, it takes a massive blow on my FPS.
The Sailor:
Yucca Desert Park:
I voted for Yucca though The Sailor has definitely grown on me. Not my style by any means, but I love the atmosphere and the overall presentation of the map.
Just wanted to say, after seeing The Sailor again, I feel more and more rejuvenated with building than ever before. This is quickly becoming a personal favorite park of mine, and something I'll be revisiting for sheer enjoyment alone. It's wildly imaginative and doesn't feel surgical. I think it's so refreshing to see stuff like this.
Hoob is awesome, he's had a great H2H.
If Hoobaroo has a million fans, I am one of them. If Hoobaroo has five fans, I am one of them. If Hoobaroo has one fan, that one is me. If Hoobaroo has no fans, then I am no longer alive.
I can only concur with Bluetiful, sometimes i see comments get thrown around in the vein of "i dont realy understand the concept, or why did you do x thing".
And i totally had that feeling occasionally when viewing The Sailor... but in the best possible way. The Sailor is one of the few parks i showed to non-rct fanatics, just to highlight that there is more to (open)rct than building amusement parks. The sailor staring off into the distance at the end of the pier, the lone butterfly hovering nearby, and the entire scene at the top of the mountain with the sailors in the graveyard and church just had me captivated for no reason i can explain. Naturally, the visualisation of the barcrawl and the wacky stuff going on in the town was extremely fun to discover, but its those two scenes that just leave me wondering what hoob was realy thinking about. (again, in a good way)
While im commenting on the matchup, I dont want to discredit Yucca, it was well executed, came with a clear concept and a great highlight of some new functionality in Openrct2, but it failed to captivate me as much as The Sailor did, even though the latter had some technical shortcomings.
first they came for hoobaroo, and I did not stand up for I was not a hoobaroo